package player.gamer.statemachine; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import player.gamer.Gamer; import player.gamer.exception.MetaGamingException; import player.gamer.exception.MoveSelectionException; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import util.logging.GamerLogger; import util.statemachine.MachineState; import util.statemachine.Move; import util.statemachine.Role; import util.statemachine.StateMachine; import util.statemachine.exceptions.GoalDefinitionException; import util.statemachine.exceptions.MoveDefinitionException; import util.statemachine.exceptions.TransitionDefinitionException; /** * The base class for Gamers that rely on representing games as state machines. * Almost every player should subclass this class, since it provides the common * methods for interpreting the match history as transitions in a state machine, * and for keeping an up-to-date view of the current state of the game. * * See @SimpleSearchLightGamer, @HumanGamer, and @LegalGamer for examples. * * @author evancox * @author Sam */ public abstract class StateMachineGamer extends Gamer { // ===================================================================== // First, the abstract methods which need to be overriden by subclasses. // These determine what state machine is used, what the gamer does during // metagaming, and how the gamer selects roles. /** * Defines which state machine this gamer will use. * @return */ public abstract StateMachine getInitialStateMachine(); /** * Defines the metagaming action taken by a player during the START_CLOCK * @param timeout the START_CLOCK for the current game * @throws TransitionDefinitionException * @throws MoveDefinitionException * @throws GoalDefinitionException */ public abstract void stateMachineMetaGame(long timeout) throws TransitionDefinitionException, MoveDefinitionException, GoalDefinitionException; /** * Defines the algorithm that the player uses to select their move. * @param timeout the START_CLOCK for the current game * @return Move - the move selected by the player * @throws TransitionDefinitionException * @throws MoveDefinitionException * @throws GoalDefinitionException */ public abstract Move stateMachineSelectMove(long timeout) throws TransitionDefinitionException, MoveDefinitionException, GoalDefinitionException; // ===================================================================== // Next, methods which can be used by subclasses to get information about // the current state of the game, and tweak the state machine on the fly. /** * Returns the current state * @return the current state */ public final MachineState getCurrentState() { return currentState; } /** * Returns the current role * @return the current role */ public final Role getRole() { return role; } /** * Returns the state machine. This is used for calculating the next state and other operations such as computing * the legal roles for all players * * @return a state machine */ public final StateMachine getStateMachine() { return stateMachine; } /** * Cleans up the role, currentState and stateMachine. This should only be * used when a match is over, and even then only when you really need to * free up resources that the state machine has tied up. Currently, it is * only used in the Proxy, for players designed to run 24/7. */ protected final void cleanupAfterMatch() { role = null; currentState = null; stateMachine = null; setMatch(null); setRoleName(null); } /** * Switches stateMachine to newStateMachine, playing through the match * history to the current state so that currentState is expressed using * a MachineState generated by the new state machine. * * This is not done in a thread-safe fashion with respect to the rest of * the gamer, so be careful when using this method. * * @param newStateMachine the new state machine */ protected final void switchStateMachine(StateMachine newStateMachine) { try { MachineState newCurrentState = newStateMachine.getInitialState(); Role newRole = newStateMachine.getRoleFromProp(getRoleName()); // Attempt to run through the game history in the new machine List<List<GdlSentence>> theMoveHistory = getMatch().getMoveHistory(); for(List<GdlSentence> nextMove : theMoveHistory) { List<Move> theJointMove = new ArrayList<Move>(); for(GdlSentence theSentence : nextMove) theJointMove.add(newStateMachine.getMoveFromSentence(theSentence)); newCurrentState = newStateMachine.getNextStateDestructively(newCurrentState, theJointMove); } // Finally, switch over if everything went well. role = newRole; currentState = newCurrentState; stateMachine = newStateMachine; } catch (Exception e) { GamerLogger.log("GamePlayer", "Caught an exception while switching state machine!"); GamerLogger.logStackTrace("GamePlayer", e); } } // ===================================================================== // Finally, methods which are overridden with proper state-machine-based // semantics. These basically wrap a state-machine-based view of the world // around the ordinary metaGame() and selectMove() functions, calling the // new stateMachineMetaGame() and stateMachineSelectMove() functions after // doing the state-machine-related book-keeping. /** * A wrapper function for stateMachineMetaGame. When the match begins, this * initializes the state machine and role using the match description, and * then calls stateMachineMetaGame. */ @Override public final void metaGame(long timeout) throws MetaGamingException { try { stateMachine = getInitialStateMachine(); stateMachine.initialize(getMatch().getGame().getRules()); currentState = stateMachine.getInitialState(); role = stateMachine.getRoleFromProp(getRoleName()); getMatch().appendState(currentState.getContents()); stateMachineMetaGame(timeout); } catch (Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("GamePlayer", e); throw new MetaGamingException(); } } /** * A wrapper function for stateMachineSelectMove. When we are asked to * select a move, this advances the state machine up to the current state * and then calls stateMachineSelectMove to select a move based on that * current state. */ @Override public final GdlSentence selectMove(long timeout) throws MoveSelectionException { try { stateMachine.doPerMoveWork(); List<GdlSentence> lastMoves = getMatch().getMostRecentMoves(); if (lastMoves != null) { List<Move> moves = new ArrayList<Move>(); for (GdlSentence sentence : lastMoves) { moves.add(stateMachine.getMoveFromSentence(sentence)); } currentState = stateMachine.getNextState(currentState, moves); getMatch().appendState(currentState.getContents()); } return stateMachineSelectMove(timeout).getContents(); } catch (Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("GamePlayer", e); throw new MoveSelectionException(); } } // Internal state about the current state of the state machine. private Role role; private MachineState currentState; private StateMachine stateMachine; }