package codechicken.lib.render; import; import; import codechicken.lib.render.uv.UV; import codechicken.lib.render.uv.UVTransformation; import codechicken.lib.render.uv.UVTranslation; import codechicken.lib.util.Copyable; import codechicken.lib.vec.*; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static codechicken.lib.vec.Rotation.sideRotations; public class CCModel implements CCRenderState.IVertexSource, Copyable<CCModel> { private static class PositionNormalEntry { public Vector3 pos; public LinkedList<Vector3> normals = new LinkedList<Vector3>(); public PositionNormalEntry(Vector3 position) { pos = position; } public boolean positionEqual(Vector3 v) { return pos.x == v.x && pos.y == v.y && pos.z == v.z; } public PositionNormalEntry addNormal(Vector3 normal) { normals.add(normal); return this; } } public final int vertexMode; public final int vp; public Vertex5[] verts; public ArrayList<Object> attributes = new ArrayList<Object>(); protected CCModel(int vertexMode) { if (vertexMode != 7 && vertexMode != 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Models must be GL_QUADS or GL_TRIANGLES"); } this.vertexMode = vertexMode; vp = vertexMode == 7 ? 4 : 3; } public Vector3[] normals() { return getAttributes(CCRenderState.normalAttrib); } @Override public Vertex5[] getVertices() { return verts; } @Override public <T> T getAttributes(CCRenderState.VertexAttribute<T> attr) { if (attr.attributeIndex < attributes.size()) { return (T) attributes.get(attr.attributeIndex); } return null; } @Override public boolean hasAttribute(CCRenderState.VertexAttribute<?> attrib) { return attrib.attributeIndex < attributes.size() && attributes.get(attrib.attributeIndex) != null; } @Override public void prepareVertex() { } public <T> T getOrAllocate(CCRenderState.VertexAttribute<T> attrib) { T array = getAttributes(attrib); if (array == null) { while (attributes.size() <= attrib.attributeIndex) { attributes.add(null); } attributes.set(attrib.attributeIndex, array = attrib.newArray(verts.length)); } return array; } /** * Each pixel corresponds to one unit of position when generating the model * * @param i Vertex index to start generating at * @param x1 The minX bound of the box * @param y1 The minY bound of the box * @param z1 The minZ bound of the box * @param w The width of the box * @param h The height of the box * @param d The depth of the box * @param tx The distance of the top left corner of the texture map from the left in pixels * @param ty The distance of the top left corner of the texture map from the top in pixels * @param tw The width of the texture in pixels * @param th The height of the texture in pixels * @param f The scale of the model, pixels per block, normally 16 * @return The generated model */ public CCModel generateBox(int i, double x1, double y1, double z1, double w, double h, double d, double tx, double ty, double tw, double th, double f) { double u1, v1, u2, v2; double x2 = x1 + w; double y2 = y1 + h; double z2 = z1 + d; x1 /= f; x2 /= f; y1 /= f; y2 /= f; z1 /= f; z2 /= f; //bottom face u1 = (tx + d + w) / tw; v1 = (ty + d) / th; u2 = (tx + d * 2 + w) / tw; v2 = ty / th; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z2, u1, v2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z1, u1, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z1, u2, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z2, u2, v2); //top face u1 = (tx + d) / tw; v1 = (ty + d) / th; u2 = (tx + d + w) / tw; v2 = ty / th; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z2, u2, v2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z1, u2, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z1, u1, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z2, u1, v2); //front face u1 = (tx + d + w) / tw; v1 = (ty + d) / th; u2 = (tx + d) / tw; v2 = (ty + d + h) / th; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z1, u2, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z1, u1, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z1, u1, v2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z1, u2, v2); //back face u1 = (tx + d * 2 + w * 2) / tw; v1 = (ty + d) / th; u2 = (tx + d * 2 + w) / tw; v2 = (ty + d + h) / th; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z2, u1, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z2, u1, v2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z2, u2, v2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z2, u2, v1); //left face u1 = (tx + d) / tw; v1 = (ty + d) / th; u2 = (tx) / tw; v2 = (ty + d + h) / th; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z2, u2, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z1, u1, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z1, u1, v2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z2, u2, v2); //right face u1 = (tx + d * 2 + w) / tw; v1 = (ty + d) / th; u2 = (tx + d + w) / tw; v2 = (ty + d + h) / th; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z2, u1, v2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z1, u2, v2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z1, u2, v1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z2, u1, v1); return this; } /** * Generates a box, uv mapped to be the same as a minecraft block with the same bounds * * @param i The vertex index to start generating at * @param bounds The bounds of the block, 0 to 1 * @return The generated model. When rendering an icon will need to be supplied for the UV transformation. */ public CCModel generateBlock(int i, Cuboid6 bounds) { return generateBlock(i, bounds, 0); } public CCModel generateBlock(int i, Cuboid6 bounds, int mask) { return generateBlock(i, bounds.min.x, bounds.min.y, bounds.min.z, bounds.max.x, bounds.max.y, bounds.max.z, mask); } public CCModel generateBlock(int i, double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2) { return generateBlock(i, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, 0); } /** * Generates a box, uv mapped to be the same as a minecraft block with the same bounds * * @param i The vertex index to start generating at * @param x1 minX * @param y1 minY * @param z1 minZ * @param x2 maxX * @param y2 maxY * @param z2 maxZ * @param mask A bitmask of sides NOT to generate. I high bit at index s means side s will not be generated * @return The generated model. When rendering an icon will need to be supplied for the UV transformation. */ public CCModel generateBlock(int i, double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, int mask) { double u1, v1, u2, v2; if ((mask & 1) == 0) {//bottom face u1 = x1; v1 = z1; u2 = x2; v2 = z2; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z2, u1, v2, 0); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z1, u1, v1, 0); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z1, u2, v1, 0); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z2, u2, v2, 0); } if ((mask & 2) == 0) {//top face u1 = x1; v1 = z1; u2 = x2; v2 = z2; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z2, u2, v2, 1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z1, u2, v1, 1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z1, u1, v1, 1); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z2, u1, v2, 1); } if ((mask & 4) == 0) {//east face u1 = 1 - x1; v1 = 1 - y2; u2 = 1 - x2; v2 = 1 - y1; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z1, u1, v2, 2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z1, u1, v1, 2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z1, u2, v1, 2); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z1, u2, v2, 2); } if ((mask & 8) == 0) {//west face u1 = x1; v1 = 1 - y2; u2 = x2; v2 = 1 - y1; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z2, u2, v2, 3); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z2, u2, v1, 3); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z2, u1, v1, 3); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z2, u1, v2, 3); } if ((mask & 0x10) == 0) {//north face u1 = z1; v1 = 1 - y2; u2 = z2; v2 = 1 - y1; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z2, u2, v2, 4); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z2, u2, v1, 4); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y2, z1, u1, v1, 4); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x1, y1, z1, u1, v2, 