package paulscode.sound.libraries; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; // From the lwjgl library, import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.openal.AL10; import paulscode.sound.Channel; import paulscode.sound.FilenameURL; import paulscode.sound.Source; import paulscode.sound.SoundBuffer; import paulscode.sound.SoundSystemConfig; /** * The SourceLWJGLOpenAL class provides an interface to the lwjgl binding of OpenAL. *<b><br><br> * This software is based on or using the LWJGL Lightweight Java Gaming * Library available from * *</b><br><br> * LWJGL License: *<br><i> * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Lightweight Java Game Library Project * All rights reserved. *<br> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * <br> * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. *<br> * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. *<br> * * Neither the name of 'Light Weight Java Game Library' nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * <br> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * <br><br><br></i> *<b><i> SoundSystem LibraryLWJGLOpenAL License:</b></i><br><b><br> *<b> * You are free to use this library for any purpose, commercial or otherwise. * You may modify this library or source code, and distribute it any way you * like, provided the following conditions are met: *<br> * 1) You must abide by the conditions of the aforementioned LWJGL License. *<br> * 2) You may not falsely claim to be the author of this library or any * unmodified portion of it. *<br> * 3) You may not copyright this library or a modified version of it and then * sue me for copyright infringement. *<br> * 4) If you modify the source code, you must clearly document the changes * made before redistributing the modified source code, so other users know * it is not the original code. *<br> * 5) You are not required to give me credit for this library in any derived * work, but if you do, you must also mention my website: * *<br> * 6) I the author will not be responsible for any damages (physical, * financial, or otherwise) caused by the use if this library or any part * of it. *<br> * 7) I the author do not guarantee, warrant, or make any representations, * either expressed or implied, regarding the use of this library or any * part of it. * <br><br> * Author: Paul Lamb * <br> * * </b> */ public class SourceLWJGLOpenAL extends Source { /** * The source's basic Channel type-cast to a ChannelLWJGLOpenAL. */ private ChannelLWJGLOpenAL channelOpenAL = (ChannelLWJGLOpenAL) channel; /** * OpenAL IntBuffer sound-buffer identifier for this source if it is a normal * source. */ private IntBuffer myBuffer; /** * FloatBuffer containing the listener's 3D coordinates. */ private FloatBuffer listenerPosition; /** * FloatBuffer containing the source's 3D coordinates. */ private FloatBuffer sourcePosition; /** * FloatBuffer containing the source's velocity vector. */ private FloatBuffer sourceVelocity; /** * Constructor: Creates a new source using the specified parameters. * @param listenerPosition FloatBuffer containing the listener's 3D coordinates. * @param myBuffer OpenAL IntBuffer sound-buffer identifier to use for a new normal source. * @param priority Setting this to true will prevent other sounds from overriding this one. * @param toStream Setting this to true will create a streaming source. * @param toLoop Should this source loop, or play only once. * @param sourcename A unique identifier for this source. Two sources may not use the same sourcename. * @param filenameURL Filename/URL of the sound file to play at this source. * @param soundBuffer Buffer containing audio data, or null if not loaded yet. * @param x X position for this source. * @param y Y position for this source. * @param z Z position for this source. * @param attModel Attenuation model to use. * @param distOrRoll Either the fading distance or rolloff factor, depending on the value of 'att'. * @param temporary Whether or not to remove this source after it finishes playing. */ public SourceLWJGLOpenAL( FloatBuffer listenerPosition, IntBuffer myBuffer, boolean priority, boolean toStream, boolean toLoop, String sourcename, FilenameURL filenameURL, SoundBuffer soundBuffer, float x, float y, float z, int attModel, float distOrRoll, boolean temporary ) { super( priority, toStream, toLoop, sourcename, filenameURL, soundBuffer, x, y, z, attModel, distOrRoll, temporary ); if( codec != null ) codec.reverseByteOrder( true ); this.listenerPosition = listenerPosition; this.myBuffer = myBuffer; libraryType = LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.class; pitch = 1.0f; resetALInformation(); } /** * Constructor: Creates a new source matching the specified source. * @param listenerPosition FloatBuffer containing the listener's 3D coordinates. * @param myBuffer OpenAL IntBuffer sound-buffer identifier to use for a new normal source. * @param old Source to copy information from. * @param soundBuffer Buffer containing audio data, or null if not loaded yet. */ public SourceLWJGLOpenAL( FloatBuffer listenerPosition, IntBuffer myBuffer, Source old, SoundBuffer soundBuffer ) { super( old, soundBuffer ); if( codec != null ) codec.reverseByteOrder( true ); this.listenerPosition = listenerPosition; this.myBuffer = myBuffer; libraryType = LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.class; pitch = 1.0f; resetALInformation(); } /** * Constructor: Creates a new streaming source that will be directly fed with * raw audio data. * @param listenerPosition FloatBuffer containing the listener's 3D coordinates. * @param audioFormat Format that the data will be in. * @param priority Setting this to true will prevent other sounds from overriding this one. * @param sourcename A unique identifier for this source. Two sources may not use the same sourcename. * @param x X position for this source. * @param y Y position for this source. * @param z Z position for this source. * @param attModel Attenuation model to use. * @param distOrRoll Either the fading distance or rolloff factor, depending on the value of 'att'. */ public SourceLWJGLOpenAL( FloatBuffer listenerPosition, AudioFormat audioFormat, boolean priority, String sourcename, float x, float y, float z, int attModel, float distOrRoll ) { super( audioFormat, priority, sourcename, x, y, z, attModel, distOrRoll ); this.listenerPosition = listenerPosition; libraryType = LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.class; pitch = 1.0f; resetALInformation(); } /** * Shuts the source down and removes references to all instantiated objects. */ @Override public void cleanup() { super.cleanup(); } /** * Changes the peripheral information about the source using the specified * parameters. * @param listenerPosition FloatBuffer containing the listener's 3D coordinates. * @param myBuffer OpenAL IntBuffer sound-buffer identifier to use for a new normal source. * @param priority Setting this to true will prevent other sounds from overriding this one. * @param toStream Setting this to true will create a streaming source. * @param toLoop Should this source loop, or play only once. * @param sourcename A unique identifier for this source. Two sources may not use the same sourcename. * @param filenameURL Filename/URL of the sound file to play at this source. * @param soundBuffer Buffer containing audio data, or null if not loaded yet. * @param x X position for this source. * @param y Y position for this source. * @param z Z position for this source. * @param attModel Attenuation model to use. * @param distOrRoll Either the fading distance or rolloff factor, depending on the value of 'att'. * @param temporary Whether or not to remove this source after it finishes playing. */ public void changeSource( FloatBuffer listenerPosition, IntBuffer myBuffer, boolean priority, boolean toStream, boolean toLoop, String sourcename, FilenameURL filenameURL, SoundBuffer soundBuffer, float x, float y, float z, int attModel, float distOrRoll, boolean temporary ) { super.changeSource( priority, toStream, toLoop, sourcename, filenameURL, soundBuffer, x, y, z, attModel, distOrRoll, temporary ); this.listenerPosition = listenerPosition; this.myBuffer = myBuffer; pitch = 1.0f; resetALInformation(); } /** * Removes the next filename from the sound sequence queue and assigns it to * this source. This method has no effect on non-streaming sources. This * method is used internally by SoundSystem, and it is unlikely that the user * will ever need to use it. * @return True if there was something in the queue. */ @Override public boolean incrementSoundSequence() { if( !toStream ) { errorMessage( "Method 'incrementSoundSequence' may only be used " + "for streaming sources." ); return false; } synchronized( soundSequenceLock ) { if( soundSequenceQueue != null && soundSequenceQueue.size() > 0 ) { filenameURL = soundSequenceQueue.remove( 0 ); if( codec != null ) codec.cleanup(); codec = SoundSystemConfig.getCodec( filenameURL.getFilename() ); if( codec != null ) { codec.reverseByteOrder( true ); if( codec.getAudioFormat() == null ) codec.initialize( filenameURL.getURL() ); AudioFormat audioFormat = codec.getAudioFormat(); if( audioFormat == null ) { errorMessage( "Audio Format null in method " + "'incrementSoundSequence'" ); return false; } int soundFormat = 0; if( audioFormat.getChannels() == 1 ) { if( audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 8 ) { soundFormat = AL10.AL_FORMAT_MONO8; } else if( audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 16 ) { soundFormat = AL10.AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } else { errorMessage( "Illegal sample size in method " + "'incrementSoundSequence'" ); return false; } } else if( audioFormat.getChannels() == 2 ) { if( audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 8 ) { soundFormat = AL10.AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } else if( audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 16 ) { soundFormat = AL10.AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } else { errorMessage( "Illegal sample size in method " + "'incrementSoundSequence'" ); return false; } } else { errorMessage( "Audio data neither mono nor stereo in " + "method 'incrementSoundSequence'" ); return false; } // Let the channel know what format and sample rate to use: channelOpenAL.setFormat( soundFormat, (int) audioFormat.getSampleRate() ); preLoad = true; } return true; } } return false; } /** * Called every time the listener's