package paulscode.sound; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; /** * The Source class is used to store information about a source. * Source objects are stored in a map in the Library class. The * information they contain is used to create library-specific sources. * This is the template class which is extended for each specific library. * This class is also used by the "No Sound" library to represent a mute * source. *<br><br> *<b><i> SoundSystem License:</b></i><br><b><br> * You are free to use this library for any purpose, commercial or otherwise. * You may modify this library or source code, and distribute it any way you * like, provided the following conditions are met: *<br> * 1) You may not falsely claim to be the author of this library or any * unmodified portion of it. *<br> * 2) You may not copyright this library or a modified version of it and then * sue me for copyright infringement. *<br> * 3) If you modify the source code, you must clearly document the changes * made before redistributing the modified source code, so other users know * it is not the original code. *<br> * 4) You are not required to give me credit for this library in any derived * work, but if you do, you must also mention my website: * *<br> * 5) I the author will not be responsible for any damages (physical, * financial, or otherwise) caused by the use if this library or any part * of it. *<br> * 6) I the author do not guarantee, warrant, or make any representations, * either expressed or implied, regarding the use of this library or any * part of it. * <br><br> * Author: Paul Lamb * <br> * * </b> */ public class Source { /** * The library class associated with this type of channel. */ protected Class libraryType = Library.class; /** * Used to return a current value from one of the synchronized * boolean-interface methods. */ private static final boolean GET = false; /** * Used to set the value in one of the synchronized boolean-interface methods. */ private static final boolean SET = true; /** * Used when a parameter for one of the synchronized boolean-interface methods * is not aplicable. */ private static final boolean XXX = false; /** * Processes status messages, warnings, and error messages. */ private SoundSystemLogger logger; /** * True if this source is being directly fed with raw audio data. */ public boolean rawDataStream = false; /** * Format the raw data will be in if this is a Raw Data Stream source. */ public AudioFormat rawDataFormat = null; /** * Determines whether a source should be removed after it finishes playing. */ public boolean temporary = false; /** * Determines whether or not this is a priority source. Priority sources will * not be overwritten by other sources when there are no available channels. */ public boolean priority = false; /** * Whether or not this source should be streamed. */ public boolean toStream = false; /** * Whether this source should loop or only play once. */ public boolean toLoop = false; /** * Whether this source needs to be played (for example if it was playing and * looping when it got culled). */ public boolean toPlay = false; /** * Unique name for this source. More than one source can not have the same * sourcename. */ public String sourcename = ""; /** * The audio file which this source should play. */ public FilenameURL filenameURL = null; /** * This source's position in 3D space. */ public Vector3D position; /** * Attenuation model to use for this source. */ public int attModel = 0; /** * Either fade distance or rolloff factor, depending on the value of attModel. */ public float distOrRoll = 0.0f; /** * Source's velocity in world-space, for use in Doppler effect. */ public Vector3D velocity; /** * This source's volume (a float between 0.0 - 1.0). This value is used * internally for attenuation, and should not be used to manually change a * source's volume. */ public float gain = 1.0f; /** * This value should be used to manually increase or decrease source volume. */ public float sourceVolume = 1.0f; /** * This value represents the source's pitch (float value between 0.5f - 2.0f). */ protected float pitch = 1.0f; /** * This source's distance from the listener. */ public float distanceFromListener = 0.0f; /** * Channel to play this source on. */ public Channel channel = null; /** * Holds the data used by normal sources. */ public SoundBuffer soundBuffer = null; /** * False when this source gets culled. */ private boolean active = true; /** * Whether or not this source has