4); } if ((mask & 0x20) == 0) {//south face u1 = 1 - z1; v1 = 1 - y2; u2 = 1 - z2; v2 = 1 - y1; verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z1, u1, v2, 5); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z1, u1, v1, 5); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y2, z2, u2, v1, 5); verts[i++] = new Vertex5(x2, y1, z2, u2, v2, 5); } return this; } public CCModel computeNormals() { return computeNormals(0, verts.length); } /** * Computes the normals of all faces in the model. * Uses the cross product of the vectors along 2 sides of the face * * @param start The first vertex to generate normals for * @param length The number of vertices to generate normals for. Note this must be a multiple of 3 for triangles or 4 for quads * @return The model */ public CCModel computeNormals(int start, int length) { if (length % vp != 0 || start % vp != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot generate normals across polygons"); } Vector3[] normals = getOrAllocate(CCRenderState.normalAttrib); for (int k = 0; k < length; k += vp) { int i = k + start; Vector3 diff1 = verts[i + 1].vec.copy().subtract(verts[i].vec); Vector3 diff2 = verts[i + vp - 1].vec.copy().subtract(verts[i].vec); normals[i] = diff1.crossProduct(diff2).normalize(); for (int d = 1; d < vp; d++) { normals[i + d] = normals[i].copy(); } } return this; } /** * Computes lighting using the normals add a light model * If the model is rotated, the lighting will no longer be valid * * @return The model */ public CCModel computeLighting(LightModel light) { Vector3[] normals = normals(); int[] colours = getAttributes(CCRenderState.lightingAttrib); if (colours == null) { colours = getOrAllocate(CCRenderState.lightingAttrib); Arrays.fill(colours, -1); } for (int k = 0; k < verts.length; k++) { colours[k] = light.apply(colours[k], normals[k]); } return this; } public CCModel setColour(int c) { int[] colours = getOrAllocate(CCRenderState.colourAttrib); Arrays.fill(colours, c); return this; } /** * Computes the minecraft lighting coordinates for use with a LightMatrix * * @return The model */ public CCModel computeLightCoords() { LC[] lcs = getOrAllocate(CCRenderState.lightCoordAttrib); Vector3[] normals = normals(); for (int i = 0; i < verts.length; i++) { lcs[i] = new LC().compute(verts[i].vec, normals[i]); } return this; } /** * Averages all normals at the same position to produce a smooth lighting effect. * * @return The model */ public CCModel smoothNormals() { ArrayList<PositionNormalEntry> map = new ArrayList<PositionNormalEntry>(); Vector3[] normals = normals(); nextvert: for (int k = 0; k < verts.length; k++) { Vector3 vec = verts[k].vec; for (PositionNormalEntry e : map) { if (e.positionEqual(vec)) { e.addNormal(normals[k]); continue nextvert; } } map.add(new PositionNormalEntry(vec).addNormal(normals[k])); } for (PositionNormalEntry e : map) { if (e.normals.size() <= 1) { continue; } Vector3 new_n = new Vector3(); for (Vector3 n : e.normals) { new_n.add(n); } new_n.normalize(); for (Vector3 n : e.normals) { n.set(new_n); } } return this; } public CCModel apply(Transformation t) { for (int k = 0; k < verts.length; k++) { verts[k].apply(t); } Vector3[] normals = normals(); if (normals != null) { for (int k = 0; k < normals.length; k++) { t.applyN(normals[k]); } } return this; } public CCModel apply(UVTransformation uvt) { for (int k = 0; k < verts.length; k++) { verts[k].apply(uvt); } return this; } public CCModel expand(int extraVerts) { int newLen = verts.length + extraVerts; verts = Arrays.copyOf(verts, newLen); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { if (attributes.get(i) != null) { attributes.set(i, CCRenderState.copyOf((CCRenderState.VertexAttribute) CCRenderState.getAttribute(i), attributes.get(i), newLen)); } } return this; } public void render(double x, double y, double z, double u, double v) { render(new Vector3(x, y, z).translation(), new UVTranslation(u, v)); } public void render(double x, double y, double z, UVTransformation u) { render(new Vector3(x, y, z).translation(), u); } public void render(Transformation t, double u, double v) { render(t, new