package util.propnet.factory; import java.util.List; import util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import util.propnet.architecture.PropNet; import util.propnet.serialization.PropNetCache; /** * The CachedPropNetFactory class augments the ordinary @PropNetFactory class * by using the @PropNetCache to look up existing, pre-built propnets. */ public final class CachedPropNetFactory { /** * Creates a PropNet from a game description, either using the PropNetCache * or the regular PropNetFactory. * * @param description * A game description. * @return An equivalent PropNet. */ public static PropNet create(List<Gdl> description) { // First, try to look up the using the cache. PropNet theNet = PropNetCache.loadNetworkFromCache(description); if(theNet != null) return theNet; // Otherwise, fall back to the regular PropNetFactory. return PropNetFactory.create(description); } }