package; import java.util.*; import robombs.clientserver.*; import*; import*; /** * This is this test game's server component. It's usually started from within a running client but can run as * a stand-alone server as well. */ public class BlueThunderServer implements DataTransferListener, Runnable, ClientLoginListener, ClientLogoutListener { private final static Object SYNC=new Object(); private boolean exit = false; private SimpleServer serverImpl=null; private ExtendedDataContainer serverState=null; private ServerObjectManager serverObjMan=null; private ServerEventManager eventMan=null; private int port=0; private Map<Integer, List<PlayerInfo>> client2Info=new HashMap<Integer, List<PlayerInfo>>(); private Map<Integer, NetState> client2State=new HashMap<Integer, NetState>(); private int lastLevelChksum=-9999; private boolean playing=false; private MapList mapList=null; private boolean running=false; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private List<MapInfo> selectedMaps=null; /** * Starts a new server using the default tcp-port. */ public BlueThunderServer() { this(SimpleServer.DEFAULT_PORT); } /** * Starts a new server using a specified tcp-port. * @param port int the port */ public BlueThunderServer(int port) { this.port=port; mapList=new MapList(); NetLogger.log("Server: Magic number is "+mapList.getCheckSum()); } /** * Run the server as stand-alone. * @param args String[] * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BlueThunderServer str = new BlueThunderServer();; } public void setTimeOut(int t) { serverImpl.setTimeOut(t); } public void reset() { serverObjMan.reset(); } public void setSelectedMaps(List<MapInfo> lst) { selectedMaps=new ArrayList<MapInfo>(lst); } public int getClientCount() { return client2Info.size(); //return serverImpl.getClientCount(); } public void setGameState(boolean gameRunning) { playing=gameRunning; } public List<PlayerInfo> getPlayers() { List<PlayerInfo> res=new ArrayList<PlayerInfo>(); for (List<PlayerInfo> lst:client2Info.values()) { res.addAll(lst); } Collections.sort(res); return res; } public boolean getGameState() { return playing; } public int getStateCount(int state) { int cnt=0; for (NetState ns:client2State.values()) { if (ns.getState()==state) { cnt++; } } return cnt; } public List<PlayerInfo> getWithoutState(int state) { for (Integer i:client2State.keySet()) { NetState ns=client2State.get(i); if (ns.getState()!=state) { return getPlayerInfo(i); } } return null; } public void logout(int cid) { serverImpl.logout(cid); } public DataContainer loggedOut(ClientInfo ci) { InfoDataContainer dc=new InfoDataContainer(); Integer key=Integer.valueOf(ci.getID()); List<PlayerInfo> pis= client2Info.get(key); if (pis!=null) { for (PlayerInfo pi:pis) { if (pi!=null) { InfoLine il=new InfoLine(InfoLine.PLAYER_REMOVED, 0, String.valueOf(ci.getID()), pi.getName()); dc.add(il); il=new InfoLine(InfoLine.SYSTEM_OUT, 0, "msg", "Player '"+pi.getName()+"' has left the game!"); dc.add(il); TeamAssigner.removeTeamAssigment(ci.getID(), pi.getObjectID()); } else { // This may happen, if the game is already running. Do we have to do something here? } } } serverObjMan.remove(ci); client2Info.remove(key); client2State.remove(key); addScores(dc); return dc; } public void setStateForAll(int state) { for (NetState ns:client2State.values()) { ns.setState(state); } } public void setState(int id, int state) { NetState ns=client2State.get(Integer.valueOf(id)); if (ns!=null) { ns.setState(state); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can't set the state for an unknown client: "+id+"!"); } } public int getPort() { return serverImpl.getPort(); } public DataContainer loggedIn(ClientInfo ci, DataContainer dc) { if (!getGameState()) { String playerName="player"; int chkSum=-1; int botFlag=0; int objID=0; if (dc!=null) { String tmp=dc.getNextString(); if (tmp!