UVTranslation(u, v)); } public void render(CCRenderState.IVertexOperation... ops) { render(0, verts.length, ops); } /** * Renders vertices start through start+length-1 of the model * * @param start The first vertex index to render * @param end The vertex index to render until * @param ops Operations to apply */ public void render(int start, int end, CCRenderState.IVertexOperation... ops) { CCRenderState.setPipeline(this, start, end, ops); CCRenderState.render(); } public static CCModel quadModel(int numVerts) { return newModel(7, numVerts); } public static CCModel triModel(int numVerts) { return newModel(4, numVerts); } public static CCModel newModel(int vertexMode, int numVerts) { CCModel model = newModel(vertexMode); model.verts = new Vertex5[numVerts]; return model; } public static CCModel newModel(int vertexMode) { return new CCModel(vertexMode); } public static double[] parseDoubles(String s, String token) { String[] as = s.split(token); double[] values = new double[as.length]; for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { values[i] = Double.parseDouble(as[i]); } return values; } public static void illegalAssert(boolean b, String err) { if (!b) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(err); } } public static void assertMatch(Matcher m, String s) { m.reset(s); illegalAssert(m.matches(), "Malformed line: " + s); } private static final Pattern vertPattern = Pattern.compile("v(?: ([\\d\\.+-]+))+"); private static final Pattern uvwPattern = Pattern.compile("vt(?: ([\\d\\.+-]+))+"); private static final Pattern normalPattern = Pattern.compile("vn(?: ([\\d\\.+-]+))+"); private static final Pattern polyPattern = Pattern.compile("f(?: ((?:\\d*)(?:/\\d*)?(?:/\\d*)?))+"); public static final Matcher vertMatcher = vertPattern.matcher(""); public static final Matcher uvwMatcher = uvwPattern.matcher(""); public static final Matcher normalMatcher = normalPattern.matcher(""); public static final Matcher polyMatcher = polyPattern.matcher(""); /** * Parses vertices, texture coords, normals and polygons from a WaveFront Obj file * * @param input An input stream to a obj file * @param vertexMode The vertex mode to create the model for (GL_TRIANGLES or GL_QUADS) * @param coordSystem The cooridnate system transformation to apply * @return A map of group names to models * @throws IOException */ public static Map<String, CCModel> parseObjModels(InputStream input, int vertexMode, Transformation coordSystem) throws IOException { if (coordSystem == null) { coordSystem = new RedundantTransformation(); } int vp = vertexMode == 7 ? 4 : 3; HashMap<String, CCModel> modelMap = new HashMap<String, CCModel>(); ArrayList<Vector3> verts = new ArrayList<Vector3>(); ArrayList<Vector3> uvs = new ArrayList<Vector3>(); ArrayList<Vector3> normals = new ArrayList<Vector3>(); ArrayList<int[]> polys = new ArrayList<int[]>(); String modelName = "unnamed"; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim(); if (line.startsWith("#") || line.length() == 0) { continue; } if (line.startsWith("v ")) { assertMatch(vertMatcher, line); double[] values = parseDoubles(line.substring(2), " "); illegalAssert(values.length >= 3, "Vertices must have x, y and z components"); Vector3 vert = new Vector3(values[0], values[1], values[2]); coordSystem.apply(vert); verts.add(vert); continue; } if (line.startsWith("vt ")) { assertMatch(uvwMatcher, line); double[] values = parseDoubles(line.substring(3), " "); illegalAssert(values.length >= 2, "Tex Coords must have u, and v components"); uvs.add(new Vector3(values[0], 1 - values[1], 0)); continue; } if (line.startsWith("vn ")) { assertMatch(normalMatcher, line); double[] values = parseDoubles(line.substring(3), " "); illegalAssert(values.length >= 3, "Normals must have x, y and z components"); Vector3 norm = new Vector3(values[0], values[1], values[2]).normalize(); coordSystem.applyN(norm); normals.add(norm); continue; } if (line.startsWith("f ")) { assertMatch(polyMatcher, line); String[] av = line.substring(2).split(" "); illegalAssert(av.length >= 3, "Polygons must have at least 3 vertices"); int[][] polyVerts = new int[av.length][3]; for (int i = 0; i < av.length; i++) { String[] as = av[i].split("/"); for (int p = 0; p < as.length; p++) { if (as[p].length() > 0) { polyVerts[i][p] = Integer.parseInt(as[p]); } } } if (vp == 3) { triangulate(polys, polyVerts); } else { quadulate(polys, polyVerts); } } if (line.startsWith("g ")) { if (!polys.isEmpty()) { modelMap.put(modelName, createModel(verts, uvs, normals, vertexMode, polys)); polys.clear(); } modelName = line.substring(2); } } if (!polys.isEmpty()) { modelMap.put(modelName, createModel(verts, uvs, normals, vertexMode, polys)); } return modelMap; } public static void triangulate(List<int[]> polys, int[][] polyVerts) { for (int i = 2; i < polyVerts.length; i++) { polys.add(polyVerts[0]); polys.add(polyVerts[i]); polys.add(polyVerts[i - 1]); } } public static void quadulate(List<int[]> polys, int[][] polyVerts) { if (polyVerts.length == 4) { polys.add(polyVerts[0]); polys.add(polyVerts[3]); polys.add(polyVerts[2]); polys.add(polyVerts[1]); } else { for (int i = 2; i < polyVerts.length; i++) { polys.add(polyVerts[0]); polys.add(polyVerts[i]); polys.add(polyVerts[i - 1]); polys.add(polyVerts[i - 1]); } } } /** * Parses vertices, texture coords, normals and polygons from a WaveFront Obj file * * @param res The resource for the obj file * @return A map of group names to models */ public static Map<String, CCModel> parseObjModels(ResourceLocation res) { return parseObjModels(res, 4, null); } /** * Parses vertices, texture coords, normals and polygons from a WaveFront Obj file * * @param res The resource for the obj file * @param coordSystem The cooridnate system transformation to apply * @return A map of group names to models */ public static Map<String, CCModel> parseObjModels(ResourceLocation res, Transformation coordSystem) { try { return parseObjModels(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource(res).getInputStream(), 4, coordSystem); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to load model: " + res, e); } } /** * Parses vertices, texture coords, normals and polygons from a WaveFront Obj file * * @param res The resource for the obj file * @param vertexMode The vertex mode to create the model for (GL_TRIANGLES or GL_QUADS) * @param coordSystem The cooridnate system transformation to apply * @return A map of group names to models */ public static Map<String, CCModel> parseObjModels(ResourceLocation res, int vertexMode, Transformation coordSystem) { try { return parseObjModels(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource(res).getInputStream(), vertexMode, coordSystem); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to load model: " + res, e); } } public static CCModel createModel(List<Vector3> verts, List<Vector3> uvs, List<Vector3> normals, int vertexMode, List<int[]> polys) { int vp = vertexMode == 7 ? 4 : 3; if (polys.size() < vp || polys.size() % vp != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of vertices for model: " + polys.size()); } boolean hasNormals = polys.get(0)[2] > 0; CCModel model = CCModel.newModel(vertexMode, polys.size()); if (hasNormals) { model.getOrAllocate(CCRenderState.normalAttrib); } for (int i = 0; i < polys.size(); i++) { int[] ai = polys.get(i); Vector3 vert = verts.get(ai[0] - 1).copy(); Vector3 uv = ai[1] <= 0 ? new Vector3() : uvs.get(ai[1] - 1).copy(); if (ai[2] > 0 != hasNormals) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Normals are an all or nothing deal here."); } model.verts[i] = new Vertex5(vert, uv.x, uv.y); if (hasNormals) { model.normals()[i] = normals.get(ai[2] - 1).copy(); } } return model; } private static <T> int addIndex(List<T> list, T elem) { int i = list.indexOf(elem) + 1; if (i == 0) { list.add(elem); i = list.size(); } return i; } private static String clean(double d) { return d == (int) d ? Integer.toString((int) d) : Double.toString(d); } public static void exportObj(Map<String, CCModel> models, PrintWriter p) { List<Vector3> verts = new ArrayList<Vector3>(); List<UV> uvs = new ArrayList<UV>(); List<Vector3> normals = new ArrayList<Vector3>(); List<int[]> polys = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for (Map.Entry<String, CCModel> e : models.entrySet()) { p.println("g " + e.getKey()); CCModel m = e.getValue(); int vStart = verts.size(); int uStart = uvs.size(); int nStart = normals.size(); boolean hasNormals = m.normals() != null; polys.