package util.gdl.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlNot; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlRelation; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable; import util.gdl.model.SentenceModel.SentenceForm; import util.gdl.transforms.CommonTransforms; import util.gdl.transforms.DeORer; import util.gdl.transforms.GdlCleaner; import util.gdl.transforms.ConstantFinder; import util.gdl.transforms.VariableConstrainer; import util.gdl.transforms.ConstantFinder.ConstantChecker; import util.propnet.factory.Assignments; import util.propnet.factory.Assignments.AssignmentIterator; import util.propnet.factory.Assignments.ConstantForm; /** * GameFlow describes the behavior of the sentences in sentence forms that depend * on which turn it is, but not on the states of the player (past or present). * These include step counters and control markers. * * @author Alex Landau */ public class GameFlow { private static final GdlConstant INIT = GdlPool.getConstant("init"); private static final GdlConstant TRUE = GdlPool.getConstant("true"); private static final GdlConstant NEXT = GdlPool.getConstant("next"); int turnAfterLast; //We end with a loop List<Set<GdlSentence>> sentencesTrueByTurn = new ArrayList<Set<GdlSentence>>(); //The non-constant ones Set<SentenceForm> formsControlledByFlow; Set<SentenceForm> constantForms; ConstantChecker constantChecker; public GameFlow(List<Gdl> description) { description =; description =; description = VariableConstrainer.replaceFunctionValuedVariables(description); //First we use a sentence model to get the relevant sentence forms SentenceModel model = new SentenceModel(description); formsControlledByFlow = new HashSet<SentenceForm>(); formsControlledByFlow.addAll(model.getIndependentSentenceForms()); formsControlledByFlow.removeAll(model.getConstantSentenceForms()); constantForms = model.getConstantSentenceForms(); //System.out.println("Setting constants for the game flow..."); constantChecker = ConstantFinder.getConstants(description); //System.out.println("Done setting constants"); //Figure out which of these sentences are true at each stage solveTurns(model); } private void solveTurns(SentenceModel model) { //Before we can do anything else, we need a topological ordering on our forms List<SentenceForm> ordering = getTopologicalOrdering(model.getIndependentSentenceForms(), model.getDependencyGraph()); ordering.retainAll(formsControlledByFlow); //Let's add constant forms ("constForms") to the consideration... Map<SentenceForm, ConstantForm> constForms = new HashMap<SentenceForm, ConstantForm>(); for(SentenceForm form : constantForms) { constForms.put(form, new ConstantForm(form, constantChecker)); } //First we set the "true" values, then we get the forms controlled by the flow... //Use "init" values Set<GdlSentence> trueFlowSentences = new HashSet<GdlSentence>(); for(SentenceForm form : constantForms) { if(form.getName().equals(INIT)) { Iterator<GdlSentence> itr = constantChecker.getTrueSentences(form); while(itr.hasNext()) { GdlSentence initSentence =; GdlSentence trueSentence = GdlPool.getRelation(TRUE, initSentence.getBody()); trueFlowSentences.add(trueSentence); } } } //Go through ordering, adding to trueFlowSentences addSentenceForms(ordering, trueFlowSentences, model, constForms); sentencesTrueByTurn.add(trueFlowSentences); outer : while(true) { //Now we use the "next" values from the previous turn Set<GdlSentence> sentencesPreviouslyTrue = trueFlowSentences; trueFlowSentences = new HashSet<GdlSentence>(); for(GdlSentence sentence : sentencesPreviouslyTrue) { if(sentence.getName().equals(NEXT)) { GdlSentence trueSentence = GdlPool.getRelation(TRUE, sentence.getBody()); trueFlowSentences.add(trueSentence); } } addSentenceForms(ordering, trueFlowSentences, model, constForms); //Test if this turn's flow is the same as an earlier one for(int i = 0; i < sentencesTrueByTurn.size(); i++) { Set<GdlSentence> prevSet = sentencesTrueByTurn.get(i); if(prevSet.equals(trueFlowSentences)) { //Complete the loop turnAfterLast = i; break outer; } } sentencesTrueByTurn.add(trueFlowSentences); } //System.out.println("Found a " + getNumTurns() + "-turn flow"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addSentenceForms(List<SentenceForm> ordering, Set<GdlSentence> trueFlowSentences, SentenceModel model, Map<SentenceForm, ConstantForm> constForms) { for(SentenceForm curForm : ordering) { //Check against trueFlowSentences, add to trueFlowSentences //or check against constantForms if necessary //Use basic Assignments class, of course for(GdlRelation relation : model.getRelations(curForm)) trueFlowSentences.add(relation); for(GdlRule rule : model.getRules(curForm)) { GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); List<GdlVariable> varsInHead = SentenceModel.getVariables(head); Assignments assignments = Assignments.getAssignmentsForRule(rule, model, constForms, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); AssignmentIterator asnItr = assignments.getIterator(); while(asnItr.hasNext()) { Map<GdlVariable, GdlConstant> assignment =; boolean isGoodAssignment = true; GdlSentence transformedHead = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(head, assignment); if(trueFlowSentences.contains(transformedHead)) asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsInHead, assignment); //Go through the conjuncts for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { if(literal instanceof GdlSentence) { if(curForm.matches((GdlSentence) literal)) throw new RuntimeException("Haven't implemented recursion in the game flow"); GdlSentence transformed = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables((GdlSentence) literal, assignment); SentenceForm conjForm = model.getSentenceForm(transformed); if(constantForms.contains(conjForm)) { if(!constantChecker.isTrueConstant(transformed)) { isGoodAssignment = false; asnItr.changeOneInNext(SentenceModel.getVariables(literal), assignment); } } else { if(!trueFlowSentences.contains(transformed)) { //False sentence isGoodAssignment = false; asnItr.changeOneInNext(SentenceModel.getVariables(literal), assignment); } } } else if(literal instanceof GdlNot) { GdlSentence internal = (GdlSentence) ((GdlNot) literal).getBody(); GdlSentence transformed = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(internal, assignment); SentenceForm conjForm = model.getSentenceForm(transformed); if(constantForms.contains(conjForm)) { if(constantChecker.isTrueConstant(transformed)) { isGoodAssignment = false; asnItr.changeOneInNext(SentenceModel.getVariables(literal), assignment); } } else { if(trueFlowSentences.contains(transformed)) { //False sentence isGoodAssignment = false; asnItr.changeOneInNext(SentenceModel.getVariables(literal), assignment); } } } //Nothing else needs attention, really } //We've gone through all the conjuncts and are at the //end of the rule if(isGoodAssignment) { trueFlowSentences.add(transformedHead); if(varsInHead.isEmpty()) break; //out of the assignments for this rule else asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsInHead, assignment); } } } //We've gone through all the rules } } public int getNumTurns() { return sentencesTrueByTurn.size(); } private static List<SentenceForm> getTopologicalOrdering( Set<SentenceForm> forms, Map<SentenceForm, Set<SentenceForm>> dependencyGraph) { //We want each form as a key of the dependency graph to //follow all the forms in the dependency graph, except maybe itself Queue<SentenceForm> queue = new LinkedList<SentenceForm>(forms); List<SentenceForm> ordering = new ArrayList<SentenceForm>(forms.size()); Set<SentenceForm> alreadyOrdered = new HashSet<SentenceForm>(); while(!queue.isEmpty()) { SentenceForm curForm = queue.remove(); boolean readyToAdd = true; //Don't add if there are dependencies if(dependencyGraph.get(curForm) != null) { for(SentenceForm dependency : dependencyGraph.get(curForm)) { if(!dependency.equals(curForm) && !alreadyOrdered.contains(dependency)) { readyToAdd = false; break; } } } //Add it if(readyToAdd) { ordering.add(curForm); alreadyOrdered.add(curForm); } else { queue.add(curForm); } //TODO: Add check for an infinite loop here //Or replace with code that does stratification of loops } return ordering; } public Set<Integer> getTurnsConjunctsArePossible(List<GdlLiteral> body) { //We want to identify the conjuncts that are used by the //game flow. List<GdlLiteral> relevantLiterals = new ArrayList<GdlLiteral>(); for(GdlLiteral literal : body) { if(literal instanceof GdlSentence) { GdlSentence sentence = (GdlSentence) literal; if(SentenceModel.inSentenceFormGroup(sentence, formsControlledByFlow)) relevantLiterals.add(literal); } else if(literal instanceof GdlNot) { GdlNot not = (GdlNot) literal; GdlSentence innerSentence = (GdlSentence) not.getBody(); if(SentenceModel.inSentenceFormGroup(innerSentence, formsControlledByFlow)) relevantLiterals.add(literal); } } //If none are related to the game flow, then that's it. It can //happen on any turn. //if(relevantLiterals.isEmpty()) //return getCompleteTurnSet(); Set<Integer> turnsPossible = new HashSet<Integer>(getCompleteTurnSet()); //For each of the relevant literals, we need to see if there are assignments //such that for(GdlLiteral literal : relevantLiterals) { List<Integer> turns = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if(literal instanceof GdlSentence) { for(int t = 0; t < getNumTurns(); t++) { if(sentencesTrueByTurn.get(t).contains(literal)) turns.add(t); else for(GdlSentence s : sentencesTrueByTurn.get(t)) { //Could be true if there's an assignment if(null != Assignments.getAssignmentMakingLeftIntoRight((GdlSentence)literal, s)) { turns.add(t); break; } } } } else if(literal instanceof GdlNot) { GdlNot not = (GdlNot) literal; GdlSentence internal = (GdlSentence) not.getBody(); for(int t = 0; t < getNumTurns(); t++) { if(!sentencesTrueByTurn.get(t).contains(internal)) turns.add(t); else for(GdlSentence s : sentencesTrueByTurn.get(t)) { if(null != Assignments.getAssignmentMakingLeftIntoRight(internal, s)) { turns.add(t); break; } } } } //Accumulate turns //Note that all relevant conjuncts must be true, so this //is an intersection of when the individual conjuncts //could be true. turnsPossible.retainAll(turns); } return turnsPossible; } private Set<Integer> completeTurnSet = null; public Set<Integer> getCompleteTurnSet() { if(completeTurnSet == null) { completeTurnSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < getNumTurns(); i++) { completeTurnSet.add(i); } completeTurnSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(completeTurnSet); } return completeTurnSet; } public Set<SentenceForm> getSentenceForms() { return formsControlledByFlow; } public Set<GdlSentence> getSentencesTrueOnTurn(int i) { return sentencesTrueByTurn.get(i); } public int getTurnAfterLast() { return turnAfterLast; } }