package; import*; import com.threed.jpct.*; import java.awt.*; /** * A particle is a client only object for doing special effects like impacts, trails... */ public class Particle extends Object3D { static final private long serialVersionUID=1L; private final static float NO_MAX_Y=9999999999999999f; private static Object3D PLANE=null; private static final SimpleVector GRAV=new SimpleVector(0, 0.01, 0); private SimpleVector vel=new SimpleVector(); private SimpleVector grav=null; private String texture=""; private long time=0; private long maxTime=-1; private float maxY=NO_MAX_Y; private int checkCount=0; private long lastMoved=0; private boolean water=false; private boolean remote=false; /** * static initializer to create a PLANE-blueprint. */ static { if (!Config.saveMemory) { Logger.log("jPCT isn't running in save memory mode!", Logger.WARNING); } PLANE=new Object3D(1); PLANE.addTriangle(new SimpleVector(-1, -1, 0), 0, 0, new SimpleVector(1, -1, 0), 1, 0, new SimpleVector(1, 1, 0), 1, 1); PLANE.setTexture("particle"); PLANE.rotateZ((float)Math.PI/4f); PLANE.rotateMesh(); PLANE.getRotationMatrix().setIdentity(); PLANE.getMesh().compress();; } /** * Creates a new particle. The texture will be "particle" and to exists in the TextureManager. */ public Particle() { super(PLANE); grav=new SimpleVector(GRAV); rotateZ((float)Math.random()*6f); rotateMesh(); getRotationMatrix().setIdentity(); setBillboarding(Object3D.BILLBOARDING_ENABLED); setVisibility(Object3D.OBJ_VISIBLE); setCulling(Object3D.CULLING_DISABLED); setTransparency(10); setAdditionalColor(Color.white); setLighting(Object3D.LIGHTING_NO_LIGHTS); enableLazyTransformations(); reset(); setScale(0.8f); texture="particle"; } /** * Sets the texture. This overrides setTexture in Object3D to keep an internal reference to the texture's name. * @param texture String the texture's name like the TextureManager knows it. */ public void setTexture(String texture) { if (!this.texture.equals(texture)) { super.setTexture(texture); this.texture=texture; } } /** * Sets the time in ms this particle should live. * @param time long the time */ public void setLifeTime(long time) { this.maxTime=time; } public boolean isWater() { return water; } public void setWater(boolean isWater) { water=isWater; } public boolean isRemote() { return remote; } public void setColor(Color col) { setAdditionalColor(col); } public void setAsRemote(boolean remote) { this.remote=remote; } /** * Sets the y-limit, i.e. how deep the particle may fall before being discarded. * @param limit float the y-limit */ public void setYLimit(float limit) { this.maxY=limit; } /** * Sets the velocity for the particle. * @param vel SimpleVector */ public void setVelocity(SimpleVector vel) { this.vel.set(vel); } /** * Resets the particle. */ public void reset() { time=Ticker.getTime(); getTranslationMatrix().setIdentity(); checkCount=0; } /** * Determines is the particle is "old". This has nothing to do with the life time. The time after * that a particle is considered to be old is hard-wired to 20 sec. here. * @return boolean is it old? */ public boolean isOld() { return (Ticker.hasPassed(lastMoved, 20000)); } /** * Move the particle according to it's velocity and such. If it exceed its life time or its y-limit, * the particle will be set to invisible. * @param ticks long the number of ticks passed since the last call */ public void move(long ticks) { if (getVisibility()) { ticks<<=1; // Former version of the game had a nasty bug...move was called twice. But all particles // were designed to match that behaviour, so after correcting it, the timing was wrong. To avoid changing // all particle emitters, ticks is taken *2 here...not nice, but at least commented! for (int i=0; i<ticks; i++) { vel.add(grav); translate(vel); } checkCount+=ticks; lastMoved=Ticker.getTime(); if ((maxTime!=-1 && lastMoved-time>maxTime)|| (checkCount>10 && maxY!=NO_MAX_Y && getTranslation().y>=maxY)) { reset(); setVisibility(Object3D.OBJ_INVISIBLE); } } } }