package; import java.util.*; import robombs.clientserver.NetLogger; import; import*; import*; import com.threed.jpct.*; public class Colorizer { private List<String> textures = new ArrayList<String>(); private Set<Integer> colored = new HashSet<Integer>(); private static Colorizer instance = null; private Colorizer() { } public synchronized static Colorizer getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Colorizer(); } return instance; } public synchronized void init() { colored.clear(); } public synchronized void unload(FrameBuffer buffer) { TextureManager tm = TextureManager.getInstance(); Collections.reverse(textures); // Reverse the order to remove the last // texture first..helps the // TextureManager's internals to save // some memory for (String texture : textures) { if (tm.containsTexture(texture)) { tm.removeAndUnload(texture, buffer); } } textures.clear(); colored.clear(); NetLogger.log("Client: Additional textures unloaded (" + tm.getTextureCount() + ")!"); } public synchronized void colorize(ClientObject co, LocalObject lo) { // Assign a new texture to a bot. TextureManager tm = TextureManager.getInstance(); float rf = 1; float gf = 1; float bf = 1; int team = TeamAssigner.getTeam(lo.getClientID(), lo.getObjectID()); if (team == 0) { // Try to color the clients in a fixed manner according to their // IDs. // For the bot client, this doesn't work. We have to take the // objectID // into // calculation...this doesn't create unique colors over the rounds, // but...well... int num = lo.getClientID() - 1; if ((num & 1) == 1) { rf = 1.5f; } if ((num & 2) == 2) { gf = 1.5f; } if ((num & 4) == 4) { bf = 1.5f; } if ((num & 8) == 8) { rf = 0.5f; gf = 1.5f; } if ((num & 16) == 16) { gf = 0.5f; rf = 1.5f; } if ((num & 32) == 32) { bf = 0.5f; gf = 1.5f; } if ((num & 64) == 64) { gf = 0.5f; bf = 1.5f; } if (colored.contains(Integer.valueOf(num))) { int no = lo.getObjectID(); if ((no & 1) == 1) { rf += 0.5f; } if ((no & 2) == 2) { rf -= 0.5f; } if ((no & 4) == 4) { gf += 0.5f; } if ((no & 8) == 8) { gf -= 0.5f; } if ((no & 16) == 16) { bf += 0.5f; } if ((no & 32) == 32) { bf -= 0.5f; } } else { colored.add(Integer.valueOf(num)); } } else { switch (team) { case 1: rf=1.6f; bf=0.2f; gf=0.2f; break; case 2: rf=0.2f; bf=1.6f; gf=0.2f; break; case 3: rf=0.2f; bf=0.2f; gf=1.6f; break; case 4: rf=1.6f; bf=1.6f; gf=1.6f; break; } } Texture nt = TextureUtils.colorizeAlienSkin(rf, gf, bf); String name = "created_for_bot_" + lo.getClientID() + "/" + lo.getObjectID(); textures.add(name); if (!tm.containsTexture(name)) { tm.addTexture(name, nt); } else { // This should never happen, but just to be sure... tm.replaceTexture(name, nt); } co.setTexture(name); } }