package util.gdl.transforms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlDistinct; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlNot; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlTerm; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable; import util.gdl.model.SentenceModel; public class SimpleCondensationIsolator { /* * The purpose of CondensationIsolater is to rewrite rules to make * them easier for propnets to handle. Other forward-chaining * approaches may also find this useful. * * "Condensation" refers to rules that contain variables not in the * head. For example, we might have a rule * (<= (threatened ?x2 ?y2) * (threatens ?x1 ?y1 ?x2 ?y2)) * which "condenses" a potentially large number of pairs of ?x1 and ?y1 * into a single statement that may be more useful elsewhere on the * board. * * - Alex Landau */ public static List<Gdl> run(List<Gdl> description, boolean experimental) { //This is much easier on a deORed description description =; List<Gdl> newDescription = new ArrayList<Gdl>(); List<GdlRule> rules = new ArrayList<GdlRule>(); //First, separate into relations (which go unchanged) and rules for(Gdl gdl : description) { if(gdl instanceof GdlRule) { rules.add((GdlRule) gdl); } else { newDescription.add(gdl); } } Set<String> sentenceNames = new SentenceModel(description).getSentenceNames(); //the list of rules might grow as we go for(int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { GdlRule rule = rules.get(i); //See if this rule contains a condensation that can be factored out Condensation condensation; if(experimental) { condensation = Condensation.getCondensation2(rule, rules, sentenceNames); if(condensation == null) condensation = Condensation.getCondensation(rule, rules, sentenceNames); } else { condensation = Condensation.getCondensation(rule, rules, sentenceNames); } if(condensation != null) { //Modify the rule rules.set(i, condensation.getModifiedRule()); i--; //Go over the rule again if(condensation.hasNewRule()) { rules.add(condensation.getNewRule()); } } } newDescription.addAll(rules); return newDescription; } private static class Condensation { GdlRule modifiedRule; //We generate the new rule, but then we check to see if there's already //some other rule that matches it. If not, this stays null. GdlRule newRule = null; public Condensation(Set<GdlVariable> condensationVars, GdlRule rule, List<GdlRule> rules, Set<String> sentenceNames) { //This condensation has to: //- Modify the rule to remove all components with the given variables //- Do one of the following: // - Create a new rule combining those variables // - Find an existing rule //It seems reasonable to do the second step first. //Even if we go looking for an existing rule, we need something to compare it to //The head should contain all the vars in the relevant literals List<GdlLiteral> modifiedBody = new ArrayList<GdlLiteral>(); List<GdlLiteral> condenserBody = new ArrayList<GdlLiteral>(); for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { if(Collections.disjoint(SentenceModel.getVariables(literal), condensationVars)) modifiedBody.add(literal); else condenserBody.add(literal); } //Now we want to make the condenser rule //First we have to get all the right variables in the head Set<GdlVariable> condenserHeadVars = new HashSet<GdlVariable>(); for(GdlLiteral literal : condenserBody) condenserHeadVars.addAll(SentenceModel.getVariables(literal)); condenserHeadVars.removeAll(condensationVars); //TODO: Do comparisons //If nothing found, name the rule GdlConstant condenserName; for(int i = 0; ; i++) { String candidateName = rule.getHead().getName().getValue() + "_tmp" + i; if(!sentenceNames.contains(candidateName)) { condenserName = GdlPool.getConstant(candidateName); sentenceNames.add(candidateName); //Success! break; } } //Make the rule head List<GdlTerm> orderedVars = new ArrayList<GdlTerm>(condenserHeadVars); GdlSentence condenserHead; if(orderedVars.isEmpty()) { condenserHead = GdlPool.getProposition(condenserName); } else { condenserHead = GdlPool.getRelation(condenserName, orderedVars); } //Make the condenser rule and add it //GdlRule condenserRule = GdlPool.getRule(condenserHead, condenserBody); newRule = GdlPool.getRule(condenserHead, condenserBody); //Add the condenser relation to the modified rule modifiedBody.add(condenserHead); modifiedRule = GdlPool.getRule(rule.getHead(), modifiedBody); } public GdlRule getNewRule() { return newRule; } public boolean hasNewRule() { return (newRule != null); } public GdlRule getModifiedRule() { return modifiedRule; } public static Condensation getCondensation(GdlRule rule, List<GdlRule> rules, Set<String> sentenceNames) { //First: Check that it has at least one int relevantCount = 0; for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { if(literal instanceof GdlSentence || literal instanceof GdlNot) relevantCount++; } if(relevantCount < 2) return null; //We're now looking for variables that appear in only one literal //Recent slight change: if there's a distinct clause with //only one variable in it, ignore that variable for these purposes. Set<GdlVariable> singleUseVars = new HashSet<GdlVariable>(); Set<GdlVariable> multiUseVars = new HashSet<GdlVariable>(); GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); multiUseVars.addAll(SentenceModel.getVariables(head)); //Go through the body for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { Set<GdlVariable> usedVars = new HashSet<GdlVariable>(SentenceModel.getVariables(literal)); //See chinesecheckers4.kif for example of this being helpful if(literal instanceof GdlDistinct && usedVars.size() == 1) continue; for(GdlVariable var : usedVars) { if(multiUseVars.contains(var)) { //do nothing } else if(singleUseVars.contains(var)) { singleUseVars.remove(var); multiUseVars.add(var); } else { singleUseVars.add(var); } } } //Do we have any single use vars? if(singleUseVars.isEmpty()) return null; GdlVariable varChosen = singleUseVars.iterator().next(); //Find the body literal it's in for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { List<GdlVariable> varsInLiteral = SentenceModel.getVariables(literal); if(varsInLiteral.contains(varChosen)) { //Get all the single-use variables singleUseVars.retainAll(varsInLiteral); return new Condensation(singleUseVars, rule, rules, sentenceNames); } } //Shouldn't happen? return null; } public static Condensation getCondensation2(GdlRule rule, List<GdlRule> rules, Set<String> sentenceNames) { /* We now take the following approach to finding a useful condensation: * We start with a single candidate variable not found in the head. * We add all the literals with that variable. * Whenever we add a literal, we add all the non-head vars in that literal; * whenever we add a variable, we add all the literals containing it. * We stop when there's nothing left to add. * If we end up with the entire set of literals, there's no condensation; * otherwise, we generate a condensation of those vars and literals. * Am I missing any cases? * Yes, plenty * What if we just gathered all the literals associated with the * first variable, then used all the variables that only appear * in those * That would have problems with examples like * (<= (r1 x) * (r2 x a b) * (r3 x a c) * (not (r4 x b c))) * In this case, we need both r2 and r3 if we're to factor out r4 * We could, however, factor out r2 and r3 to get: * (<= (r5 x b c) * (r2 x a b) * (r3 x a c)) * (<= (r1 x) * (r5 x b c) * (not (r4 x b c))) * How could we find this case? * Only by explicitly focusing on factoring out a * It's worth factoring out because it doesn't appear across all literals * It's feasible to factor out because it doesn't include a not * or distinct with other variables in it * * But sometimes we want to look at pairs of variables, don't we? * * (<= (r1 x) * (r2 x a) * (r3 x a b) * (r4 x b) * (r5 x c d)) * We might like to factor this into: * (<= (r6 x) * (r2 x a) * (r3 x a b) * (r4 x b)) * (<= (r7 x) * (r5 x c d)) * (<= (r1 x) * (r6 x) * (r7 x)) * On the other hand, this might be better: * (<= (r8 x b) * (r2 x a) * (r3 x a b)) * (<= (r6 x) * (r8 x b) * (r4 x b)) * Which is better? Let's assume here that r8 wouldn't be referenced * by other relations for other reasons. * Assume a and b each have domain size n. * Then in the first case, for each (r6 const), we get: * - n^2 AND gates for the n^2 possible combinations * - 3n^2 inputs to the AND gates * - 1 OR gate leading to (r6 const) * - n^2 outputs from the AND gates to the OR gate * Total: 4n^2 links * In the second case, again for a given constant: * - For each value of b, leading to r8: * - n AND gates, each with 2 inputs * - Outputs to an OR gate for each one * Total: 