=null && tmp.length()>0) { playerName = tmp; } chkSum=dc.getNextInt(); botFlag=dc.getNextInt(); objID=dc.getNextInt(); } if (chkSum!=mapList.getCheckSum()) { // Levels differ! EventDataContainer edc=new EventDataContainer(); Event e=new Event(Event.LOGIN_REJECTED, -98, -98, ci.getID()); e.setSourceClientID(ci.getID()); edc.add(e); Integer key=Integer.valueOf(ci.getID()); NetState ns=new NetState(); ns.setState(NetState.STATE_NOT_CONNECTED); client2State.put(key, ns); NetLogger.log("Client "+ci.getID()+" rejected. Levels are different ("+mapList.getCheckSum()+"!="+chkSum+")!"); return edc; } else { Integer key=Integer.valueOf(ci.getID()); NetState ns=new NetState(); ns.setState(NetState.STATE_CONNECTED); client2State.put(key, ns); if (botFlag==0) { addPlayer(playerName, ci.getID(), objID, false); } String txt="'"+playerName+"' has logged in!"; NetLogger.log(txt); InfoDataContainer ic=new InfoDataContainer(); InfoLine il=new InfoLine(InfoLine.SYSTEM_OUT, 0, "msg", txt); ic.add(il); return ic; } } else { EventDataContainer edc=new EventDataContainer(); Event e=new Event(Event.LOGIN_REJECTED, -99, -99, ci.getID()); e.setSourceClientID(ci.getID()); edc.add(e); Integer key=Integer.valueOf(ci.getID()); NetState ns=new NetState(); ns.setState(NetState.STATE_NOT_CONNECTED); client2State.put(key, ns); NetLogger.log("Client "+ci.getID()+" rejected. The game is already running!"); return edc; } } public void sendScores() { InfoDataContainer ic=new InfoDataContainer(); addScores(ic); broadcast(ic); } public void removePlayer(PlayerInfo pi) { List<PlayerInfo> lst=client2Info.get(pi.getClientID()); for (Iterator<PlayerInfo> itty=lst.iterator(); itty.hasNext();) { PlayerInfo; if (pi.getObjectID()==pit.getObjectID()) { itty.remove(); break; } } String txt="'"+pi.getName()+"' has left the game!"; NetLogger.log(txt); InfoDataContainer ic=new InfoDataContainer(); InfoLine il=new InfoLine(InfoLine.SYSTEM_OUT, 0, "msg", txt); ic.add(il); addScores(ic); broadcast(ic); } public synchronized void addPlayer(String name, int cid, int oid, boolean isBot) { PlayerInfo pi=new PlayerInfo(name, cid, oid); addToPlayerInfoList(Integer.valueOf(cid), pi); pi.setBot(isBot); if (isBot) { pi.ready(true); } String txt="'"+name+"' has joined the game!"; NetLogger.log(txt); InfoDataContainer ic=new InfoDataContainer(); InfoLine il=new InfoLine(InfoLine.PLAYER_ADDED, 0, "name", name); ic.add(il); il=new InfoLine(InfoLine.SYSTEM_OUT, 0, "msg", txt); ic.add(il); addScores(ic); broadcast(ic); } public boolean checkLevel(DataContainer dc) { int chk=dc.getNextInt(); // very simple way to prove that the level is the same on all clients. // the first one with a different level will be rejected! if (lastLevelChksum!=-9999 && chk!=lastLevelChksum) { return false; } lastLevelChksum=chk; return true; } public void run() { try { initServer(); runServer(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Stops the server. */ public void stop() { exit=true; running=false; serverImpl.shutDown(); } public void dataReceivedEnd() {} /** * Gets the players' info to a client's ID. * @param clientID int the ID * @return PlayerInfo the player info */ public synchronized List<PlayerInfo> getPlayerInfo(int clientID) { return client2Info.get(Integer.valueOf(clientID)); } public PlayerInfo getPlayerInfo(int clientID, int objectID) { List<PlayerInfo> pis=getPlayerInfo(clientID); if (pis!