package; import; import; import; import*; import*; import com.threed.jpct.*; import com.threed.jpct.util.*; public class CrateView extends ClientObject { static final private long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static ClientObject bluePrint = null; private static Object3D childBluePrint = null; private transient DecalManager decMan = null; private boolean exploding = false; private float animIndex = 0; private ShadowHelper sh = null; private boolean itemShown = false; private boolean botUsage = false; private transient LocalObject lob = null; private World world = null; static { try { SimpleStream ss = new SimpleStream("data/crate.3ds"); bluePrint = new ClientObject(Loader.load3DS(ss.getStream(), 0.09f)[0]); ss.close(); bluePrint.translate(0, -4.3f, -5); bluePrint.translateMesh(); bluePrint.getTranslationMatrix().setIdentity(); TextureInfo ti = null; if (!Globals.normalMapping) { bluePrint.setTexture("crate"); } else { ti = new TextureInfo(TextureManager.getInstance().getTextureID("crate")); ti.add(TextureManager.getInstance().getTextureID("cratenormals"), TextureInfo.MODE_MODULATE); bluePrint.setTexture(ti); } bluePrint.getMesh().compress();; Object3D child = null; Animation anim = new Animation(6); anim.setClampingMode(Animation.USE_CLAMPING); anim.createSubSequence("explosion"); Loader.setVertexOptimization(false); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { String name = "data/crate" + i + ".3ds"; ss = new SimpleStream(name); Object3D obj = Loader.load3DS(ss.getStream(), 4.4050189f)[0]; ss.close(); obj.translate(0, -5f, -0.6f); obj.translateMesh(); obj.getTranslationMatrix().setIdentity(); if (!Globals.normalMapping) { obj.setTexture("crate"); } else { obj.setTexture(ti); }; if (i == 1) { child = obj; child.setMesh(child.getMesh().cloneMesh(true)); } obj.getMesh().compress(); anim.addKeyFrame(obj.getMesh()); } child.setAnimationSequence(anim); Loader.setVertexOptimization(true); childBluePrint = child; /* * for (int i=0; i<child.getMesh().getBoundingBox().length; i++) { * System.out.print(child.getMesh().getBoundingBox()[i]); * System.out.println("="+bluePrint.getMesh().getBoundingBox()[i]); * } */ } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Creates a new crate. */ public CrateView() { super(bluePrint, false); enableLazyTransformations(); if (Globals.normalMapping) { ShaderProvider.setShader("normals", this); } } public CrateView(ClientObject obj) { super(obj, true); enableLazyTransformations(); if (Globals.normalMapping) { ShaderProvider.setShader("normals", this); } } public void botUsage() { botUsage = true; } public void hitByExplosion(CollisionParticipant source, LocalObject obj, DecalManager decal, CollisionEvent ce) { if (!isInactive()) { Event event = new Event(Event.CRATE_HIT, -99, obj.getObjectID(), -99); int[] ids = ce.getPolygonIDs(); if (ids != null) { // The Crates on the bot client don't return those IDs...and // they don't have to. PolygonManager pm = getPolygonManager(); SimpleVector normal = pm.getTransformedNormal(ids[0]); event.setOrigin(normal); } source.getEventQueue().add(event); } } public void setDecalManager(DecalManager dm) { this.decMan = dm; } public void setWorld(World world) { = world; } public void init(int id) { // This instance of LocalObject is used in the view only. The crates // aren't real // LocalObject/ClientObject-entities as they are not transfered to the // server. // However, events and collision listeners need some information from // the LocalObject lob = new LocalObject(-99); lob.setObjectID(id); } public LocalObject getLocalObject() { return lob; } public void setShadowHelper(ShadowHelper sh) { = sh; } public boolean isInactive() { return !getSuperVisibility(); } public boolean isExploding() { return exploding; } public void setVisibility(boolean vis) { if (animIndex < 1) { if (!exploding) { setSuperVisibility(vis); if (child != null) { child.setRealVisibility(false); } } else { setSuperVisibility(false); if (child != null) { child.setRealVisibility(vis); } } } else { setSuperVisibility(false); if (child != null) { child.setRealVisibility(false); } } } public void removeUponServerRequest() { setVisibility(false); setCollisionMode(Object3D.COLLISION_CHECK_NONE); if (decMan != null) { decMan.parentRemoved(this); decMan = null; } } public void process(long ticks, Level level) { if (exploding) { checkChild(); float mul = 0.05f; if (!botUsage) { child.animate(animIndex); child.getTranslationMatrix().setIdentity(); child.translate(0, 8f * animIndex, 0); SimpleVector sz = child.getZAxis(); sz.scalarMul(4f * animIndex); child.translate(sz); } animIndex += ((float) ticks) * mul; if (animIndex >= 1 && exploding != false) { exploding = false; if (!botUsage) { child.setRealVisibility(false); } } if (animIndex >= 0.5f && !itemShown) { // The item inherits the id from the crate, which is unique and // the same on all clients. if (level.createItem(getTransformedCenter(), getLocalObject(), sh) && !botUsage) { SoundManager.getInstance().play("bubble", getTranslation()); } itemShown = true; } } } public boolean isGone() { return !getVisibility() && !exploding; } public void explode(SimpleVector origin) { if (!exploding && animIndex < 1) { checkChild(); if (!botUsage) { if (origin.x > 0.5f || origin.x < -0.5f) { if (origin.x > 0.5f) { child.rotateY((float) Math.PI / 2f); } else { child.rotateY(-(float) Math.PI / 2f); } } else { if (origin.z < 0.5f) { child.rotateY((float) Math.PI); } } } setSuperVisibility(false); if (!botUsage) { child.setRealVisibility(true); } exploding = true; setCollisionMode(Object3D.COLLISION_CHECK_NONE); if (decMan != null) { decMan.parentRemoved(this); decMan = null; } } } public void addToWorld(World world) { super.addToWorld(world); = world; } private void checkChild() { if (world == null) { throw new RuntimeException("The CrateView instance has to know its world!"); } if (animIndex == 0 && child == null && !botUsage) { // Create the child object with the animation inside. addChild(childBluePrint); if (Globals.compiledObjects) { child.compile(true); } String name = "phong"; if (Globals.normalMapping) { name = "normals"; } ShaderProvider.setShader(name, child); world.addObject(child); } } }