package util.statemachine.verifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import util.logging.GamerLogger; import util.statemachine.MachineState; import util.statemachine.Move; import util.statemachine.Role; import util.statemachine.StateMachine; public class StateMachineVerifier { public static boolean checkMachineConsistency(StateMachine theReference, StateMachine theSubject, long timeToSpend) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Performing automatic consistency testing on " + theSubject.getClass().getName() + " using " + theReference.getClass().getName() + " as a reference."); List<StateMachine> theMachines = new ArrayList<StateMachine>(); theMachines.add(theReference); theMachines.add(theSubject); GamerLogger.emitToConsole("Consistency checking: ["); int nRound = 0; while(true) { nRound++; GamerLogger.emitToConsole("."); MachineState[] theCurrentStates = new MachineState[theMachines.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < theMachines.size(); i++) { try { theCurrentStates[i] = theMachines.get(i).getInitialState(); } catch(Exception e) { GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Machine #" + i + " failed to generate an initial state!"); return false; } } int nStatesDown = 0; while(!theMachines.get(0).isTerminal(theCurrentStates[0])) { if(System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + timeToSpend) break; // Do per-state consistency checks for(int i = 1; i < theMachines.size(); i++) { for(Role theRole : theMachines.get(0).getRoles()) { try { if(!(theMachines.get(i).getLegalMoves(theCurrentStates[i], theRole).size() == theMachines.get(0).getLegalMoves(theCurrentStates[0], theRole).size())) { GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Inconsistency between machine #" + i + " and ProverStateMachine over state " + theCurrentStates[0] + " vs " + theCurrentStates[i].getContents()); GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Machine #" + 0 + " has move count = " + theMachines.get(0).getLegalMoves(theCurrentStates[0], theRole).size() + " for player " + theRole); GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Machine #" + i + " has move count = " + theMachines.get(i).getLegalMoves(theCurrentStates[i], theRole).size() + " for player " + theRole); return false; } } catch(Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("StateMachine", e); } } } try { //Proceed on to the next state. List<Move> theJointMove = theMachines.get(0).getRandomJointMove(theCurrentStates[0]); nStatesDown++; for(int i = 0; i < theMachines.size(); i++) { try { theCurrentStates[i] = theMachines.get(i).getNextState(theCurrentStates[i], theJointMove); } catch(Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("StateMachine", e); } } } catch(Exception e) { GamerLogger.logStackTrace("StateMachine", e); } } if(System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + timeToSpend) break; // Do final consistency checks for(int i = 1; i < theMachines.size(); i++) { if(!theMachines.get(i).isTerminal(theCurrentStates[i])) { GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Inconsistency between machine #" + i + " and ProverStateMachine over terminal-ness of state " + theCurrentStates[0] + " vs " + theCurrentStates[i]); return false; } for(Role theRole : theMachines.get(0).getRoles()) { try { theMachines.get(0).getGoal(theCurrentStates[0], theRole); } catch(Exception e) { continue; } try { if(theMachines.get(i).getGoal(theCurrentStates[i], theRole) != theMachines.get(0).getGoal(theCurrentStates[0], theRole)) { GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Inconsistency between machine #" + i + " and ProverStateMachine over goal value for " + theRole + " of state " + theCurrentStates[0] + ": " + theMachines.get(i).getGoal(theCurrentStates[i], theRole) + " vs " + theMachines.get(0).getGoal(theCurrentStates[0], theRole)); return false; } } catch(Exception e) { GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Inconsistency between machine #" + i + " and ProverStateMachine over goal-ness of state " + theCurrentStates[0] + " vs " + theCurrentStates[i]); return false; } } } } GamerLogger.emitToConsole("]\n"); GamerLogger.log("StateMachine", "Completed automatic consistency testing on " + theSubject.getClass().getName() + ", w/ " + nRound + " rounds: all tests pass!"); return true; } }