import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.neuroph.core.Layer;
import org.neuroph.core.NeuralNetwork;
import org.neuroph.core.Neuron;
import org.neuroph.core.input.InputFunction;
import org.neuroph.core.transfer.Linear;
import org.neuroph.core.transfer.TransferFunction;
import org.neuroph.nnet.comp.ThresholdNeuron;
import shef.instantiator.andortree.Node;
import shef.instantiator.andortree.Tuple;
import util.gdl.factory.GdlFactory;
import util.gdl.factory.exceptions.GdlFormatException;
import util.gdl.grammar.GdlRelation;
import util.symbol.factory.exceptions.SymbolFormatException;
import cs227b.teamIago.resolver.Atom;
import cs227b.teamIago.resolver.ExpList;
import cs227b.teamIago.resolver.Expression;
import cs227b.teamIago.resolver.Predicate;
public class CIL2PNet {
private static final int RECURRENT_WEIGHT = 1;
NeuralNetwork n = new NeuralNetwork();
Layer inputLayer = new Layer();
Layer outputLayer = new Layer();
Layer hiddenLayer = new Layer();
HashMap<Expression, Neuron> inputHash = new HashMap<Expression, Neuron>();
HashMap<Expression, ThresholdNeuron> outputHash = new HashMap<Expression, ThresholdNeuron>();
HashMap<Predicate, Neuron> queryHash = new HashMap<Predicate, Neuron>();
HashMap<GdlRelation, Neuron> queryHashGGPBase = new HashMap<GdlRelation, Neuron>();
HashMap<Goal, ThresholdNeuron> goalHash = new HashMap<Goal, ThresholdNeuron>();
int inputNeuronCount;
int goalNeuronCount;
int queryNeuronCount;
List<Tuple<Expression, Integer>> queryNeuronDetails = new ArrayList<Tuple<Expression,Integer>>();
List<Tuple<Expression, Integer>> goalNeuronDetails = new ArrayList<Tuple<Expression,Integer>>();
private HashMap<Expression, Integer> sameConsequent = new HashMap<Expression, Integer>();
HashMap<Expression, Set<ExpList>> clauseUniq= new HashMap<Expression, Set<ExpList>>();
int[] queryNeuronIndices = null;
private static final double BETA = 5;
private static final double ALPHA_SHIFT = 0.2;
private static final double AMIN_SHIFT = 0.0003;
private TransferFunction h = new Bipolar(BETA);
private TransferFunction g = new Linear();
private InputFunction inputNeuronIn = new InputFunction();
private InputFunction outputNeuronIn = new InputFunction();
public double Amin;
private boolean weightOne;
private List<Node> clause = new ArrayList<Node>();
* This produces a neural which represents a set
* @param p
* @param weightOne
public CIL2PNet(boolean weightOne) {
this.weightOne = weightOne;
* Create input and output nodes for this
* @param node
public void addTree(Node node) {
Expression key = node.getHead();
switch (node.getNodeType()) {
case OR:
case VAR_OR:
// add this neuron IF no node with the same head and
// premise set has been seen before
case TRUTH:
addInputNeuron(key, key.getVars().size() == 0);
case AND:
case VAR_AND:
addInputNeuron(key, false);
for (Node chNode : node.getChildren()) {
private void addOutputNeuronPremiseCheck(Node node) {
// if the head hasn't been seen before start keeping a set of
// premises which fulfil it
Set<ExpList> fulfils = clauseUniq.get(node.getHead());
if(fulfils == null){
fulfils = new HashSet<ExpList>();
clauseUniq.put(node.getHead(), fulfils);
// generate the ExpList to check if it has been seen before
ExpList premises = new ExpList();
for(Node child : node.getChildren()){
premises.add(new Predicate("not", new Expression[]{child.getHead()}));
* setup hidden nodes and set all relevant weights
public void finaliseNetwork() {
// find a value for MAXP of this
int MAXP = 0;
for (Node n : clause) {
int p = n.getChildCount();
if (p > MAXP) {
MAXP = p;
for (Integer i : sameConsequent.values()) {
if (i > MAXP) {
MAXP = i;
double Amin_gt = ((double) (MAXP - 1)) / ((double) MAXP + 1);
double W = 0;
// Michulke's optimisation
W = 1;
Amin = (Amin_gt - 1)*ALPHA_SHIFT + 1;
} else {
// compute Amin and W
// Amin > f this is a strict inequality
