package util.gdl.transforms; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import util.gdl.grammar.Gdl; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlDistinct; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlNot; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlProposition; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlRelation; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence; import util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable; import util.gdl.model.SentenceModel; import util.gdl.model.SentenceModel.SentenceForm; import util.propnet.factory.Assignments; import util.propnet.factory.Assignments.AssignmentIterator; import util.propnet.factory.Assignments.ConstantForm; import util.statemachine.Role; public class ConstantFinder { /** * Produces a new description of a game with time-invariant sentence forms * removed, and an object for accessing the truth values of those sentences. * This can be useful for state machines working with games that use * sentences to describe things like the sum of two integers in the range * [0, 100]. (This can crash many state machines.) */ public static ConstantChecker getConstants(List<Gdl> description) { description =; description = VariableConstrainer.replaceFunctionValuedVariables(description); return new ConstantChecker(description); } public static class ConstantChecker { List<Role> roles; Map<SentenceForm, Set<GdlSentence>> sentencesByForm = new HashMap<SentenceForm, Set<GdlSentence>>(); SentenceModel model; Map<SentenceForm, ConstantForm> constForms; public ConstantChecker(List<Gdl> description) { roles = Role.computeRoles(description); model = new SentenceModel(description, true); for(SentenceForm form : model.getConstantSentenceForms()) { sentencesByForm.put(form, new HashSet<GdlSentence>()); } //TODO: We want to restrict the domains in the model here to useful //values, but it's going to be tricky because the "useful values" //depend on what's needed in the remainder of the description //See: direction-from constants in mummymaze1p //Those take on values 0-50 when all they need are 0-8 model.restrictDomainsToUsefulValues(); //TODO: Now we need to actually use these restricted domains where applicable List<SentenceForm> ordering = getTopologicalOrdering(model.getConstantSentenceForms(), model.getDependencyGraph()); constForms = new HashMap<SentenceForm, ConstantForm>(); for(SentenceForm form : ordering) { Set<GdlRelation> relations = model.getRelations(form); Set<GdlRule> rules = model.getRules(form); addConstantSentenceForm(form, relations, rules); constForms.put(form, new ConstantForm(form, this)); } } public ConstantChecker(ConstantChecker other) { roles = other.roles; sentencesByForm = new HashMap<SentenceForm, Set<GdlSentence>>(); for(SentenceForm form : other.sentencesByForm.keySet()) { sentencesByForm.put(form, new HashSet<GdlSentence>(other.sentencesByForm.get(form))); } model = new SentenceModel(other.model); constForms = new HashMap<SentenceForm, ConstantForm>(other.constForms); } private static List<SentenceForm> getTopologicalOrdering( Set<SentenceForm> forms, Map<SentenceForm, Set<SentenceForm>> dependencyGraph) { //We want each form as a key of the dependency graph to //follow all the forms in the dependency graph, except maybe itself Queue<SentenceForm> queue = new LinkedList<SentenceForm>(forms); List<SentenceForm> ordering = new ArrayList<SentenceForm>(forms.size()); Set<SentenceForm> alreadyOrdered = new HashSet<SentenceForm>(); while(!queue.isEmpty()) { SentenceForm curForm = queue.remove(); boolean readyToAdd = true; //Don't add if there are dependencies if(dependencyGraph.get(curForm) != null) { for(SentenceForm dependency : dependencyGraph.get(curForm)) { if(!dependency.equals(curForm) && !alreadyOrdered.contains(dependency)) { readyToAdd = false; break; } } } //Add it if(readyToAdd) { ordering.add(curForm); alreadyOrdered.add(curForm); } else { queue.add(curForm); } //TODO: Add check for an infinite loop here //Or replace with code that does stratification of loops } return ordering; } public List<Role> getRoles() { return roles; } public boolean isTrueConstant(GdlSentence sentence) { SentenceForm form = model.getSentenceForm(sentence); return sentencesByForm.get(form).contains(sentence); } public Iterator<GdlSentence> getTrueSentences(SentenceForm form) { Set<GdlSentence> sentences = sentencesByForm.get(form); if(sentences == null) return null; else return sentences.iterator(); } private boolean hasConstantForm(GdlSentence sentence) { return SentenceModel.inSentenceFormGroup(sentence, model.getConstantSentenceForms()); } public boolean isConstantForm(SentenceForm form) { return sentencesByForm.containsKey(form); } public Iterator<List<GdlConstant>> getTrueTuples(SentenceForm form) { final SentenceForm finalForm = form; if(form == null) System.out.println("form is null"); if(sentencesByForm.get(finalForm) == null) System.out.println("No set found for form " + form); return new Iterator<List<GdlConstant>>() { Iterator<GdlSentence> sentenceItr = sentencesByForm.get(finalForm).iterator(); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return sentenceItr.hasNext(); } @Override public List<GdlConstant> next() { return SentenceModel.getTupleFromGroundSentence(; } @Override public void remove() { //Unimplemented } }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addConstantSentenceForm(SentenceForm form, Set<GdlRelation> relations, Set<GdlRule> rules) { Set<GdlRule> nonRecursiveRules = new HashSet<GdlRule>(); Set<GdlRule> recursiveRules = new HashSet<GdlRule>(); for(GdlRule rule : rules) { boolean containsItself = false; for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) if(literal instanceof GdlRelation) if(form.matches((GdlSentence)literal)) containsItself = true; if(containsItself) recursiveRules.add(rule); else nonRecursiveRules.add(rule); } Set<GdlSentence> trueByNonRecursives = new HashSet<GdlSentence>(); trueByNonRecursives.addAll(relations); for(GdlRule rule : nonRecursiveRules) { Assignments assignments = Assignments.getAssignmentsForRule(rule, model, constForms, sentencesByForm); GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); List<GdlVariable> varsInHead = getVarsInConjunct(head); AssignmentIterator asnItr = assignments.getIterator(); while(asnItr.hasNext()) { Map<GdlVariable, GdlConstant> assignment =; boolean isGoodAssignment = true; for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { if(literal instanceof GdlSentence) { GdlSentence transformed = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables((GdlSentence)literal, assignment); SentenceForm literalForm = model.getSentenceForm(transformed); if(!sentencesByForm.get(literalForm).contains(transformed)) { isGoodAssignment = false; List<GdlVariable> varsToChange = getVarsInConjunct(literal); asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsToChange, assignment); } } else if(literal instanceof GdlNot) { GdlSentence internal = (GdlSentence) ((GdlNot) literal).getBody(); GdlSentence transformed = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(internal, assignment); SentenceForm internalForm = model.getSentenceForm(transformed); if(sentencesByForm.get(internalForm).contains(transformed)) { isGoodAssignment = false; List<GdlVariable> varsToChange = getVarsInConjunct(literal); asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsToChange, assignment); } } else if(literal instanceof GdlDistinct) { //Do nothing, handled in Assignments } else { throw new RuntimeException("Bad GdlLiteral type, probably OR"); } } if(isGoodAssignment) { //Add it to the "good" list trueByNonRecursives.add(CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(head, assignment)); //The constant head is a proposition? It comes up sometimes... //Try applying condensation isolation to Zhadu if(!(head instanceof GdlProposition)) asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsInHead, assignment); } else { //Nothing to do, I guess... } } } Set<GdlSentence> allTrueSentences = new HashSet<GdlSentence>(trueByNonRecursives); Set<GdlSentence> recentAdditions = new HashSet<GdlSentence>(trueByNonRecursives); Set<GdlSentence> newlyTrue = new HashSet<GdlSentence>(); while(!recentAdditions.isEmpty()) { //Da da da, do rules for(GdlRule rule : recursiveRules) { for(GdlSentence input : recentAdditions) { //TODO: Lack of inputs here seems to be causing slowdown //need constantForms, completedSentenceFormValues Assignments assignments = Assignments.getAssignmentsWithRecursiveInput(rule, model, form, input, constForms, true, Collections.EMPTY_MAP/*TODO sentencesByForm*/); GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); List<GdlVariable> varsInHead = getVarsInConjunct(head); AssignmentIterator asnItr = assignments.getIterator(); while(asnItr.hasNext()) { Map<GdlVariable, GdlConstant> assignment =; //System.out.println(assignment); boolean isGoodAssignment = true; GdlSentence transformedHead = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(head, assignment); if(allTrueSentences.contains(transformedHead)) { asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsInHead, assignment); isGoodAssignment = false; } for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { if(literal instanceof GdlSentence) { GdlSentence transformed = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables((GdlSentence)literal, assignment); SentenceForm literalForm = model.getSentenceForm(transformed); if(form.matches(transformed)) { //Works slightly differently for the recursive sentence form if(!allTrueSentences.contains(transformed)) { isGoodAssignment = false; List<GdlVariable> varsToChange = getVarsInConjunct(literal); asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsToChange, assignment); } } else { //Component conj = components.get(transformed); if(!sentencesByForm.get(literalForm).contains(transformed)) { isGoodAssignment = false; List<GdlVariable> varsToChange = getVarsInConjunct(literal); asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsToChange, assignment); } } } else if(literal instanceof GdlNot) { //We can't have the recursive case here, by GDL rules GdlSentence internal = (GdlSentence) ((GdlNot) literal).getBody(); GdlSentence transformed = CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(internal, assignment); SentenceForm internalForm = model.getSentenceForm(transformed); //Component conj = components.get(transformed); if(sentencesByForm.get(internalForm).contains(transformed)) { isGoodAssignment = false; List<GdlVariable> varsToChange = getVarsInConjunct(literal); asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsToChange, assignment); } } else if(literal instanceof GdlDistinct) { //Do nothing } else { throw new RuntimeException("Bad GdlLiteral type, probably OR"); } } if(isGoodAssignment) { //Add it to the "good" list newlyTrue.add(CommonTransforms.replaceVariables(head, assignment)); //asnItr.changeOneInNext(varsInHead, assignment); break; // } else { //Nothing to do, I guess... } } } } allTrueSentences.addAll(newlyTrue); recentAdditions.clear(); recentAdditions.addAll(newlyTrue); newlyTrue.clear(); } if(sentencesByForm.get(form) == null) sentencesByForm.put(form, new HashSet<GdlSentence>()); sentencesByForm.get(form).addAll(allTrueSentences); } public Set<SentenceForm> getSentenceForms() { return sentencesByForm.keySet(); } public Integer getNumTrueTuples(SentenceForm form) { return sentencesByForm.get(form).size(); } //Currently makes a lot of assumptions about how this will be used. //Basically custom-designed for the CondensationIsolator right now. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void replaceRules(List<GdlRule> oldRules, List<GdlRule> newRules) { //See which of the new rules involve constants outer : for(GdlRule rule : newRules) { for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody()) { GdlSentence sentence; if(literal instanceof GdlSentence) { sentence = (GdlSentence) literal; } else if(literal instanceof GdlNot) { sentence = (GdlSentence) ((GdlNot) literal).getBody(); } else continue; if(!hasConstantForm(sentence)) continue outer; } //It's a constant form GdlSentence head = rule.getHead(); model.replaceRules(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.singletonList(rule)); SentenceForm headForm = model.getSentenceForm(head); addConstantSentenceForm(headForm, Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.singleton(rule)); constForms.put(headForm, new ConstantForm(headForm, this)); } } } private static List<GdlVariable> getVarsInConjunct(GdlLiteral literal) { return SentenceModel.getVariables(literal); } }