package apps.utilities; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import util.match.Match; import util.statemachine.MachineState; import util.statemachine.Move; import util.statemachine.Role; import util.statemachine.StateMachine; import util.statemachine.implementation.prover.ProverStateMachine; import util.statemachine.implementation.prover.cache.CachedProverStateMachine; import util.statemachine.verifier.StateMachineVerifier; /** * SimpleGameSim is a utility program that lets you simulate play through a * given game, and see which propositions become true/false in each state as * the game is played. This can be used to understand how a game runs, or to * debug issues in the state machine implementation. * * It can also hide the step counter / control proposition, though this is * done in a very naive way, by just looking for (step ?x) and (control ?x) * propositions. None the less, it's still useful to have. * * @author Sam Schreiber */ public class SimpleGameSim { public static final boolean hideStepCounter = true; public static final boolean hideControlProposition = true; public static final boolean showCurrentState = false; public static void main(String[] args) { Game theGame = GameRepository.getDefaultRepository().getGame("nineBoardTicTacToe"); Match theMatch = new Match("simpleGameSim." + Match.getRandomString(5), 0, 0, theGame); // --------------------------------------------------------- // Construct the machine: change this to select which machine // you're interested in using to simulate the game. StateMachine theMachine = new CachedProverStateMachine(); theMachine.initialize(theGame.getRules()); // Check for consistency, before we simulate the game. StateMachine theProver = new ProverStateMachine(); theProver.initialize(theGame.getRules()); if(!StateMachineVerifier.checkMachineConsistency(theProver, theMachine, 1000)) { System.err.println("Inconsistency!"); } // Go through and simulate one play through the game, // displaying the state as we go. int nState = 0; try { System.out.println(); Set<GdlSentence> oldContents = new HashSet<GdlSentence>(); MachineState theCurrentState = theMachine.getInitialState(); do { theMatch.appendState(theCurrentState.getContents()); if(nState > 0) System.out.print("StateModel[" + nState + "]: "); Set<GdlSentence> newContents = theCurrentState.getContents(); for(GdlSentence newSentence : newContents) { if(hideStepCounter && newSentence.toString().contains("step")) continue; if(hideControlProposition && newSentence.toString().contains("control")) continue; if(!oldContents.contains(newSentence)) { System.out.print("+" + newSentence + ", "); } } for(GdlSentence oldSentence : oldContents) { if(hideStepCounter && oldSentence.toString().contains("step")) continue; if(hideControlProposition && oldSentence.toString().contains("control")) continue; if(!newContents.contains(oldSentence)) { System.out.print("-" + oldSentence + ", "); } } System.out.println(); oldContents = newContents; if(showCurrentState) System.out.println("StateModel["+nState+"] Full: " + theCurrentState); List<Move> theJointMove = theMachine.getRandomJointMove(theCurrentState); System.out.println("Move taken: " + theJointMove); theCurrentState = theMachine.getNextStateDestructively(theCurrentState, theJointMove); theMatch.appendMoves2(theJointMove); nState++; } while(!theMachine.isTerminal(theCurrentState)); theMatch.appendState(theCurrentState.getContents()); theMatch.markCompleted(theMachine.getGoals(theCurrentState)); // Game over! Display goals. System.out.println("StateModel["+nState+"] Full (Terminal): " + theCurrentState); System.out.println("Match information: " + theMatch); for(Role r : theMachine.getRoles()) System.out.println("Goal for " + r + ": " + theMachine.getGoal(theCurrentState, r)); System.out.println("Game over."); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }