package player.proxy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import player.event.PlayerDroppedPacketEvent; import player.event.PlayerReceivedMessageEvent; import player.event.PlayerSentMessageEvent; import player.gamer.Gamer; import player.gamer.statemachine.reflex.random.RandomGamer; import player.request.factory.RequestFactory; import player.request.grammar.AbortRequest; import player.request.grammar.PlayRequest; import player.request.grammar.Request; import player.request.grammar.StartRequest; import player.request.grammar.StopRequest; import util.configuration.GamerConfiguration; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool; import util.http.HttpReader; import util.http.HttpWriter; import util.logging.GamerLogger; import; import; import; /** * ProxyGamePlayer starts a separate process running an instance of the Gamer * class that is passed in as a parameter. It serves as a proxy between this * Gamer process and the GGP server: it ensures that legal roles are sent back * to the server on time, accepts and stores working roles, and so on. * * This class is not necessary, unless you are interested in adding another * layer of bullet-proofing to your player in preparation for a tournament * or for running your player for long periods of time. * * There are advantages and disadvantages to this approach. The advantages are: * * 1. Even if the Gamer process stalls, for example due to garbage collection, * you will always send a legal move back to the server in time. * * 2. You can send "working roles" to the proxy, so that if your Gamer process * stalls, you can send back your best-guess move from before the stall. * * The disadvantage is very simple: * * 1. If the proxy breaks, you can revert to playing extremely poorly * even though your real Gamer process is fully functional. * * The advantages are very important, and so my response to the disadvantage * has been to shake as many bugs out of the proxy as I can. While the code is * fairly complex, this proxy has proven to be decently reliable in my testing. * So, that's progress. * * @author Sam Schreiber */ public final class ProxyGamePlayer extends Thread implements Subject { private final String gamerName; private ServerSocket listener; private ServerSocket clientListener; private final List<Observer> observers; private ClientManager theClientManager; private Gamer theDefaultGamer; private class ClientManager extends Thread { private Process theClientProcess; private Socket theClientConnection; private PrintStream theOutput; private BufferedReader theInput; private StreamConnector outConnector, errConnector; public volatile boolean pleaseStop = false; public volatile boolean expectStop = false; private Thread parentThread; public ClientManager(Thread parentThread) { this.parentThread = parentThread; String command = GamerConfiguration.getCommandForJava(); List<String> processArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); processArgs.add(command); processArgs.add("-mx" + GamerConfiguration.getMemoryForGamer() + "m"); processArgs.add("-server"); processArgs.add("-XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods"); processArgs.add("-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10"); processArgs.add("-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10"); processArgs.add("-classpath"); processArgs.add(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); processArgs.add("player.proxy.ProxyGamePlayerClient"); processArgs.add(gamerName); processArgs.add("" + clientListener.getLocalPort()); if(GamerConfiguration.runningOnLinux()) { processArgs.add(0, "nice"); } ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(processArgs); try { GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Starting a new proxy client, using gamer " + gamerName + "."); theClientProcess = pb.start(); outConnector = new StreamConnector(theClientProcess.getErrorStream(), System.err); errConnector = new StreamConnector(theClientProcess.getInputStream(), System.out); outConnector.start(); errConnector.start(); theClientConnection = clientListener.accept(); theOutput = new PrintStream(theClientConnection.getOutputStream()); theInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(theClientConnection.getInputStream())); GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Proxy client started."); } catch(IOException e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } } // TODO: remove this class if nothing is being sent over it private class StreamConnector extends Thread { private InputStream theInput; private PrintStream theOutput; public volatile boolean pleaseStop = false; public StreamConnector(InputStream theInput, PrintStream theOutput) { this.theInput = theInput; this.theOutput = theOutput; } public boolean isPrintableChar( char c ) { if(!Character.isDefined(c)) return false; if(Character.isIdentifierIgnorable(c)) return false; return true; } public void run() { try { while(!pleaseStop) { int next =; if(next == -1) break; if(!isPrintableChar((char)next)) next = '@'; theOutput.write(next); } } catch(IOException e) { GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "Might be okay:"); GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } catch(Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } catch(Error e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } } } public void sendMessage(ProxyMessage theMessage) { if(theOutput != null) { theMessage.writeTo(theOutput); GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Wrote message to client: " + theMessage); } } public void run() { while(theInput != null) { try { ProxyMessage in = ProxyMessage.readFrom(theInput); if(pleaseStop) return; GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Got message from client: " + in); if(in == null) continue; processClientResponse(in, parentThread); } catch(SocketException se) { if(expectStop) return; GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", se); GamerLogger.logError("Proxy", "Shutting down reader as consequence of socket exception. Presumably this is because the gamer client crashed."); break; } catch(Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } catch(Error e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } } } public void closeClient() { try { outConnector.pleaseStop = true; errConnector.pleaseStop = true; theClientConnection.close(); theInput = null; theOutput = null; } catch (IOException e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } theClientProcess.destroy(); } } public final int myPort; public ProxyGamePlayer(int port, Class<? extends Gamer> gamer) throws IOException { // Use a random gamer as our "default" gamer, that we fall back to // in the event that we don't get a message from the client, or if // we need to handle a simple request (START or STOP). theDefaultGamer = new RandomGamer(); observers = new ArrayList<Observer>(); listener = null; while (listener == null) { try { listener = new ServerSocket(port); } catch (Exception ex) { listener = null; port++; GamerLogger.logError("Proxy", "Failed to start gamer on port: "+(port-1)+" trying port "+port); } } myPort = port; // Start up the socket for communicating with clients int clientPort = 17147; while(clientListener == null) { try { clientListener = new ServerSocket(clientPort); } catch(Exception ex) { clientListener = null; clientPort++; } } GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Opened client communication socket on port " + clientPort + "."); // Start up the first ProxyClient gamerName = gamer.getSimpleName(); } public int getGamerPort() { return myPort; } public void addObserver(Observer observer) { observers.add(observer); } public void notifyObservers(Event event) { for (Observer observer : observers) { observer.observe(event); } } private Random theRandomGenerator = new Random(); private long currentMoveCode = 0L; private boolean receivedClientMove = false; private boolean needRestart = false; @Override public void run() { GamerConfiguration.showConfiguration(); GamerLogger.setSpilloverLogfile("spilloverLog"); // Start up the client manager theClientManager = new ClientManager(Thread.currentThread()); theClientManager.start(); // Start up the input queue listener inputQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<ProxyMessage>(100); inputConnectionQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Socket>(100); QueueListenerThread theListener = new QueueListenerThread(); theListener.start(); while (true) { try { // First, read a message from the server. ProxyMessage nextMessage = inputQueue.take(); Socket connection = inputConnectionQueue.take(); String in = nextMessage.theMessage; long receptionTime = nextMessage.receptionTime; notifyObservers(new PlayerReceivedMessageEvent(in)); GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Got incoming message:" + in); // Formulate a request, and see how the legal gamer responds. String legalProxiedResponse; Request request = new RequestFactory().create(theDefaultGamer, in); try { legalProxiedResponse = request.process(receptionTime); } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) { // Something went horribly wrong -- our baseline prover failed. System.gc(); GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); legalProxiedResponse = "SORRY"; } latestProxiedResponse = legalProxiedResponse; GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Selected fallback move:" + latestProxiedResponse); // Update the move codes and prepare to send the request on to the client. receivedClientMove = false; currentMoveCode = 1 + theRandomGenerator.nextLong(); if(request instanceof StopRequest || request instanceof AbortRequest) theClientManager.expectStop = true; // Send the request on to the client, along with the move code. ProxyMessage theMessage = new ProxyMessage(in, currentMoveCode, receptionTime); theClientManager.sendMessage(theMessage); if(!(request instanceof PlayRequest)) // If we're not asked for a move, just let currentMoveCode = 0L; // the default gamer handle it by switching move code. // Wait the appropriate amount of time for the request. proxyProcessRequest(request, receptionTime); // Get the latest response, and complain if it's the default response, or isn't a valid response. String out = latestProxiedResponse; if(!receivedClientMove && (request instanceof PlayRequest)) { GamerLogger.logError("Proxy", "[PROXY] Did not receive any move information from client for this turn; falling back to first legal move."); GamerLogger.logError("ExecutiveSummary", "Proxy did not receive any move information from client this turn: used first legal move."); } // Cycle the move codes again so that we will ignore any more responses // that the client sends along to us. currentMoveCode = 0L; // And finally write the latest response out to the server. GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Wrote outgoing message:" + out); HttpWriter.writeAsServer(connection, out); connection.close(); notifyObservers(new PlayerSentMessageEvent(out)); // Once everything is said and done, restart the client if we're // due for a restart (having finished playing a game). if(needRestart) { theClientManager.closeClient(); theClientManager.pleaseStop = true; if(GamerConfiguration.runningOnLinux()) { // Clean up the working directory and terminate any orphan processes. Thread.sleep(500); GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Calling cleanup scripts."); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("./").waitFor(); } catch(IOException e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } Thread.sleep(500); } theClientManager = new ClientManager(Thread.currentThread()); theClientManager.start(); theDefaultGamer = new RandomGamer(); GdlPool.drainPool(); long usedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); double usedMemoryInMegs = usedMemory / 1024.0 / 1024.0; GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Before collection, using " + usedMemoryInMegs + "mb of memory as proxy."); // Okay, seriously garbage collect please. As it turns out, // this takes some convincing; Java isn't usually eager to do it. for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System.gc(); Thread.sleep(100); } usedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); usedMemoryInMegs = usedMemory / 1024.0 / 1024.0; GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] After collection, using a non-transient " + usedMemoryInMegs + "mb of memory as proxy."); System.out.println("Cleaned up completed match, with a residual " + usedMemoryInMegs + "mb of memory as proxy."); needRestart = false; } } catch (Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); notifyObservers(new PlayerDroppedPacketEvent()); } catch (Error e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); notifyObservers(new PlayerDroppedPacketEvent()); } } } public static final long METAGAME_BUFFER = Gamer.PREFERRED_METAGAME_BUFFER + 100; public static final long PLAY_BUFFER = Gamer.PREFERRED_PLAY_BUFFER + 100; private void proxyProcessRequest(Request theRequest, long receptionTime) { long startSleeping = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timeToFinish = receptionTime; long timeToSleep = 0L; try { if(theRequest instanceof PlayRequest) { // They have this long to play timeToFinish = receptionTime + theDefaultGamer.getMatch().getPlayClock() * 1000 - PLAY_BUFFER; timeToSleep = timeToFinish - System.currentTimeMillis(); if(timeToSleep > 0) Thread.sleep(timeToSleep); } else if(theRequest instanceof StartRequest) { GamerLogger.startFileLogging(theDefaultGamer.getMatch(), theDefaultGamer.getRoleName().toString()); System.out.println("Started playing " + theDefaultGamer.getMatch().getMatchId() + "."); // They have this long to metagame timeToFinish = receptionTime + theDefaultGamer.getMatch().getStartClock() * 1000 - METAGAME_BUFFER; timeToSleep = timeToFinish - System.currentTimeMillis(); if(timeToSleep > 0) Thread.sleep(timeToSleep); } else if(theRequest instanceof StopRequest || theRequest instanceof AbortRequest) { GamerLogger.stopFileLogging(); needRestart = true; } } catch(InterruptedException ie) { // Rise and shine! GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Got woken up by final move!"); } GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Proxy slept for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startSleeping) + ", and woke up " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeToFinish) + "ms late (started " + (startSleeping - receptionTime) + "ms after receiving message)."); } private String latestProxiedResponse; private void processClientResponse(ProxyMessage in, Thread toWakeUp) { String theirTag = in.theMessage.substring(0,5); String theirMessage = in.theMessage.substring(5); // Ignore their message unless it has an up-to-date move code. if(!(in.messageCode == currentMoveCode)) { if(currentMoveCode > 0) GamerLogger.logError("Proxy", "CODE MISMATCH: " + currentMoveCode + " vs " + in.messageCode); return; } if(theirTag.equals("WORK:")) { latestProxiedResponse = theirMessage; GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Got latest working move: " + latestProxiedResponse); receivedClientMove = true; } else if(theirTag.equals("DONE:")) { latestProxiedResponse = theirMessage; GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY] Got a final move: " + latestProxiedResponse); receivedClientMove = true; currentMoveCode = 0L; toWakeUp.interrupt(); } } private BlockingQueue<ProxyMessage> inputQueue; private BlockingQueue<Socket> inputConnectionQueue; private class QueueListenerThread extends Thread { public void run() { while(true) { try { // First, read a message from the server. Socket connection = listener.accept(); String in = HttpReader.readAsServer(connection).replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' '); long receptionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(inputQueue.remainingCapacity() > 0) { inputQueue.add(new ProxyMessage(in, 0L, receptionTime)); inputConnectionQueue.add(connection); GamerLogger.log("Proxy", "[PROXY QueueListener] Got incoming message from game server: " + in + ". Added to queue in position " + inputQueue.size() + "."); } else { GamerLogger.logError("Proxy", "[PROXY QueueListener] Got incoming message from game server: " + in + ". Could not add to queue, because queue is full!"); } } catch(Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } catch(Error e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("Proxy", e); } } } } }