=null) { for (PlayerInfo pi:pis) { if (pi.getObjectID()==objectID) { return pi; } } } NetLogger.log("Server: Unable to find PlayerInfo for "+clientID+"/"+objectID+"!?"); return null; } /** * Broadcasts data to all clients. * @param dc DataContainer the container with the data to broadcast */ public void broadcast(DataContainer dc) { serverImpl.broadcast(dc); } public void broadcastToOthers(DataContainer dc, int clientID) { serverImpl.broadcastToOthers(dc, clientID); } public void sendToSingleClient(DataContainer dc, int clientID) { serverImpl.sendToSingleClient(dc, clientID); } /** * Removes an object from the server * @param loID int * @param clientID int * @param ci ClientInfo */ public void remove(int loID, int clientID, ClientInfo ci) { synchronized(SYNC) { LocalObject lo=serverObjMan.getLocalObjectToIDs(loID, clientID); serverObjMan.removeObject(lo, ci); } } public DataContainer[] dataReceived(DataContainer c, int type) { try { if (c != null) { synchronized(SYNC) { ExtendedDataContainer ec = new ExtendedDataContainer(c); if (type==MessageTypes.OBJ_TRANSFER) { while (ec.hasData()) { serverObjMan.setOrUpdate(ec); } if (!Globals.activeServer) { return new DataContainer[] {(DataContainer) serverState.clone()}; } else { return new DataContainer[] {createServerState(ec.getClientInfo())}; } } if (type==MessageTypes.EVENT) { EventDataContainer edc=new EventDataContainer(ec); List<DataContainer> resp=new ArrayList<DataContainer>(); ClientInfo ci=edc.getClientInfo(); while (edc.hasData()) { DataContainer[] res=eventMan.manageEvent(edc.getEvent(), serverObjMan, this, ci); if (res!=null) { resp.addAll(Arrays.asList(res)); } } if (resp.size()==0) { return null; } DataContainer[] res=new DataContainer[resp.size()]; for (int i=0; i<res.length; i++) { res[i]=(DataContainer) resp.get(i); } return res; } } } } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return null; } /** * Adds the scores to a highscore table (a GUI-element). * @param idc InfoDataContainer the info container containing the scores */ public void addScores(InfoDataContainer idc) { HighscoreTable hi = new HighscoreTable(); for (List<PlayerInfo> lst:client2Info.values()) { for (Iterator<PlayerInfo> itty = lst.iterator(); itty.hasNext(); ) { PlayerInfo pi =; hi.addLine(pi); } } if (idc!=null) { hi.addToContainer(idc); } } public boolean isRunning() { return running && serverImpl.isRunning(); } private synchronized void addToPlayerInfoList(Integer cid, PlayerInfo pi) { List<PlayerInfo> lst=client2Info.get(cid); if (lst==null) { lst=new ArrayList<PlayerInfo>(); client2Info.put(cid, lst); } lst.add(pi); } /** * Initialize the server */ private void initServer() { TeamAssigner.clear(); serverState=new ExtendedDataContainer(); String name=System.getProperty(""); if (name==null) { name="My server"; } else { if (name.endsWith("s")) { name+="'"; } else { name+="'s"; } name+=" server"; } serverImpl=new SimpleServer(port,SimpleServer.UDP_DEFAULT_PORT,true, name); serverImpl.addListener(this); serverObjMan=new ServerObjectManager(); serverImpl.addLogoutListener(this); serverImpl.addLoginListener(this); eventMan=new ServerEventManager(); running=true; } /** * Creates a new "server state". This means that all the data living on the server gets collected * and stored in a structure ready to be transfered to the clients. This method is intended for * fixed time frame usage. */ private void updateServerState() { synchronized(SYNC) { serverState=new ExtendedDataContainer(); // Transfer all client data serverObjMan.fill(serverState, null); } } /** * Similar to above, but it excludes the client's own objects. This is intended for creating the * data on demand. * @param ci * @return */ private ExtendedDataContainer createServerState(ClientInfo ci) { //synchronized(SYNC) { ExtendedDataContainer serverState=new ExtendedDataContainer(); // Transfer all client data serverObjMan.fill(serverState, ci); return serverState; //} } /** * The server's main loop. * @throws Exception */ private void runServer() throws Exception { if (!Globals.activeServer) { // For an active Server (i.e. one that creates the data for each client on request not // in fixed intervals, this method does nothing but returns Ticker ticker = new Ticker(18); while (!exit) { int ticks = ticker.getTicks(); if (ticks > 0) { updateServerState(); } else { Thread.sleep(5); } } stop(); } } }