package shef.strategies.uct; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import util.statemachine.MachineState; import util.statemachine.Move; import util.statemachine.exceptions.GoalDefinitionException; import util.statemachine.exceptions.MoveDefinitionException; import util.statemachine.exceptions.TransitionDefinitionException; /** * * * @author jonathan poulter */ public class UCTNeuralStrategy extends UCTGamer { int MAX_ROLLDEPTH = 10; private CIL2PManager cil2pManager; protected static final float C = 50; /** * Setup the UCT game tree */ @Override public void stateMachineMetaGame(long timeout) throws TransitionDefinitionException, MoveDefinitionException, GoalDefinitionException { System.out.println("init: " + timeout); CIL2PNet net = CIL2PFactory.modeNetFromGame(getMatch().getGame()); cil2pManager = new CIL2PManager(net); super.stateMachineMetaGame(timeout); } protected List<Double> completeRollout(MachineState from, int fromLvl) throws MoveDefinitionException, TransitionDefinitionException, GoalDefinitionException { int simDepth = fromLvl; int levelPlayer = (simDepth % roleCount); MachineState current = from; do { // play the best move for the current player List<MachineState> nextStats = theMachine.getNextStates(current); int nextStateCount = nextStats.size(); double bestChildScoreGAUSS = 0; int bestChildIndexGAUSS = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nextStateCount; i++) { double childScoreGAUSS = cil2pManager.getStateValueGaussian(nextStats.get(i), levelPlayer); if (childScoreGAUSS > bestChildScoreGAUSS) { bestChildScoreGAUSS = childScoreGAUSS; bestChildIndexGAUSS = i; } } current = nextStats.get(bestChildIndexGAUSS); simDepth++; levelPlayer = (simDepth % roleCount); } while (!theMachine.isTerminal(current)); // the node was terminal return theMachine.getDoubleGoals(current); } @Override public String getName() { return "Neural Gamer"; } }