package; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Collection; import; import; import*; import*; import com.threed.jpct.*; public class WaterDropper { public final static Color ADD_COLOR=new Color(130,130,160); int cnt=0; public SimpleVector getInitialPosition(LocalPlayerObject player) { SimpleVector pos = new SimpleVector(player.getPosition()); Matrix rot = player.getViewRotation().invert3x3(); SimpleVector speed = rot.getZAxis(); speed.scalarMul(2); SimpleVector addy = rot.getYAxis(); addy.scalarMul(3.5f); pos.add(addy); addy = rot.getXAxis(); addy.scalarMul(3); pos.add(addy); return pos; } public SimpleVector[] addDrop(LocalPlayerObject player, Level level) { SimpleVector pos = getInitialPosition(player); Matrix rot = player.getViewRotation().invert3x3(); SimpleVector speed = rot.getZAxis(); PlayerPowers pp=player.getPlayerPowers(); speed.scalarMul(Globals.bulletSpeed); speed.scalarMul(0.4f+(float)Math.random()/4f); float sp=(float)Math.sqrt(((float)pp.getMaxWater()-(float)pp.getWater())/(float)pp.getMaxWater()); speed.scalarMul((float)Math.max(0.35, sp)); return addDrop(pos, speed, level, false); } public SimpleVector[] addDrop(SimpleVector pos, SimpleVector speed, Level level, boolean isRemote) { ParticleManager pm=level.getParticleManager(); speed.y=-0.05f; if ((cnt&1)==1) { pm.addParticle(pos, speed, 10f, -1, "drop", 3f+(float)Math.random(), false, true, isRemote, ADD_COLOR); } else { pm.addParticle(pos, speed, 10f, -1, "drop2", 3f+(float)Math.random(), false, true, isRemote, ADD_COLOR); } cnt++; return new SimpleVector[] {pos, speed}; } public void process(Level level, LocalBombManager lbm, ClientObjectManager com) { ParticleManager pm=level.getParticleManager(); int cnt=pm.getCount(); Particle[] parts=pm.getParticles(); MapMask mask=level.getMask(); MapMask bombMask=lbm.getBombMask(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { Particle pp = parts[i]; if (pp!=null && pp.isWater() && pp.getVisibility()) { SimpleVector pos=pp.getOrigin(); pos.add(pp.getTranslation()); GridPosition gp=mask.getGrid(pos.x, pos.z); int xp=gp.getX(); int zp=gp.getZ(); if (mask.isObstacle(xp, zp) || mask.isBlocked(xp, zp)) { pp.reset(); pp.setVisibility(Object3D.OBJ_INVISIBLE); } else { // To implement kicking, this has to be adjusted (Either that, or the kicking algo has to update the bombMask...maybe that's a better idea!)! if (bombMask.getMaskAt(gp)==MapMask.BOMB) { // If there is a bomb at that grid... LocalBomb bomb=(LocalBomb) lbm.getLocalBombAt(gp); if (bomb!=null && !pp.isRemote()) { // Check, if it is a local one!? if (bomb.getValue()==LocalBombManager.VALUE_ACTIVE || bomb.getValue()==LocalBombManager.VALUE_DISABLED) { if (bomb.getValue()==LocalBombManager.VALUE_ACTIVE ) { ClientEventQueue queue=level.getEventQueue(); Event event = new Event(Event.BOMB_DISABLED, bomb.getObjectID(), bomb.getObjectID(), bomb.getClientID()); event.setOrigin(bomb.getPosition()); event.setSourceClientID(bomb.getClientID()); queue.add(event); } pp.reset(); pp.setVisibility(Object3D.OBJ_INVISIBLE); } } else { // No, it isn't. Maybe it's a remote one. This code is little bit clumsy, but it works... Collection<ClientObject> objs=com.getClientObjects(); for (ClientObject co:objs) { if (co instanceof BombView && (co.getBackValue()==LocalBombManager.VALUE_ACTIVE || co.getBackValue()==LocalBombManager.VALUE_DISABLED)) { // It is a bomb and it is burning... SimpleVector p=co.getBackPosition(); GridPosition gpb=bombMask.getGrid(p.x, p.z); if (gp.equals(gpb)) { if (co.getBackValue()==LocalBombManager.VALUE_ACTIVE && !pp.isRemote()) { // We are abusing the listener here to get the corresponding local object. There is only one per bomb, we don't have to check this...:-) ClientObjectCollisionListener cl=(ClientObjectCollisionListener) co.getCollisionListeners().nextElement(); LocalObject lob=cl.getLocalObject(); ClientEventQueue queue=level.getEventQueue(); System.out.println(lob.getObjectID()+"/"+lob.getClientID()); Event event = new Event(Event.BOMB_DISABLED, lob.getObjectID(), lob.getObjectID(), lob.getClientID()); event.setSourceClientID(lob.getClientID()); event.setOrigin(lob.getPosition()); queue.add(event); } pp.reset(); pp.setVisibility(Object3D.OBJ_INVISIBLE); } } } } } } } } } }