// W >= g this is a non-strict inequality
// manually increase Amin and W based on game complexity
Amin = Amin_gt + AMIN_SHIFT; // TODO fix manual adjust
// compute W
double W_num = Math.log(1 + Amin) - Math.log(1 - Amin);
double W_den = MAXP * (Amin - 1) + Amin + 1;
double W_gte = (2.0 / BETA) * (W_num / W_den);
// this is just a manual adjust
W = W_gte;
assert Amin > 0 && Amin < 1;
assert W > 0;
* Process each clause - add a hidden neuron to N - connect each
* necessary input unit - connect to the necessary output neuron -
* assign threshold theta_L
for (Node n : clause) {
ThresholdNeuron hiddenNeuron = new ThresholdNeuron(new InputFunction(), h);
for (Node chNode : n.getChildren()) {
double conW = chNode.negated ? -W : W;
hiddenNeuron.addInputConnection(inputHash.get(chNode.getHead()), conW);
ThresholdNeuron out = outputHash.get(n.getHead());
out.addInputConnection(hiddenNeuron, W);
double thresh = ((1 + Amin) * (n.getChildCount() - 1)) * (W / 2.0);
* Setup the output unit thresholds and connect them to their respective
* input neuron. This gives the partially recurrent nature to the CIL2P
* algorithm
for (Entry<Expression, ThresholdNeuron> e : outputHash.entrySet()) {
Expression key = e.getKey();
ThresholdNeuron outNeuron = e.getValue();
if (inputHash.containsKey(key)) {
// a match exists for key, add a recurrent input
Neuron inNeuron = inputHash.get(e.getKey());
inNeuron.addInputConnection(outNeuron, RECURRENT_WEIGHT);
int repeats = sameConsequent.get(key);
double thetaANum = (1 + Amin) * (1 - repeats);
double thresh = (thetaANum / 2.0) * W;
// save the query neuron indices so it is easy to query
queryNeuronCount = queryNeuronDetails.size();
queryNeuronIndices = new int[queryNeuronCount];
for (int i = 0; i < queryNeuronCount; i++) {
queryNeuronIndices[i] = queryNeuronDetails.get(i).getSecond();
inputNeuronCount = inputHash.size();
goalNeuronCount = goalNeuronDetails.size();
// save the externally to view in EasyNeuron"test6.nnet");
// query neurons should have their expression rebuilt to (true (p))
// also make a copy which is accessible using GGP bases's syntax
for(Tuple<Expression, Integer> t: queryNeuronDetails){
try {
Predicate truePred = new Predicate("true", new Expression[]{t.getFirst()});
GdlRelation gdlTruePred = (GdlRelation) GdlFactory.create(truePred.toString().toLowerCase());
Neuron trueNeuron = inputLayer.getNeuronAt(t.getSecond());
queryHash.put(truePred, trueNeuron);
queryHashGGPBase.put(gdlTruePred, trueNeuron);
} catch (GdlFormatException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (SymbolFormatException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* Add an input neuron if necessary this method also populates a record of
* neurons which will be input as part of the query space
* @param key
* @return
private void addInputNeuron(Expression key, boolean asQueryNode) {
Neuron inNeuron = inputHash.get(key);
// add a reference
// add a new neuron to the hash if necessary
if (inNeuron == null) {
inNeuron = new Neuron(inputNeuronIn, g);
inputHash.put(key, inNeuron);
queryNeuronDetails.add( new Tuple<Expression, Integer>(key, inputLayer.getNeuronsCount() - 1));
* Add an output neuron if necessary, also keep track of how many times it
* is used
* @param key
private void addOutputNeuron(Expression key) {
ThresholdNeuron outNeuron = outputHash.get(key);
if (outNeuron == null) {
outNeuron = new ThresholdNeuron(outputNeuronIn, h);
outputHash.put(key, outNeuron);
sameConsequent.put(key, 1);
if (key instanceof Predicate
&& ((Predicate) key).firstOp().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("GOAL")) {
new Tuple<Expression, Integer>( key, outputLayer.getNeuronsCount() - 1)
Predicate goalPredicate = (Predicate) key;
Goal goal = new Goal((Atom)goalPredicate.getOperands().get(0),
goalHash.put(goal, outNeuron);
} else {
Integer i = sameConsequent.get(key);
sameConsequent.put(key, i + 1);