been stopped. */ private boolean stopped = true; /** * Whether or not this source has been paused. */ private boolean paused = false; /** * Codec used to read data for streaming sources. */ protected ICodec codec = null; /** * The list of files to stream when the current stream finishes. */ protected LinkedList<FilenameURL> soundSequenceQueue = null; /** * Ensures that only one thread accesses the soundSequenceQueue at a time. */ protected final Object soundSequenceLock = new Object(); /** * Used by streaming sources to indicate whether or not the initial * stream-buffers still need to be queued. */ public boolean preLoad = false; /** * Specifies the gain factor used for the fade-out effect, or -1 when * source is not currently fading out. */ protected float fadeOutGain = -1.0f; /** * Specifies the gain factor used for the fade-in effect, or 1 when * source is not currently fading in. */ protected float fadeInGain = 1.0f; /** * Specifies the number of miliseconds it should take to fade out. */ protected long fadeOutMilis = 0; /** * Specifies the number of miliseconds it should take to fade in. */ protected long fadeInMilis = 0; /** * System time in miliseconds when the last fade in/out volume check occurred. */ protected long lastFadeCheck = 0; /** * Constructor: Creates a new source using the specified parameters. * @param priority Setting this to true will prevent other sounds from overriding this one. * @param toStream Setting this to true will create a streaming source. * @param toLoop Should this source loop, or play only once. * @param sourcename A unique identifier for this source. Two sources may not use the same sourcename. * @param filenameURL The filename/URL of the sound file to play at this source. * @param soundBuffer Buffer containing audio data, or null if not loaded yet. * @param x X position for this source. * @param y Y position for this source. * @param z Z position for this source. * @param attModel Attenuation model to use. * @param distOrRoll Either the fading distance or rolloff factor, depending on the value of 'att'. * @param temporary Whether or not to remove this source after it finishes playing. */ public Source( boolean priority, boolean toStream, boolean toLoop, String sourcename, FilenameURL filenameURL, SoundBuffer soundBuffer, float x, float y, float z, int attModel, float distOrRoll, boolean temporary ) { // grab a handle to the message logger: logger = SoundSystemConfig.getLogger(); this.priority = priority; this.toStream = toStream; this.toLoop = toLoop; this.sourcename = sourcename; this.filenameURL = filenameURL; this.soundBuffer = soundBuffer; position = new Vector3D( x, y, z ); this.attModel = attModel; this.distOrRoll = distOrRoll; this.velocity = new Vector3D( 0, 0, 0 ); this.temporary = temporary; if( toStream && filenameURL != null ) codec = SoundSystemConfig.getCodec( filenameURL.getFilename() ); } /** * Constructor: Creates a new source matching the specified one. * @param old Source to copy information from. * @param soundBuffer Buffer containing audio data, or null if not loaded yet. */ public Source( Source old, SoundBuffer soundBuffer ) { // grab a handle to the message logger: logger = SoundSystemConfig.getLogger(); priority = old.priority; toStream = old.toStream; toLoop = old.toLoop; sourcename = old.sourcename; filenameURL = old.filenameURL; position = old.position.clone(); attModel = old.attModel; distOrRoll = old.distOrRoll; velocity = old.velocity.clone(); temporary = old.temporary; sourceVolume = old.sourceVolume; rawDataStream = old.rawDataStream; rawDataFormat = old.rawDataFormat; this.soundBuffer = soundBuffer; if( toStream && filenameURL != null ) codec = SoundSystemConfig.getCodec( filenameURL.getFilename() ); } /** * Constructor: Creates a new streaming source that will be directly fed with * raw audio data. * @param audioFormat Format that the data will be in. * @param priority Setting this to true will prevent other sounds from overriding this one. * @param sourcename A unique identifier for this source. Two sources may not use the same sourcename. * @param x X position for this source. * @param y Y position for this source. * @param z Z position for this source. * @param attModel Attenuation model to use. * @param distOrRoll Either the fading distance or rolloff factor, depending on the value of 'att'. */ public Source( AudioFormat audioFormat, boolean priority, String sourcename, float x, float y, float z, int attModel, float distOrRoll ) { // grab a handle