package util.gdl.transforms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlDistinct; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlFunction; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlNot; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlOr; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlProposition; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlRelation; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlTerm; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable; /** * @author Sam Schreiber */ public class CommonTransforms { //We can avoid lots of client-side casts by providing these functions for the more specific cases -AL public static GdlRule replaceVariable(GdlRule rule, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlRule) replaceVariableInternal(rule, toSubstitute, theReplacement); } public static GdlLiteral replaceVariable(GdlLiteral literal, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlLiteral) replaceVariableInternal(literal, toSubstitute, theReplacement); } public static GdlSentence replaceVariable(GdlSentence sentence, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlSentence) replaceVariableInternal(sentence, toSubstitute, theReplacement); } /*public static GdlFunction replaceVariable(GdlFunction function, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlFunction) replaceVariableInternal(function, toSubstitute, theReplacement); } public static GdlNot replaceVariable(GdlNot not, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlNot) replaceVariableInternal(not, toSubstitute, theReplacement); } public static GdlOr replaceVariable(GdlOr or, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlOr) replaceVariableInternal(or, toSubstitute, theReplacement); } public static GdlDistinct replaceVariable(GdlDistinct distinct, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlDistinct) replaceVariableInternal(distinct, toSubstitute, theReplacement); } public static GdlRelation replaceVariable(GdlRelation relation, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlRelation) replaceVariableInternal(relation, toSubstitute, theReplacement); } public static GdlTerm replaceVariable(GdlTerm term, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { return (GdlTerm) replaceVariableInternal(term, toSubstitute, theReplacement); }*/ private static Gdl replaceVariableInternal(Gdl gdl, GdlVariable toSubstitute, GdlTerm theReplacement) { if(gdl instanceof GdlDistinct) { return GdlPool.getDistinct((GdlTerm) replaceVariableInternal(((GdlDistinct) gdl).getArg1(), toSubstitute, theReplacement), (GdlTerm) replaceVariableInternal(((GdlDistinct) gdl).getArg2(), toSubstitute, theReplacement)); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlNot) { return GdlPool.getNot((GdlLiteral) replaceVariableInternal(((GdlNot) gdl).getBody(), toSubstitute, theReplacement)); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlOr) { GdlOr or = (GdlOr)gdl; List<GdlLiteral> rval = new ArrayList<GdlLiteral>(); for(int i=0; i<or.arity(); i++) { rval.add((GdlLiteral) replaceVariableInternal(or.get(i), toSubstitute, theReplacement)); } return GdlPool.getOr(rval); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlProposition) { return gdl; } else if(gdl instanceof GdlRelation) { GdlRelation rel = (GdlRelation)gdl; List<GdlTerm> rval = new ArrayList<GdlTerm>(); for(int i=0; i<rel.arity(); i++) { rval.add((GdlTerm) replaceVariableInternal(rel.get(i), toSubstitute, theReplacement)); } return GdlPool.getRelation(rel.getName(), rval); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlRule) { GdlRule rule = (GdlRule)gdl; List<GdlLiteral> rval = new ArrayList<GdlLiteral>(); for(int i=0; i<rule.arity(); i++) { rval.add((GdlLiteral) replaceVariableInternal(rule.get(i), toSubstitute, theReplacement)); } return GdlPool.getRule((GdlSentence) replaceVariableInternal(rule.getHead(), toSubstitute, theReplacement), rval); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlConstant) { return gdl; } else if(gdl instanceof GdlFunction) { GdlFunction func = (GdlFunction)gdl; List<GdlTerm> rval = new ArrayList<GdlTerm>(); for(int i=0; i<func.arity(); i++) { rval.add((GdlTerm) replaceVariableInternal(func.get(i), toSubstitute, theReplacement)); } return GdlPool.getFunction(func.getName(), rval); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlVariable) { if(gdl == toSubstitute) { return theReplacement; } else { return gdl; } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Uh oh, gdl hierarchy must have been extended without updating this code."); } } //Apply a variable assignment to a Gdl object public static GdlSentence replaceVariables(GdlSentence sentence, Map<GdlVariable, ? extends GdlTerm> assignment) { return (GdlSentence) replaceVariablesInternal(sentence, assignment); } public static GdlTerm replaceVariables(GdlTerm term, Map<GdlVariable, ? extends GdlTerm> assignment) { return (GdlTerm) replaceVariablesInternal(term, assignment); } public static GdlLiteral replaceVariables(GdlLiteral literal, Map<GdlVariable, ? extends GdlTerm> assignment) { return (GdlLiteral) replaceVariablesInternal(literal, assignment); } private static Gdl replaceVariablesInternal(Gdl gdl, Map<GdlVariable, ? extends GdlTerm> assignment) { if(gdl instanceof GdlProposition) { return gdl; } else if(gdl instanceof GdlRelation) { GdlRelation relation = (GdlRelation) gdl; GdlConstant name = relation.getName(); List<GdlTerm> newBody = new ArrayList<GdlTerm>(relation.arity()); for(GdlTerm term : relation.getBody()) { newBody.add(replaceVariables(term, assignment)); } return GdlPool.getRelation(name, newBody); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlConstant) { return gdl; } else if(gdl instanceof GdlVariable) { if(assignment.containsKey(gdl)) return assignment.get(gdl); else return gdl; } else if(gdl instanceof GdlFunction) { GdlFunction function = (GdlFunction) gdl; GdlConstant name = function.getName(); List<GdlTerm> newBody = new ArrayList<GdlTerm>(function.arity()); for(GdlTerm term : function.getBody()) { newBody.add(replaceVariables(term, assignment)); } return GdlPool.getFunction(name, newBody); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlDistinct) { GdlDistinct distinct = (GdlDistinct) gdl; GdlTerm arg1 = replaceVariables(distinct.getArg1(), assignment); GdlTerm arg2 = replaceVariables(distinct.getArg2(), assignment); return GdlPool.getDistinct(arg1, arg2); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlNot) { GdlLiteral internal = ((GdlNot) gdl).getBody(); return GdlPool.getNot(replaceVariables(internal, assignment)); } else if(gdl instanceof GdlOr) { GdlOr or = (GdlOr) gdl; List<GdlLiteral> newInternals = new ArrayList<GdlLiteral>(or.arity()); for(int i = 0; i < or.arity(); i++) { newInternals.add(replaceVariables(or.get(i), assignment)); } return GdlPool.getOr(newInternals); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unforeseen Gdl subtype"); } } }