* ProjectConfiguration handles the project-specific directory settings.
* This class stores the paths of the game directory and the class binary
* directories, so they can quickly be changed and overridden.
* For example, if you create a second project in Eclipse which includes
* this "GGP Base" project, you can override "gamesRootDirectoryPath" to
* be "..\\GGP Base\\games" in the new project, and add "..\\GGP Base\\bin"
* to the classRoots array, and then your new project will automagically be
* able to find all of the games, and all of the player objects stored both
* in your new project, and in the GGP Base project.
* @author Sam Schreiber
package util.configuration;
import java.io.File;
public class ProjectConfiguration {
/* Game rulesheet repository information */
private static final String gamesRootDirectoryPath = "games";
public static final File gamesRootDirectory = new File(gamesRootDirectoryPath);
public static final File gameImagesDirectory = new File(gamesRootDirectoryPath, "images");
public static final File gameRulesheetsDirectory = new File(gamesRootDirectoryPath, "rulesheets");
public static final File gameStylesheetsDirectory = new File(gamesRootDirectoryPath, "stylesheets");
public static final File gameCacheDirectory = new File(gamesRootDirectoryPath, "cache");
public static final String gamesRootPath = gamesRootDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar;
public static final String gameImagesPath = gameImagesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar;
public static final String gameRulesheetsPath = gameRulesheetsDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar;
public static final String gameStylesheetsPath = gameStylesheetsDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar;
public static final String gameCacheDirectoryPath = gameCacheDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Games root directory: " + gamesRootPath);
System.out.println("Games images directory: " + gameImagesPath);
System.out.println("Games rulesheets directory: " + gameRulesheetsPath);
System.out.println("Games stylesheets directory: " + gameStylesheetsPath);
System.out.println("Games cache directory: " + gameCacheDirectoryPath);
/* Cached serialized propnet information */
private static final String propNetCacheDirectoryPath = "propnet_cache";
public static final File propNetCacheDirectory = new File(propNetCacheDirectoryPath);
/* Class object file information */
public static final String[] classRoots = new String[] {"bin"};