to the message logger: logger = SoundSystemConfig.getLogger(); this.priority = priority; this.toStream = true; this.toLoop = false; this.sourcename = sourcename; this.filenameURL = null; this.soundBuffer = null; position = new Vector3D( x, y, z ); this.attModel = attModel; this.distOrRoll = distOrRoll; this.velocity = new Vector3D( 0, 0, 0 ); this.temporary = false; rawDataStream = true; rawDataFormat = audioFormat; } /* Override methods */ /** * Shuts the source down and removes references to all instantiated objects. */ public void cleanup() { if( codec != null ) codec.cleanup(); synchronized( soundSequenceLock ) { if( soundSequenceQueue != null ) soundSequenceQueue.clear(); soundSequenceQueue = null; } sourcename = null; filenameURL = null; position = null; soundBuffer = null; codec = null; } /** * If this is a streaming source, queues up the next sound to play when * the previous stream ends. This method has no effect on non-streaming * sources. * @param filenameURL The filename/URL of the sound file to stream next. */ public void queueSound( FilenameURL filenameURL ) { if( !toStream ) { errorMessage( "Method 'queueSound' may only be used for " + "streaming and MIDI sources." ); return; } if( filenameURL == null ) { errorMessage( "File not specified in method 'queueSound'" ); return; } synchronized( soundSequenceLock ) { if( soundSequenceQueue == null ) soundSequenceQueue = new LinkedList<FilenameURL>(); soundSequenceQueue.add( filenameURL ); } } /** * Removes the first occurrence of the specified filename from the list of * sounds to play when the previous stream ends. This method has no effect * on non-streaming sources. * @param filename Filename/identifier of a sound file to remove from the queue. */ public void dequeueSound( String filename ) { if( !toStream ) { errorMessage( "Method 'dequeueSound' may only be used for " + "streaming and MIDI sources." ); return; } if( filename == null || filename.equals( "" ) ) { errorMessage( "Filename not specified in method 'dequeueSound'" ); return; } synchronized( soundSequenceLock ) { if( soundSequenceQueue != null ) { ListIterator<FilenameURL> i = soundSequenceQueue.listIterator(); while( i.hasNext() ) { if( filename ) ) { i.remove(); break; } } } } } /** * Fades out the volume of whatever this source is currently playing, then * begins playing the specified filename at the source's previously assigned * volume level. If the filename parameter is null or empty, the source will * simply fade out and stop. The miliseconds parameter must be non-negative or * zero. This method will remove anything that is currently in the list of * queued sounds that would have played next when the current sound finished * playing. This method has no effect on non-streaming sources. * @param filenameURL Filename/URL of the sound file to play next, or null for none. * @param milis Number of miliseconds the fadeout should take. */ public void fadeOut( FilenameURL filenameURL, long milis ) { if( !toStream ) { errorMessage( "Method 'fadeOut' may only be used for " + "streaming and MIDI sources." ); return; } if( milis < 0 ) { errorMessage( "Miliseconds may not be negative in method " + "'fadeOut'." ); return; } fadeOutMilis = milis; fadeInMilis = 0; fadeOutGain = 1.0f; lastFadeCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized( soundSequenceLock ) { if( soundSequenceQueue != null ) soundSequenceQueue.clear(); if( filenameURL != null ) { if( soundSequenceQueue == null ) soundSequenceQueue = new LinkedList<FilenameURL>(); soundSequenceQueue.add( filenameURL ); } } } /** * Fades out the volume of whatever this source is currently playing, then * fades the volume back in playing the specified file. Final volume after * fade-in completes will be equal to the source's previously assigned volume * level. The filenameURL parameter may not be null or empty. The miliseconds * parameters must be non-negative or zero. This method will remove anything * that is currently in the list of queued sounds that would have played next * when the current sound finished playing. This method has no effect on * non-streaming sources. * @param filenameURL Filename/URL of the sound file to play next, or null for none. * @param milisOut Number of miliseconds the fadeout should take. * @param milisIn Number of miliseconds the fadein should take. */ public void fadeOutIn( FilenameURL filenameURL, long milisOut, long milisIn ) { if( !toStream ) { errorMessage( "Method 'fadeOutIn' may only be used for " + "streaming and