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m.verts.length; i++) { int[] ia = new int[hasNormals ? 3 : 2]; ia[0] = addIndex(verts, m.verts[i].vec); ia[1] = addIndex(uvs, m.verts[i].uv); if (hasNormals) { ia[2] = addIndex(normals, m.normals()[i]); } polys.add(ia); } if (vStart < verts.size()) { p.println(); for (int i = vStart; i < verts.size(); i++) { Vector3 v = verts.get(i); p.format("v %s %s %s\n", clean(v.x), clean(v.y), clean(v.z)); } } if (uStart < uvs.size()) { p.println(); for (int i = uStart; i < uvs.size(); i++) { UV uv = uvs.get(i); p.format("vt %s %s\n", clean(uv.u), clean(uv.v)); } } if (nStart < normals.size()) { p.println(); for (int i = nStart; i < normals.size(); i++) { Vector3 n = normals.get(i); p.format("vn %s %s %s\n", clean(n.x), clean(n.y), clean(n.z)); } } p.println(); for (int i = 0; i < polys.size(); i++) { if (i % m.vp == 0) { p.format("f"); } int[] ia = polys.get(i); if (hasNormals) { p.format(" %d/%d/%d", ia[0], ia[1], ia[2]); } else { p.format(" %d/%d", ia[0], ia[1]); } if (i % m.vp == m.vp - 1) { p.println(); } } } } /** * Brings the UV coordinates of each face closer to the center UV by d. * Useful for fixing texture seams */ public CCModel shrinkUVs(double d) { for (int k = 0; k < verts.length; k += vp) { UV uv = new UV(); for (int i = 0; i < vp; i++) { uv.add(verts[k + i].uv); } uv.multiply(1D / vp); for (int i = 0; i < vp; i++) { Vertex5 vert = verts[k + i]; vert.uv.u += vert.uv.u < uv.u ? d : -d; vert.uv.v += vert.uv.v < uv.v ? d : -d; } } return this; } /** * @param side1 The side of this model * @param side2 The side of the new model * @param point The point to rotate around * @return A copy of this model rotated to the appropriate side */ public CCModel sidedCopy(int side1, int side2, Vector3 point) { return copy().apply(new TransformationList(sideRotations[side1].inverse(), sideRotations[side2]).at(point)); } /** * Copies length vertices and normals */ public static void copy(CCModel src, int srcpos, CCModel dst, int destpos, int length) { for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { dst.verts[destpos + k] = src.verts[srcpos + k].copy(); } for (int i = 0; i < src.attributes.size(); i++) { if (src.attributes.get(i) != null) { CCRenderState.arrayCopy(src.attributes.get(i), srcpos, dst.getOrAllocate(CCRenderState.getAttribute(i)), destpos, length); } } } /** * Generate models rotated to the other 5 sides of the block * * @param models An array of 6 models * @param side The side of this model * @param point The rotation point */ public static void generateSidedModels(CCModel[] models, int side, Vector3 point) { for (int s = 0; s < 6; s++) { if (s == side) { continue; } models[s] = models[side].sidedCopy(side, s, point); } } /** * Generate models rotated to the other 3 horizontal of the block * * @param models An array of 4 models * @param side The side of this model * @param point The rotation point */ public static void generateSidedModelsH(CCModel[] models, int side, Vector3 point) { for (int s = 2; s < 6; s++) { if (s == side) { continue; } models[s] = models[side].sidedCopy(side, s, point); } } public CCModel backfacedCopy() { return generateBackface(this, 0, copy(), 0, verts.length); } /** * Generates copies of faces with clockwise vertices * * @return The model */ public static CCModel generateBackface(CCModel src, int srcpos, CCModel dst, int destpos, int length) { int vp = src.vp; if (srcpos % vp != 0 || destpos % vp != 0 || length % vp != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vertices do not align with polygons"); } int[][] o = new int[][] { { 0, 0 }, { 1, vp - 1 }, { 2, vp - 2 }, { 3, vp - 3 } }; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int b = (i / vp) * vp; int d = i % vp; int di = destpos + b + o[d][1]; int si = srcpos + b + o[d][0]; dst.verts[di] = src.verts[si].copy(); for (int a = 0; a < src.attributes.size(); a++) { if (src.attributes.get(a) != null) { CCRenderState.arrayCopy(src.attributes.get(a), si, dst.getOrAllocate(CCRenderState.getAttribute(a)), di, 1); } } if (dst.normals() != null && dst.normals()[di] != null) { dst.normals()[di].negate(); } } return dst; } /** * Generates sided copies of vertices into this model. * Assumes that your model has been generated at vertex side*(numVerts/6) */ public CCModel generateSidedParts(int side, Vector3 point) { if (verts.length % (6 * vp) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of vertices for sided part generation"); } int length = verts.length / 6; for (int s = 0; s < 6; s++) { if (s == side) { continue; } generateSidedPart(side, s, point, length * side, length * s, length); } return this; } /** * Generates sided copies of vertices into this model. * Assumes that your model has been generated at vertex side*(numVerts/4) */ public CCModel generateSidedPartsH(int side, Vector3 point) { if (verts.length % (4 * vp) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of vertices for sided part generation"); } int length = verts.length / 4; for (int s = 2; s < 6; s++) { if (s == side) { continue; } generateSidedPart(side, s, point, length * (side - 2), length * (s - 2), length); } return this; } /** * Generates a sided copy of verts into this model */ public CCModel generateSidedPart(int side1, int side2, Vector3 point, int srcpos, int destpos, int length) { return apply(new TransformationList(sideRotations[side1].inverse(), sideRotations[side2]).at(point), srcpos, destpos, length); } /** * Generates a rotated copy of verts into this model */ public CCModel apply(Transformation t, int srcpos, int destpos, int length) { for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { verts[destpos + k] = verts[srcpos + k].copy(); verts[destpos + k].vec.apply(t); } Vector3[] normals = normals(); if (normals != null) { for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { normals[destpos + k] = normals[srcpos + k].copy(); t.applyN(normals[destpos + k]); } } return this; } public static CCModel combine(Collection<CCModel> models) { if (models.isEmpty()) { return null; } int numVerts = 0; int vertexMode = -1; for (CCModel model : models) { if (vertexMode == -1) { vertexMode = model.vertexMode; } if (vertexMode != model.vertexMode) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot combine models with different vertex modes"); } numVerts += model.verts.length; } CCModel c_model = newModel(vertexMode, numVerts); int i = 0; for (CCModel model : models) { copy(model, 0, c_model, i, model.verts.length); i += model.verts.length; } return c_model; } public CCModel twoFacedCopy() { CCModel model = newModel(vertexMode, verts.length * 2); copy(this, 0, model, 0, verts.length); return generateBackface(model, 0, model, verts.length, verts.length); } public CCModel copy() { CCModel model = newModel(vertexMode, verts.length); copy(this, 0, model, 0, verts.length); return model; } /** * @return The average of all vertices, for bones. */ public Vector3 collapse() { Vector3 v = new Vector3(); for (Vertex5 vert : verts) { v.add(vert.vec); } v.multiply(1 / (double) verts.length); return v; } public CCModel zOffset(Cuboid6 offsets) { for (int k = 0; k < verts.length; k++) { Vertex5 vert = verts[k]; Vector3 normal = normals()[k]; switch (findSide(normal)) { case 0: vert.vec.y += offsets.min.y; break; case 1: vert.vec.y += offsets.max.y; break; case 2: vert.vec.z += offsets.min.z; break; case 3: vert.vec.z += offsets.max.z; break; case 4: vert.vec.x += offsets.min.x; break; case 5: vert.vec.x += offsets.max.x; break; } } return this; } public static int findSide(Vector3 normal) { if (normal.y <= -0.99) { return 0; } if (normal.y >= 0.99) { return 1; } if (normal.z <= -0.99) { return 2; } if (normal.z >= 0.99) { return 3; } if (normal.x <= -0.99) { return 4; } if (normal.x >= 0.99) { return 5; } return -1; } /** * @return A Cuboid6 containing all the verts in this model */ public Cuboid6 bounds() { Vector3 vec1 = verts[0].vec; Cuboid6 c = new Cuboid6(vec1.copy(), vec1.copy()); for (int i = 1; i < verts.length; i++) { c.enclose(verts[i].vec); } return c; } }