package; import*; import*; import com.threed.jpct.*; import java.util.*; public class CollisionMesh extends Object3D implements CollisionParticipant { static final private long serialVersionUID=1L; private static Map<Float, Object3D> bluePrints= new HashMap<Float, Object3D>(); private ClientObject org=null; public CollisionMesh(ClientObject orig, float size) { // The caching of these objects is not optimal...too much memory is needed in the process... super(bluePrints.get(size)==null?Primitives.getCylinder(12, size, 1.3f):bluePrints.get(size), true); if (bluePrints.get(size)==null) { bluePrints.put(size, Primitives.getCylinder(12, size, 1.3f)); } // Do the build() "by hand"...this way, we can skip one unneeded calculation. calcCenter(); calcBoundingBox(); calcNormals(); translate(0, size, 0);; } public void hits(CollisionParticipant target, LocalObject obj, DecalManager decal, CollisionEvent ce) { org.hits(target, obj, decal, ce); } public void hitByExplosion(CollisionParticipant source, LocalObject obj, DecalManager decal, CollisionEvent ce) { org.hitByExplosion(source, obj, decal, ce); } public void hitByLocalPlayer(CollisionParticipant source, LocalObject obj, DecalManager decal, CollisionEvent ce) { org.hitByLocalPlayer(source, obj, decal, ce); } public void setClientID(int id) { org.setClientID(id); } public void setObjectID(int id) { org.setObjectID(id); } public int getObjectID() { return org.getObjectID(); } public LocalObject getModel() { return org.getModel(); } public int getClientID() { return org.getClientID(); } public void setEventQueue(ClientEventQueue q) { org.setEventQueue(q); } public ClientEventQueue getEventQueue() { return org.getEventQueue(); } }