package; import robombs.clientserver.*; import*; import com.threed.jpct.*; /** * An extended data container that offers support for transfering vectors, matrices and such. The container * may contains multiple data sets. */ public class ExtendedDataContainer extends DataContainer { private float[] dump = new float[16]; private final static float IDENTITY_FLAG=-9999999.12345f; // If true, all matrices will be transfered as 3x3 instead of 4x4. In the context of this game, // this should be sufficient. private boolean transferCompressedMatrices=true; /** * Create a new container. */ public ExtendedDataContainer() { super(); } /** * Build a new extended data container from the content of a generic data container. * @param dc DataContainer the generic data container */ public ExtendedDataContainer(DataContainer dc) { super(dc); setClientInfo(dc.getClientInfo()); setMessageType(dc.getMessageType()); } public void add(boolean val) { if (val) { add((byte)1); } else { add((byte)0); } } /** * Add a matrix to the container. * @param mat Matrix the matrix to add */ public void add(Matrix mat) { float[] rotDump = mat.getDump(); if (transferCompressedMatrices) { if (mat.isIdentity()) { add(IDENTITY_FLAG); } else { for (int i = 0; i < rotDump.length-4; i++) { if ((i+1)%4!=0) { add(rotDump[i]); } else { if (rotDump[i]!=0) { throw new RuntimeException("This is a 4x4 matrix ("+i+")! Compressed mode isn't possible with such data!"); } } } for (int i=rotDump.length-4; i<rotDump.length-1; i++) { if (rotDump[i]!=0) { throw new RuntimeException("This is a 4x4 matrix ("+i+")! Compressed mode isn't possible with such data!"); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < rotDump.length; i++) { add(rotDump[i]); } } } /** * Returns the next matrix from the container (if there is one, otherwise an identity matrix will be returned). * @return Matrix the matrix */ public Matrix getMatrix() { if (hasData()) { if (transferCompressedMatrices) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if ((i+1)%4!=0) { dump[i] = getNextFloat(); if (dump[i]==IDENTITY_FLAG) { return new Matrix(); } } else { dump[i]=0; } } dump[12]=0; dump[13]=0; dump[14]=0; dump[15]=1; Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.setDump(dump); return m; } else { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { dump[i] = getNextFloat(); } Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.setDump(dump); return m; } } else { return new Matrix(); } } /** * Adds a new SimpleVector to the container. * @param sv SimpleVector the vector */ public void add(SimpleVector sv) { if (sv.x==0 && sv.y==0 && sv.z==0) { add(IDENTITY_FLAG); } else { add(sv.x); add(sv.y); add(sv.z); } } /** * Adds a new LocalObject to the container. * @param lo LocalObject the object */ public void add(LocalObject lo) { add(lo.getClientID()); add(lo.getObjectID()); add((byte)lo.getType()); add(lo.getAnimation()); add(lo.getAnimationSpeed()); add(lo.getRotation()); add(lo.getPosition()); add(lo.getSpeed()); add(lo.getValue()); add(lo.getSpecialValue()); add(lo.isInvincible()); } public void add(long val) { long v2=(val>>32); int i1=(int) v2; int i2=(int) (val-(v2<<32)); add(i1); add(i2); } /** * Fills an existing local object with the data from the container. The id will be ignored. * @param lo LocalObject the object to fill */ public void fillLocalObject(LocalObject lo) { skip(); // ID nicht! lo.setObjectID(getNextInt()); lo.setType(getNextByte()); lo.setAnimation(getNextInt()); lo.setAnimationSpeed(getNextInt()); lo.setRotation(getMatrix()); lo.setPosition(getSimpleVector()); lo.setSpeed(getSimpleVector()); lo.setValue(getNextInt()); lo.setSpecialValue(getNextLong()); lo.setInvincible(getNextBoolean()); } public long getNextLong() { int i1=getNextInt(); int i2=getNextInt(); long res=((long)i1<<32)+(i2>=0?(long)i2:(4294967294L+(long)i2+2)); return res; } public boolean getNextBoolean() { byte b=getNextByte(); return b==1; } /** * Creates and returns a new LocalObject based on the data in the container. * @return LocalObject the object */ public LocalObject getLocalObject() { LocalObject lo = new LocalObject(getNextInt(), true); lo.setObjectID(getNextInt()); lo.setType(getNextByte()); lo.setAnimation(getNextInt()); lo.setAnimationSpeed(getNextInt()); lo.setRotation(getMatrix()); lo.setPosition(getSimpleVector()); lo.setSpeed(getSimpleVector()); lo.setValue(getNextInt()); lo.setSpecialValue(getNextLong()); lo.setInvincible(getNextBoolean()); return lo; } /** * Returns the next SimpleVector from the container (is there is one, otherwise a null-vector will be returned). * @return SimpleVector the vector */ public SimpleVector getSimpleVector() { if (hasData()) { float f=getNextFloat(); if (f==IDENTITY_FLAG) { return new SimpleVector(); } return new SimpleVector(f, getNextFloat(), getNextFloat()); } else { return new SimpleVector(); } } }