package apps.kiosk.templates; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import util.statemachine.MachineState; /** * GameCanvas_FancyGrid expands on the GameCanvas_SimpleGrid model, with * additional features based on situations that commonly occur when writing * game visualizations. These features make stronger assumptions about the * game being visualized, and so may not be appropriate for all games. * These assumptions, in addition to the GameCanvas_SimpleGrid assumptions, * are as follows: * * 1) Each cell of the grid can be drawn independently, * using the following layers: * * a) Background layer, based only on coordinates. * b) Content layer, based only on game propositions. * c) Foreground layer, based only on coordinates. * d) Selection layer, based only on the coordinates * and the currently selected move. * * 2) The game propositions required to render the content layer * of a given cell can be determined from the current state of * the game and the cell's coordinates. As a result, they will * not change unless the game state changes. * * 3) Each cell has a certain number of moves associated with it. * These moves can be determined from the current state of the * game and the cell's coordinates. As a result, they will not * change unless the game state changes. * * NOTE: Multiple cells can share the same moves. * * Given these assumptions, GameCanvas_FancyGrid handles a lot of the work * associated with selecting moves, rendering the grid, and caching useful * parts of the game state. The player will be able to select their move by * clicking on a cell: if there are multiple moves associated with the cell, * they can click on the cell multiple times to cycle through them. * * To reflect the above assumptions, GameCanvas_FancyGrid overrides the * andleClickOnCell() and clearMoveSelection() methods, and instead provides * the following abstract methods: * * getFactsAboutCell(x,y) Get all facts associated with a cell. * getLegalMovesForCell(x,y) Get all legal moves associated with a cell. * * renderCellBackground(g,x,y) Draw the background for a cell. * renderCellContent(g,fact) Draw the content for a cell, given its fact. * renderCellContent(g,facts) Draw the content for a cell, given its facts. * renderCellForeground(g,x,y) Draw the foreground for a cell. * * renderMoveSelectionForCell(g,x,y,move) Draw the move selection for a cell. * * One common situation involves each cell having exactly one fact associated * with it, often of the form "(cell 1 1 x)". In this situation, it's more convenient * to have that single fact extracted and passed to renderCellContent() as a String, * rather than as a Set<String> containing one element. If you want that automatic * extraction done, override the renderCellContent() method that takes a String as its * second parameter. Otherwise, if your getFactsAboutCell() method is expected to return * multiple facts about the same cell, override the renderCellContent() method that takes * a Set<String> as its second parameter. * * Another common situation involves having a game where you want to automatically * display the grid, drawing black boxes around grid cells and always highlighting * the selected grid cell with a green border. This grid visualization will be done * by default. If you want to disable it, override the "useGridVisualization" function * so that it returns false. * * @author Sam Schreiber */ public abstract class GameCanvas_FancyGrid extends GameCanvas_SimpleGrid { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected abstract Set<String> getFactsAboutCell(int xCell, int yCell); protected abstract Set<String> getLegalMovesForCell(int xCell, int yCell); protected void renderCellBackground(Graphics g, int xCell, int yCell) {}; protected void renderCellForeground(Graphics g, int xCell, int yCell) {}; protected void renderMoveSelectionForCell(Graphics g, int xCell, int yCell, String theMove) {}; protected void renderCellContent(Graphics g, String theFact) {}; protected void renderCellContent(Graphics g, Set<String> theFacts){ if(theFacts.size() > 0) { if(theFacts.size() > 1) { System.err.println("More than one fact for a cell? Unexpected!"); } String theFact = theFacts.iterator().next(); renderCellContent(g, theFact); } } protected boolean useGridVisualization() { return true; } protected final boolean isSelectedCell(int xCell, int yCell) { return (yCell == selectedRow && xCell == selectedColumn); } private int selectedRow = -1; private int selectedColumn = -1; private String currentSelectedMove; private Iterator<String> possibleSelectedMoves = null; protected final void handleClickOnCell(int xCell, int yCell, int xWithin, int yWithin) { if(selectedRow != yCell || selectedColumn != xCell || !possibleSelectedMoves.hasNext()) { SortedSet<String> theMoves = new TreeSet<String>(getLegalMovesForCell(xCell, yCell)); if(theMoves.size() == 0) return; possibleSelectedMoves = theMoves.iterator(); } selectedRow = yCell; selectedColumn = xCell; currentSelectedMove =; submitWorkingMove(stringToMove(currentSelectedMove)); } // Cache all of the facts about cells that we compute, since they should not // change unless the game state changes. private Map<Integer, Set<String>> factsCache = new HashMap<Integer, Set<String>>(); protected Set<String> getCachedFactsAboutCell(int xCell, int yCell) { int cellHash = xCell*getGridHeight()*2 + yCell; Set<String> cachedFacts = factsCache.get(cellHash); if(cachedFacts != null) return cachedFacts; Set<String> realFacts = getFactsAboutCell(xCell, yCell); factsCache.put(cellHash, realFacts); return realFacts; } // When the game state changes, clear our cache of known facts. public void updateGameState(MachineState gameState) { factsCache.clear(); super.updateGameState(gameState); } protected final void renderCell(Graphics g, int xCell, int yCell) { renderCellBackground(g, xCell, yCell); renderCellContent(g, getCachedFactsAboutCell(xCell, yCell)); if(useGridVisualization()) CommonGraphics.drawCellBorder(g); renderCellForeground(g, xCell, yCell); if(!currentSelectedMove.isEmpty()) { renderMoveSelectionForCell(g, xCell, yCell, currentSelectedMove); if(useGridVisualization() && isSelectedCell(xCell, yCell)) CommonGraphics.drawSelectionBox(g); } } public final void clearMoveSelection() { submitWorkingMove(null); possibleSelectedMoves = null; currentSelectedMove = ""; selectedColumn = -1; selectedRow = -1; repaint(); } }