package apps.common; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import; import; import; import; /** * GameSelector is a pair of widgets for selecting a game repository * and then choosing a game from that game repository. Currently this * is a little rough, and could use some polish, but it provides all * of the important functionality: you can load games both from local * storage and from game repositories on the web. * * @author Sam Schreiber */ public class GameSelector implements ActionListener { JComboBox theGameList; JComboBox theRepositoryList; GameRepository theSelectedRepository; Map<String, GameRepository> theCachedRepositories; class NamedItem { public final String theKey; public final String theName; public NamedItem(String theKey, String theName) { this.theKey = theKey; this.theName = theName; } public String toString() { return theName; } } public GameSelector() { theGameList = new JComboBox(); theGameList.addActionListener(this); theRepositoryList = new JComboBox(); theRepositoryList.addActionListener(this); theCachedRepositories = new HashMap<String, GameRepository>(); theRepositoryList.addItem(""); theRepositoryList.addItem("Local Game Repository"); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == theRepositoryList) { String theRepositoryName = theRepositoryList.getSelectedItem().toString(); if (theCachedRepositories.containsKey(theRepositoryName)) { theSelectedRepository = theCachedRepositories.get(theRepositoryName); } else { if (theRepositoryName.equals("Local Game Repository")) { theSelectedRepository = new LocalGameRepository(); } else { theSelectedRepository = new CloudGameRepository(theRepositoryName); } theCachedRepositories.put(theRepositoryName, theSelectedRepository); } repopulateGameList(); } } public GameRepository getSelectedGameRepository() { return theSelectedRepository; } public void repopulateGameList() { GameRepository theRepository = getSelectedGameRepository(); List<String> theKeyList = new ArrayList<String>(theRepository.getGameKeys()); Collections.sort(theKeyList); theGameList.removeAllItems(); for (String theKey : theKeyList) { String theName = theRepository.getGame(theKey).getName(); if (theName == null) { theName = theKey; } if (theName.length() > 24) theName = theName.substring(0, 24) + "..."; theGameList.addItem(new NamedItem(theKey, theName)); } } public JComboBox getRepositoryList() { return theRepositoryList; } public JComboBox getGameList() { return theGameList; } public Game getSelectedGame() { try { return getSelectedGameRepository().getGame(((NamedItem)theGameList.getSelectedItem()).theKey); } catch(Exception e) { return null; } } }