3n * - Total for r8: 3n^2 links * - For r6: * - n AND gates, two inputs each * - one OR gate * - 3n links * - So a total of 3n^2 + 3n; if 3 < n, this is smaller * So the more "thorough" method actually appears to be better * for large numbers of constants (the more typical case). * * This means we really do want to factor out just one variable at a time. * It just has to be useful and feasible. * It is useful if there is some literal in the rule body that it * doesn't appear in. * It is feasible if none of the distinct or not literals that * contain the variable contain other variables not fully contained * in the set to be factored out. * But the set to be factored out is somewhat flexible... * Let's look at another example * (<= (r1 x) * (r2 x a) * (r3 x b) * (not (r4 x a b)) * (r5 x c) * (r6 x d) * (not (r7 x c d))) * We could even entwine the two halves with something like (r5 x a c), * and it would still be worth factoring. * So we do want to expand to other variables in the case of not/distinct, * just not in the case of positive literals. * And then, of course, if it becomes useless, we ___. * Maybe we can start with the nots/distincts? * Though just one positive literal/one distinct doesn't seem worth factoring out. * * Okay, look at it this way: * We have a graph with a node for each variable not in the head * Each "not" or "distinct" creates links between all variables in * that literal * This generates connected components that are minimal condensations * as long as they are useful, which requires having at least one * non-"distinct" literal including at least one of the variables */ //First, we identify the variables in the head of the rule, //as well as the variables not in the head List<GdlVariable> headVars = SentenceModel.getVariables(rule.getHead()); List<GdlVariable> allRules = SentenceModel.getVariables(rule); List<GdlVariable> nonHeadVars = new ArrayList<GdlVariable>(allRules); nonHeadVars.removeAll(headVars); //Let's try the graph approach Map<GdlVariable, Set<GdlVariable>> varGraph = new HashMap<GdlVariable, Set<GdlVariable>>(); for(GdlVariable nonHeadVar : nonHeadVars) { varGraph.put(nonHeadVar, new HashSet<GdlVariable>()); } //For each variable in the rule, add constraints for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { List<GdlVariable> vars = SentenceModel.getVariables(literal); vars.removeAll(headVars); //Add links between these vars for(GdlVariable var : vars) { varGraph.get(var).addAll(vars); } } //Now we separate the graph into connected components //Remember, nodes may be connected indirectly, so we need BFS to get the //whole component List<Set<GdlVariable>> connectedComponents = getConnectedComponents(varGraph); //Now we'll test each component to see if it's useful for(Set<GdlVariable> condensationVars : connectedComponents) { if(isUsefulCondensation(condensationVars, rule)) { return new Condensation(condensationVars, rule, rules, sentenceNames); } } return null; } private static boolean isUsefulCondensation( Set<GdlVariable> condensationVars, GdlRule rule) { //Look for a substantial (i.e. non-"distinct") literal in the rule body //that does not contain any of these variables for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { if(literal instanceof GdlSentence || literal instanceof GdlNot) { List<GdlVariable> varsInLiteral = SentenceModel.getVariables(literal); if(Collections.disjoint(condensationVars, varsInLiteral)) return true; } } return false; } private static List<Set<GdlVariable>> getConnectedComponents( Map<GdlVariable, Set<GdlVariable>> graph) { List<Set<GdlVariable>> components = new ArrayList<Set<GdlVariable>>(); Set<GdlVariable> varsAdded = new HashSet<GdlVariable>(); for(GdlVariable key : graph.keySet()) { Set<GdlVariable> component = new HashSet<GdlVariable>(); Queue<GdlVariable> varsToAdd = new LinkedList<GdlVariable>(); if(!varsAdded.contains(key)) varsToAdd.add(key); while(!varsToAdd.isEmpty()) { GdlVariable curVar = varsToAdd.remove(); if(varsAdded.contains(curVar)) continue; //Find the children Set<GdlVariable> children = graph.get(curVar); //Add those children that have not been handled for(GdlVariable child : children) { if(!varsAdded.contains(child)) varsToAdd.add(child); } component.add(curVar); varsAdded.add(curVar); } if(!component.isEmpty()) components.add(component); } return components; } } }