position or orientation changes. */ @Override public void listenerMoved() { positionChanged(); } /** * Moves the source to the specified position. * @param x X coordinate to move to. * @param y Y coordinate to move to. * @param z Z coordinate to move to. */ @Override public void setPosition( float x, float y, float z ) { super.setPosition( x, y, z ); // Make sure OpenAL information has been created if( sourcePosition == null ) resetALInformation(); else positionChanged(); // put the new position information into the buffer: sourcePosition.put( 0, x ); sourcePosition.put( 1, y ); sourcePosition.put( 2, z ); // make sure we are assigned to a channel: if( channel != null && channel.attachedSource == this && channelOpenAL != null && channelOpenAL.ALSource != null ) { // move the source: AL10.alSource( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_POSITION, sourcePosition ); checkALError(); } } /** * Recalculates the distance from the listner and the gain. */ @Override public void positionChanged() { calculateDistance(); calculateGain(); if( channel != null && channel.attachedSource == this && channelOpenAL != null && channelOpenAL.ALSource != null ) { AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_GAIN, (gain * sourceVolume * (float) Math.abs( fadeOutGain ) * fadeInGain) ); checkALError(); } checkPitch(); } /** * Checks the source's pitch. */ private void checkPitch() { if( channel != null && channel.attachedSource == this && LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.alPitchSupported() && channelOpenAL != null && channelOpenAL.ALSource != null ) { AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_PITCH, pitch ); checkALError(); } } /** * Sets whether this source should loop or only play once. * @param lp True or false. */ @Override public void setLooping( boolean lp ) { super.setLooping( lp ); // make sure we are assigned to a channel: if( channel != null && channel.attachedSource == this && channelOpenAL != null && channelOpenAL.ALSource != null ) { if( lp ) AL10.alSourcei( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_LOOPING, AL10.AL_TRUE ); else AL10.alSourcei( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_LOOPING, AL10.AL_FALSE ); checkALError(); } } /** * Sets this source's attenuation model. * @param model Attenuation model to use. */ @Override public void setAttenuation( int model ) { super.setAttenuation( model ); // make sure we are assigned to a channel: if( channel != null && channel.attachedSource == this && channelOpenAL != null && channelOpenAL.ALSource != null ) { // attenuation changed, so update the rolloff factor accordingly if( model == SoundSystemConfig.ATTENUATION_ROLLOFF ) AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, distOrRoll ); else AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f ); checkALError(); } } /** * Sets this source's fade distance or rolloff factor, depending on the * attenuation model. * @param dr New value for fade distance or rolloff factor. */ @Override public void setDistOrRoll( float dr) { super.setDistOrRoll( dr ); // make sure we are assigned to a channel: if( channel != null && channel.attachedSource == this && channelOpenAL != null && channelOpenAL.ALSource != null ) { // if we are using rolloff attenuation, then dr is a rolloff factor: if( attModel == SoundSystemConfig.ATTENUATION_ROLLOFF ) AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, dr ); else AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f ); checkALError(); } } /** * Sets this source's velocity, for use in Doppler effect. * @param x Velocity along world x-axis. * @param y Velocity along world y-axis. * @param z Velocity along world z-axis. */ @Override public void setVelocity( float x, float y, float z ) { super.setVelocity( x, y, z ); sourceVelocity = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( 3 ).put( new float[] { x, y, z } ); sourceVelocity.flip(); // make sure we are assigned to a channel: if( channel != null && channel.attachedSource == this && channelOpenAL != null && channelOpenAL.ALSource != null ) { AL10.alSource( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_VELOCITY, sourceVelocity ); checkALError(); } } /** * Manually sets this source's pitch. * @param value A float value ( 0.5f - 2.0f ). */ @Override public void setPitch( float value ) { super.setPitch( value ); checkPitch(); } /** * Plays the source on the specified channel. * @param c Channel to play on. */ @Override public void play( Channel c ) { if( !active() ) { if( toLoop ) toPlay = true; return; } if( c == null ) { errorMessage( "Unable to play source, because channel was null" ); return; } boolean newChannel = (channel != c); if( channel != null && channel.attachedSource != this ) newChannel = true; boolean wasPaused = paused(); c ); channelOpenAL = (ChannelLWJGLOpenAL) channel; // Make sure the channel exists: // check if we are already on this channel: if( newChannel ) { setPosition( position.x, position.y, position.z ); checkPitch(); // Send the source's attributes to the channel: if( channelOpenAL != null && channelOpenAL.ALSource != null ) { if( LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.alPitchSupported() ) { AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_PITCH, pitch ); checkALError(); } AL10.alSource( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_POSITION, sourcePosition ); checkALError(); AL10.alSource( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_VELOCITY, sourceVelocity ); checkALError(); if( attModel == SoundSystemConfig.ATTENUATION_ROLLOFF ) AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, distOrRoll ); else AL10.alSourcef( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f ); checkALError(); if( toLoop && (!toStream) ) AL10.alSourcei( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_LOOPING, AL10.AL_TRUE ); else AL10.alSourcei( channelOpenAL.ALSource.get( 0 ), AL10.AL_LOOPING, AL10.AL_FALSE ); checkALError(); } if( !toStream ) { // This is not a streaming source, so make sure there is // a sound buffer loaded to play: if( myBuffer == null ) { errorMessage( "No sound buffer to play" ); return; } channelOpenAL.attachBuffer( myBuffer ); } } // See if we are already playing: if( !playing() ) { if( toStream && !wasPaused ) { if( codec == null ) { errorMessage( "Decoder null in method 'play'" ); return; } if( codec.getAudioFormat() == null ) codec.initialize( filenameURL.getURL() ); AudioFormat audioFormat = codec.getAudioFormat(); if( audioFormat == null ) { errorMessage( "Audio Format null in method 'play'" ); return; } int soundFormat = 0; if( audioFormat.getChannels() == 1 ) { if( audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 8 ) { soundFormat = AL10.AL_FORMAT_MONO8; } else if( audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 16 ) { soundFormat = AL10.AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } else { errorMessage( "Illegal sample size in method 'play'" ); return; } } else if( audioFormat.getChannels() == 2 ) { if( audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 8 ) { soundFormat = AL10.AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; } else if( audioFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() == 16 ) { soundFormat = AL10.AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; } else { errorMessage( "Illegal sample size in method 'play'" ); return; } } else { errorMessage( "Audio data neither mono nor stereo in " + "method 'play'" ); return; } // Let the channel know what format and sample rate to use: channelOpenAL.setFormat( soundFormat, (int) audioFormat.getSampleRate() ); preLoad = true; }; if( pitch != 1.0f ) checkPitch(); } } /** * Queues up the initial stream-buffers for the stream. * @return False if the end of the stream was reached. */ @Override public boolean preLoad() { if( codec == null ) return false; codec.initialize( filenameURL.getURL() ); LinkedList<byte[]> preLoadBuffers = new LinkedList<byte[]>(); for( int i = 0; i < SoundSystemConfig.getNumberStreamingBuffers(); i++ ) { soundBuffer =; if( soundBuffer == null || soundBuffer.audioData == null ) break; preLoadBuffers.add( soundBuffer.audioData ); } positionChanged(); channel.preLoadBuffers( preLoadBuffers ); preLoad = false; return true; } /** * Resets all the information OpenAL uses to play this source. */ private void resetALInformation() { // Create buffers for the source's position and velocity sourcePosition = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( 3 ).put( new float[] { position.x, position.y, position.z } ); sourceVelocity = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer( 3 ).put( new float[] { velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z } ); // flip the buffers, so they can be used: sourcePosition.flip(); sourceVelocity.flip(); positionChanged(); } /** * Calculates this source's distance from the listener. */ private void calculateDistance() { if( listenerPosition != null ) { // Calculate the source's distance from the listener: double dX = position.x - listenerPosition.get( 0 ); double dY = position.y - listenerPosition.get( 1 ); double dZ = position.z - listenerPosition.get( 2 ); distanceFromListener = (float) Math.sqrt( dX*dX + dY*dY + dZ*dZ ); } } /** * If using linear attenuation, calculates the gain for this source based on * its distance from the listener. */ private void calculateGain() { // If using linear attenuation, calculate the source's gain: if( attModel == SoundSystemConfig.ATTENUATION_LINEAR ) { if( distanceFromListener <= 0 ) { gain = 1.0f; } else if( distanceFromListener >= distOrRoll ) { gain = 0.0f; } else { gain = 1.0f - (distanceFromListener / distOrRoll); } if( gain > 1.0f ) gain = 1.0f; if( gain < 0.0f ) gain = 0.0f; } else { gain = 1.0f; } } /** * Checks for OpenAL errors, and prints a message if there is an error. * @return True if there was an error, False if not. */ private boolean checkALError() { switch( AL10.alGetError() ) { case AL10.AL_NO_ERROR: return false; case AL10.AL_INVALID_NAME: errorMessage( "Invalid name parameter." ); return true; case AL10.AL_INVALID_ENUM: errorMessage( "Invalid parameter." ); return true; case AL10.AL_INVALID_VALUE: errorMessage( "Invalid enumerated parameter value." ); return true; case AL10.AL_INVALID_OPERATION: errorMessage( "Illegal call." ); return true; case AL10.AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: errorMessage( "Unable to allocate memory." ); return true; default: errorMessage( "An unrecognized error occurred." ); return true; } } }