package robombs.clientserver; import*; /** * A ServerEntry is a simple wrapper class for server related information. It's mainly used by the ServerBrowser. */ public class ServerEntry implements Comparable<ServerEntry> { /** * Default timeout for this entry. If the entry hasn't been touched for this long, it will be regarded as old. */ public final int TIMEOUT = 10000; private String name = null; private InetAddress addr = null; private int port = 0; private int clients = 0; private long lastFound = 0; private boolean connected = false; /** * Creates a new ServerEntry * @param name the name of the server. This is not the address but any name like "Peter's server" or something. * @param addr the address of the server * @param port the port of the server * @param clients the number of clients currently connected to that server */ public ServerEntry(String name, InetAddress addr, int port, int clients) { lastFound = NetTime.getTime(); this.addr = addr; = name; this.port = port; this.clients = clients; } /** * Returns the name of the server. * @return String the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the server's address. * @return InetAddress the address */ public InetAddress getAddress() { return addr; } /** * Sets this entry to "connected". * @param con boolean do we have an connection to this server or not? */ public void setConnected(boolean con) { connected = con; } /** * Do we have an connection to the server of this entry? * @return boolean do we? */ public boolean isConnected() { return connected; } /** * Returns the port on which the server is running. * @return int the port */ public int getPort() { return port; } /** * Returns the number of clients that the server has. * @return int the number of clients */ public int getClientCount() { return clients; } /** * Sets the number of clients. * @param cnt the client count */ public void setClientCount(int cnt) { clients = cnt; } /** * "Touches" this entry, i.e. isOld will return false after doing this. */ public void touch() { lastFound = NetTime.getTime(); } /** * Is the server entry "old"? * @return boolean is it? */ public boolean isOld() { return NetTime.getTime() - lastFound > TIMEOUT; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ServerEntry) { ServerEntry se = (ServerEntry) obj; return name.equals(se.getName()) && addr.equals(se.getAddress()) && port == se.getPort(); } return false; } public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode() + addr.hashCode() + port; } public int compareTo(ServerEntry obj) { ServerEntry se = (ServerEntry) obj; return name.compareTo(se.getName()); } }