MIDI sources." ); return; } if( filenameURL == null ) { errorMessage( "Filename/URL not specified in method 'fadeOutIn'." ); return; } if( milisOut < 0 || milisIn < 0 ) { errorMessage( "Miliseconds may not be negative in method " + "'fadeOutIn'." ); return; } fadeOutMilis = milisOut; fadeInMilis = milisIn; fadeOutGain = 1.0f; lastFadeCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized( soundSequenceLock ) { if( soundSequenceQueue == null ) soundSequenceQueue = new LinkedList<FilenameURL>(); soundSequenceQueue.clear(); soundSequenceQueue.add( filenameURL ); } } /** * Resets this source's volume if it is fading out or in. Returns true if this * source is currently in the process of fading out. When fade-out completes, * this method transitions the source to the next sound in the sound sequence * queue if there is one. This method has no effect on non-streaming sources. * @return True if this source is in the process of fading out. */ public boolean checkFadeOut() { if( !toStream ) return false; if( fadeOutGain == -1.0f && fadeInGain == 1.0f ) return false; long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long milisPast = currentTime - lastFadeCheck; lastFadeCheck = currentTime; if( fadeOutGain >= 0.0f ) { if( fadeOutMilis == 0 ) { fadeOutGain = -1.0f; fadeInGain = 0.0f; if( !incrementSoundSequence() ) { stop(); } positionChanged(); preLoad = true; return false; } else { float fadeOutReduction = ((float)milisPast) / ((float)fadeOutMilis); fadeOutGain -= fadeOutReduction; if( fadeOutGain <= 0.0f ) { fadeOutGain = -1.0f; fadeInGain = 0.0f; if( !incrementSoundSequence() ) stop(); positionChanged(); preLoad = true; return false; } } positionChanged(); return true; } if( fadeInGain < 1.0f ) { fadeOutGain = -1.0f; if( fadeInMilis == 0 ) { fadeOutGain = -1.0f; fadeInGain = 1.0f; } else { float fadeInIncrease = ((float)milisPast) / ((float)fadeInMilis); fadeInGain += fadeInIncrease; if( fadeInGain >= 1.0f ) { fadeOutGain = -1.0f; fadeInGain = 1.0f; } } positionChanged(); return true; } return false; } /** * Removes the next filename/URL from the sound sequence queue and assigns it to * this source. This method has no effect on non-streaming sources. This * method is used internally by SoundSystem, and it is unlikely that the user * will ever need to use it. * @return True if there was something in the queue. */ public boolean incrementSoundSequence() { if( !toStream ) { errorMessage( "Method 'incrementSoundSequence' may only be used " + "for streaming and MIDI sources." ); return false; } synchronized( soundSequenceLock ) { if( soundSequenceQueue != null && soundSequenceQueue.size() > 0 ) { filenameURL = soundSequenceQueue.remove( 0 ); if( codec != null ) codec.cleanup(); codec = SoundSystemConfig.getCodec( filenameURL.getFilename() ); return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the size of the sound sequence queue (if this is a streaming source). * @return Number of sounds left in the queue, or zero if none. */ public int getSoundSequenceQueueSize() { if( soundSequenceQueue == null ) return 0; return soundSequenceQueue.size(); } /** * Sets whether or not this source should be removed when it finishes playing. * @param tmp True or false. */ public void setTemporary( boolean tmp ) { temporary = tmp; } /** * Called every time the listener's position or orientation changes. */ public void listenerMoved() {} /** * Moves the source to the specified position. * @param x X coordinate to move to. * @param y Y coordinate to move to. * @param z Z coordinate to move to. */ public void setPosition( float x, float y, float z ) { position.x = x; position.y = y; position.z = z; } /** * Called every time the source changes position. */ public void positionChanged() {} /** * Sets whether or not this source is a priority source. A priority source * will not be overritten by another source if there are no channels available * to play on. * @param pri True or false. */ public void setPriority( boolean pri ) { priority = pri; } /** * Sets whether this source should loop or only play once. * @param lp True or false. */ public void setLooping( boolean lp ) { toLoop = lp; } /** * Sets this source's attenuation model. * @param model Attenuation model to use. */ public void setAttenuation( int model ) { attModel = model; } /** * Sets this source's fade distance or rolloff factor, depending on the * attenuation model. * @param dr New value for fade distance or rolloff factor. */ public void setDistOrRoll( float dr) { distOrRoll = dr; } /** * Sets this source's velocity, for use in Doppler effect. * @param x Velocity along world x-axis. * @param y Velocity along world y-axis. * @param z Velocity along world z-axis. */ public void setVelocity( float x, float y, float z ) { this.velocity.x = x; this.velocity.y = y; this.velocity.z = z; } /** * Returns the source's distance from the listener. * @return How far away the source is. */ public float getDistanceFromListener() { return distanceFromListener; } /** * Manually sets the specified source's pitch. * @param value A float value ( 0.5f - 2.0f ). */ public void setPitch( float value ) { float newPitch = value; if( newPitch < 0.5f ) newPitch = 0.5f; else if( newPitch > 2.0f ) newPitch = 2.0f; pitch = newPitch; } /** * Returns the pitch of the specified source. * @return Float value representing the source pitch (0.5f - 2.0f). */ public float getPitch() { return pitch; } /** * Indicates whether or not this source's associated library requires some * codecs to reverse-order the audio data they generate. * @return True if audio data should be reverse-ordered. */ public boolean reverseByteOrder() { return SoundSystemConfig.reverseByteOrder( libraryType ); } /** * Changes the sources peripheral information to match the supplied parameters. * @param priority Setting this to true will prevent other sounds from overriding this one. * @param toStream Setting this to true will create a streaming source. * @param toLoop Should this source loop, or play only once. * @param sourcename A unique identifier for this source. Two sources may not use the same sourcename. * @param filenameURL Filename/URL of the sound file to play at this source. * @param x X position for this source. * @param y Y position for this source. * @param z Z position for this source. * @param attModel Attenuation model to use. * @param distOrRoll Either the fading distance or rolloff factor, depending on the value of 'att'. * @param temporary Whether or not to remove this source after it finishes playing. */ public void changeSource( boolean priority, boolean toStream, boolean toLoop, String sourcename, FilenameURL filenameURL, SoundBuffer soundBuffer, float x, float y, float z, int attModel, float distOrRoll, boolean temporary ) { this.priority = priority; this.toStream = toStream; this.toLoop = toLoop; this.sourcename = sourcename; this.filenameURL = filenameURL; this.soundBuffer = soundBuffer; position.x = x; position.y = y; position.z = z; this.attModel = attModel; this.distOrRoll = distOrRoll; this.temporary = temporary; } /** * Feeds raw data to the specified channel. * @param buffer Byte buffer containing raw audio data to stream. * @param c Channel to stream on. * @return Number of prior buffers that have been processed, or -1 if unable to queue the buffer (if the source was culled, for example). */ public int feedRawAudioData( Channel c, byte[] buffer ) { if( !active( GET, XXX) ) { toPlay = true; return -1; } if( channel != c ) { channel = c; channel.close(); channel.setAudioFormat( rawDataFormat ); positionChanged(); } // change the state of this source to not stopped and not paused: stopped( SET, false ); paused( SET, false ); return channel.feedRawAudioData( buffer ); } /** * Plays the source on the specified channel. * @param c Channel to play on. */ public void play( Channel c ) { if( !active( GET, XXX) ) { if( toLoop ) toPlay = true; return; } if( channel != c ) { channel = c; channel.close(); } // change the state of this source to not stopped and not paused: stopped( SET, false ); paused( SET, false ); } /* END Override methods */ /** * Streams the source on its current channel * @return False when stream has finished playing. */ public boolean stream() { if( channel == null ) return false; if( preLoad ) { if( rawDataStream ) preLoad = false; else return preLoad(); } if( rawDataStream ) { if( stopped() || paused() ) return true; if( channel.buffersProcessed() > 0 ) channel.processBuffer(); } else { if( codec == null ) return false; if( stopped() ) return false; if( paused() ) return true; int processed = channel.buffersProcessed(); SoundBuffer buffer = null; for( int i = 0; i < processed; i++ ) { buffer =; if( buffer != null ) { if( buffer.audioData != null ) channel.queueBuffer( buffer.audioData ); buffer.cleanup(); buffer = null; } if( codec.endOfStream() ) return false; } } return true; } /** * Queues up the initial stream-buffers for the stream. * @return False if the end of the stream was reached. */ public boolean