package shef.strategies.uct.tree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import player.gamer.statemachine.StateMachineGamer; import util.statemachine.MachineState; import util.statemachine.Move; import util.statemachine.Role; import util.statemachine.StateMachine; import util.statemachine.exceptions.MoveDefinitionException; import util.statemachine.exceptions.TransitionDefinitionException; /** * Contains every level of the tree in an ordered list * * @author jonathan * */ public final class Tree { private final ArrayList<Level> stateLists = new ArrayList<Level>(100); private final StateMachine sm; private final int num_players; /** * Add an action pair to the hashmap * * @param game * @param initMatch * @throws InterruptedException * @throws TransitionDefinitionException * @throws MoveDefinitionException * @throws TransitionDefinitionException * @throws MoveDefinitionException */ public Tree(MachineState initMatch, StateMachineGamer smg, int num_players) throws InterruptedException, MoveDefinitionException, TransitionDefinitionException { = smg.getStateMachine(); this.num_players = num_players; Level rootLevel = new Level(); StateModel rootNodeModel = new StateModel(initMatch); stateLists.add(rootLevel); // add the root MachineState rootNode = initMatch; rootLevel.states.put(rootNode, rootNodeModel); // expand the root expandNode(rootNodeModel, 0); } public void expandNode(StateModel nodeModel, int lvl) throws MoveDefinitionException, TransitionDefinitionException { List<List<Move>> legalMoves = sm.getLegalJointMoves(nodeModel.state); MachineState cState = nodeModel.state; int depthN = lvl+1; for(List<Move> m: legalMoves){ MachineState nextState = sm.getNextState(cState, m); StateModel nextStateModel = new StateModel( nextState); Level childLevel = null; if(stateLists.size() <= depthN){ childLevel = new Level(); stateLists.add(childLevel); } else { childLevel = stateLists.get(depthN); } childLevel.states.put(nextState, nextStateModel); // make a connection between the two nodeModel.actionsPairs.put(m, new StateActionPair(nextStateModel, m)); } } public void print(StringBuilder b) { b.append("Tree\n"); for (int i = 0; i < stateLists.size(); i++) { // for b.append("level " + i + " \n"); stateLists.get(i).print(b); b.append("\n"); b.append("-----"); } } public ArrayList<Level> getStateLists() { return stateLists; } }