package; import; import*; import com.threed.jpct.*; /** * An animated object is an extended client object which can use the animation information already present * in the client object to play a keyframe animation! */ public abstract class AnimatedObject extends ClientObject { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public AnimatedObject() { super(Object3D.createDummyObj()); if (Globals.compiledObjects) { compile(true); } } public AnimatedObject(Object3D obj) { super(obj); if (Globals.compiledObjects) { compile(true); } } public AnimatedObject(Object3D obj, Object3D child) { super(obj, child); if (Globals.compiledObjects) { compile(true); getChild().compile(true); } } /** * Updates the view, i.e. animates the object and does the movement interpolation based on linear interpolation * until a new state from the server arrives. * @param ticks the ticks passed since the last call * @param level the level. Not used in within this method ATM. */ public void process(long ticks, Level level) { int animSeq = getBackAnimation(); int animSpeed = getBackAnimationSpeed(); float offset = 0; boolean stop = false; if (animSeq > Animations.NOLOOP) { animSeq -= Animations.NOLOOP; stop = true; } if (isModified() || animSeq == Animations.DIE) { // Has moved or is dead anyway: Take the position that the server has transmitted SimpleVector pos = getBackPosition(); getTranslationMatrix().setIdentity(); translate(pos); setModified(false); } else { // Otherwise, the client wins and the translation will be applied SimpleVector spd = new SimpleVector(getBackSpeed()); spd.scalarMul(ticks); translate(spd); } Matrix tar = getRotationMatrix().cloneMatrix(); tar.interpolate(getRotationMatrix(), getBackRotationMatrix(), 0.4f * (float) ticks); setRotationMatrix(tar); int mul = 1; if (!getBackSpeed().equals(SimpleVector.ORIGIN) && getBackSpeed().calcDot(getBackRotationMatrix().getZAxis()) < 0) { mul = -1; } if (getLastSequence() != animSeq) { resetTicks(); } setLastSequence(animSeq); setAnimSpeed(animSpeed); if (animSeq == Animations.DIE) { offset = 0.631f; // The death animation that we want to use starts here (why not at 0? Only md2 knows...): setClampingMode(Animation.USE_CLAMPING); } else { setClampingMode(Animation.USE_WRAPPING); } long tickCnt = getTicks(); if (animSpeed != 0) { if (getAnimationSequence()!=null) { // Do this onyl for "visual" clients. Bots don't play this animation. if (!stop) { animate((float) (tickCnt % animSpeed) / (float) animSpeed + offset, animSeq); } else { animate(1f, animSeq); } } } addToTicks(ticks * mul); } }