package network.correctness; import java.util.Arrays; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; /** * Test class for Pentago * Will check that pentago instantiates properly * @author jonathan * */ public class CIL2PPentagoTests extends AbstractCIL2PCorrectnessTests{ private static final String gameLocation = "pentago"; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { CIL2PNet cn = CIL2PFactory.fromFileLocation(gameLocation); cil2p_manager = new CIL2PManager(cn); super.setUp(); } @Override public void testTopology() { /* * INPUTS * (CELLHOLDS ?QUAD ?ROW ?COL ?COLOR) * ?QUAD : [1 -> 4] * ?ROW : [1 -> 3] * ?COL : [1 -> 3] * ?COLOR : RED/BLACK */ assertEquals(72, cil2p_manager.getPlayInfo()[0]); /* * GOALS * Should be six possible end conditions * W/L/D for both players */ assertEquals(6, cil2p_manager.getPlayInfo()[1]); cil2p_manager.printPlayInfo(); cil2p_manager.printInfo(); } @Test public void testObviousWin(){ double maxError= 1 - cil2p_manager.getMaxError(); double[] scores; scores = cil2p_manager.getAllPlayerScores(translatePentago( "R R R R R R " + "R R R R R R " + "R R R R R R " + "R R R R R R " + "R R R R R R " + "R R R R R R ")); System.out.println(maxError); // assertTrue(scores[0] == scores[1] ); cil2p_manager.printInputActivation(); System.out.println(); cil2p_manager.printOutputActivation(); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(scores)); } @Test public void testEmpty(){ double maxError= 1 - cil2p_manager.getMaxError(); double[] scores; scores = cil2p_manager.getAllPlayerScores(translatePentago( "- - - - - - " + "- - - - - - " + "- - - - - - " + "- - - - - - " + "- - - - - - " + "- - - - - - ")); assertEquals(scores[0], scores[1], maxError); } /** * Translate a simple pentago string into a input * * A given cellholds query (CELLHOLDS ?q ?x ?y) * tranlates to a given bored index 1:36 by * (?x -1) * 6 + (c-1) + ((q-1)/2)*18 + ((q-1)%2)*3 * @param in the string rep of the board * @return input */ public double[] translatePentago(String input){ String qString = (cil2p_manager.getQueryPredicates().toString()); System.out.println(qString); String cut = qString.substring(qString.indexOf("CELLHOLDS") + 10, qString.lastIndexOf(']')-2); System.out.println(cut); String[] strings = cut.split("\\ \\),\\ \\(CELLHOLDS\\ "); double[] out = new double[strings.length]; System.out.println(Arrays.toString(strings)); String[] in = input.split("\\s"); assert in.length == 36; for(int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++){ // get row, col, val String[] key = strings[i].split("\\s"); // get index of string ref int refIndex = (Integer.parseInt( key[1] ) - 1) * 6 + (Integer.parseInt( key[2] ) - 1) + ((Integer.parseInt( key[0] ) -1 ) / 2) * 18 + ((Integer.parseInt( key[0] ) -1 ) % 2) * 3; String inp = in[refIndex]; if(key[3].substring(0, 1).equalsIgnoreCase(inp)){ out[i]=1; }else{ out[i]=-1; } } System.out.println(Arrays.toString(out)); return out; } }