preLoad() { if( channel == null ) return false; if( codec == null ) return false; URL url = filenameURL.getURL(); codec.initialize( url ); SoundBuffer buffer = null; for( int i = 0; i < SoundSystemConfig.getNumberStreamingBuffers(); i++ ) { buffer =; if( buffer != null ) { if( soundBuffer.audioData != null ) channel.queueBuffer( soundBuffer.audioData ); buffer.cleanup(); buffer = null; } } return true; } /** * Pauses the source. */ public void pause() { toPlay = false; paused( SET, true ); if( channel != null ) channel.pause(); else errorMessage( "Channel null in method 'pause'" ); } /** * Stops the source. */ public void stop() { toPlay = false; stopped( SET, true ); paused( SET, false ); if( channel != null ) channel.stop(); else errorMessage( "Channel null in method 'stop'" ); } /** * Rewinds the source. If the source was paused, then it is stopped. */ public void rewind() { if( paused( GET, XXX ) ) { stop(); } if( channel != null ) { boolean rePlay = playing(); channel.rewind(); if( toStream && rePlay ) { stop(); play( channel ); } } else errorMessage( "Channel null in method 'rewind'" ); } /** * Dequeues any previously queued data. */ public void flush() { if( channel != null ) channel.flush(); else errorMessage( "Channel null in method 'flush'" ); } /** * Stops and flushes the source, and prevents it from being played again until * the activate() is called. */ public void cull() { if( !active( GET, XXX ) ) return; if( playing() && toLoop ) toPlay = true; if( rawDataStream ) toPlay = true; active( SET, false ); if( channel != null ) channel.close(); channel = null; } /** * Allows a previously culled source to be played again. */ public void activate() { active( SET, true ); } /** * Returns false if the source has been culled. * @return True or False */ public boolean active() { return active( GET, XXX ); } /** * Returns true if the source is playing. * @return True or False */ public boolean playing() { if( channel == null || channel.attachedSource != this ) return false; else if( paused() || stopped() ) return false; else return channel.playing(); } /** * Returns true if the source has been stopped. * @return True or False */ public boolean stopped() { return stopped( GET, XXX ); } /** * Returns true if the source has been paused. * @return True or False */ public boolean paused() { return paused( GET, XXX ); } /** * Returns the number of miliseconds since the source began playing. * @return miliseconds, or -1 if not playing or unable to calculate */ public float millisecondsPlayed() { if( channel == null ) return( -1 ); else return channel.millisecondsPlayed(); } /** * Sets or returns whether or not the source has been culled. * @return True or False */ private synchronized boolean active( boolean action, boolean value ) { if( action == SET ) active = value; return active; } /** * Sets or returns whether or not the source has been stopped. * @return True or False */ private synchronized boolean stopped( boolean action, boolean value ) { if( action == SET ) stopped = value; return stopped; } /** * Sets or returns whether or not the source has been paused. * @return True or False */ private synchronized boolean paused( boolean action, boolean value ) { if( action == SET ) paused = value; return paused; } /** * Returns the name of the class. * @return SoundLibraryXXXX. */ public String getClassName() { String libTitle = SoundSystemConfig.getLibraryTitle( libraryType ); if( libTitle.equals( "No Sound" ) ) return "Source"; else return "Source" + libTitle; } /** * Prints a message. * @param message Message to print. */ protected void message( String message ) { logger.message( message, 0 ); } /** * Prints an important message. * @param message Message to print. */ protected void importantMessage( String message ) { logger.importantMessage( message, 0 ); } /** * Prints the specified message if error is true. * @param error True or False. * @param message Message to print if error is true. * @return True if error is true. */ protected boolean errorCheck( boolean error, String message ) { return logger.errorCheck( error, getClassName(), message, 0 ); } /** * Prints an error message. * @param message Message to print. */ protected void errorMessage( String message ) { logger.errorMessage( getClassName(), message, 0 ); } /** * Prints an exception's error message followed by the stack trace. * @param e Exception containing the information to print. */ protected void printStackTrace( Exception e ) { logger.printStackTrace( e, 1 ); } }