package apps.tiltyard; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import player.gamer.event.GamerCompletedMatchEvent; import player.gamer.event.GamerNewMatchEvent; import server.GameServer; import server.event.ServerCompletedMatchEvent; import server.event.ServerConnectionErrorEvent; import server.event.ServerIllegalMoveEvent; import server.event.ServerNewGameStateEvent; import server.event.ServerTimeoutEvent; import util.match.Match; import; import; import; /** * TiltyardEvent encapsulates all of the information about a single * match being run. It is responsible for starting the match, handling * callbacks, and collecting relevant statistics to be pulled into the * TiltyardEventsPanel. * * @author Sam Schreiber */ public class TiltyardEvent implements Observer, Subject { // Finalized information about the match type in general public final String gameName; public final int playClock, startClock; public final int numPlayers; public final Match theMatchModel; // Specific information about the latest match public int moveCount = 0; public int errorCount_Timeouts = 0; public int errorCount_IllegalMoves = 0; public int errorCount_ConnectionErrors = 0; public List<Integer> latestGoals = null; public String theStatus = "Awaiting match..."; public int old_moveCount = 0; public int old_errorCount_Timeouts = 0; public int old_errorCount_IllegalMoves = 0; public int old_errorCount_ConnectionErrors = 0; public TiltyardEvent(String gameName, Match theMatchModel, int numPlayers) { this.gameName = gameName; this.theMatchModel = theMatchModel; this.playClock = theMatchModel.getPlayClock(); this.startClock = theMatchModel.getStartClock(); this.numPlayers = numPlayers; resetStats(); } private void resetStats() { this.old_moveCount = this.moveCount; this.old_errorCount_Timeouts = this.errorCount_Timeouts; this.old_errorCount_IllegalMoves = this.errorCount_IllegalMoves; this.old_errorCount_ConnectionErrors = this.errorCount_ConnectionErrors; observers.clear(); this.theStatus = "Awaiting match..."; errorCount_Timeouts = 0; errorCount_IllegalMoves = 0; errorCount_ConnectionErrors = 0; moveCount = 0; latestGoals = null; } public void runEvent(List<String> hosts, List<String> names, List<Integer> ports) { try { notifyObservers(new GamerNewMatchEvent(null, null)); Match theMatch = new Match("Tiltyard." + gameName + "." + System.currentTimeMillis(), startClock, playClock, theMatchModel.getGame()); GameServer gameServer = new GameServer(theMatch, hosts, ports, names); gameServer.addObserver(this); gameServer.start(); theStatus = "Metagaming..."; notifyObservers(new GamerCompletedMatchEvent()); // Play the game! gameServer.join(); // Cleanup! resetStats(); System.gc(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getGoalString() { if(latestGoals == null) return ""; String theScores = "("; for(int i = 0; i < latestGoals.size(); i++) { if(i > 0) theScores += ", "; theScores += "" + latestGoals.get(i); } theScores += ")"; return theScores; } // Observation handling code (gets info from game) public void observe(Event event) { if(event instanceof ServerCompletedMatchEvent) { ServerCompletedMatchEvent scme = (ServerCompletedMatchEvent) event; latestGoals = scme.getGoals(); theStatus = "Finished."; notifyObservers(new GamerCompletedMatchEvent()); } else if(event instanceof ServerIllegalMoveEvent) { errorCount_IllegalMoves++; notifyObservers(new GamerCompletedMatchEvent()); } else if(event instanceof ServerTimeoutEvent) { errorCount_Timeouts++; notifyObservers(new GamerCompletedMatchEvent()); } else if(event instanceof ServerConnectionErrorEvent) { errorCount_ConnectionErrors++; notifyObservers(new GamerCompletedMatchEvent()); } else if(event instanceof ServerNewGameStateEvent) { if(theStatus.equals("Metagaming...")) theStatus = "Playing..."; else moveCount++; notifyObservers(new GamerCompletedMatchEvent()); } } // Observer handling code (passes info along to panel) private final List<Observer> observers = new ArrayList<Observer>(); public void addObserver(Observer observer) { observers.add(observer); } public void notifyObservers(Event event) { for (Observer observer : observers) { observer.observe(event); } } }