package; public class MapMask { public final static int UNKNOWN = 0; public final static int FLOOR = 1; public final static int DEBUG = 255; // For debug only! public final static int BOMB=99; public final static int CRATE=50; public final static int BOMB_ITEM=60; public final static int FIREPOWER_ITEM=70; public final static int KICK_ITEM=80; public final static int DISEASE_ITEM=90; public final static int NO_BOMB=0; public final static int TILE_SIZE = 12; public final static int CORNER_NONE = 0; public final static int CORNER_DOUBLE = 2; public final static int CORNER_SINGLE = 1; // Note: Player respwan points will marked as 10049 to 10057 but they will be removed // right after level loading. The rest of the code should never see them. private int[] mask; private int width = 0; private int height = 0; public MapMask(int width, int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; mask = new int[width * height]; } public void clear() { for (int i=0; i<mask.length; i++) { mask[i]=UNKNOWN; } } public static boolean isItem(int val) { return val==BOMB_ITEM || val==FIREPOWER_ITEM || val==KICK_ITEM || val==DISEASE_ITEM; } public MapMask cloneMask() { MapMask clone=new MapMask(getWidth(), getHeight()); int cnt=0; for (int i:mask) { clone.mask[cnt]=i; cnt++; } return clone; } public GridPosition getGrid(float x, float z) { int px = (int) (x / (float) MapMask.TILE_SIZE); int pz = (int) (z / (float) MapMask.TILE_SIZE + 1); return new GridPosition(px, pz); } // Ecke bzw. �ber die Kante? public int doCornerCheck(GridPosition cur, int xOff, int zOff) { if (xOff != 0 && zOff != 0) { int x = cur.getX(); int z = cur.getZ(); boolean cx = isObstacle(x + xOff, z); boolean cz = isObstacle(x, z + zOff); if (cx && cz) { return CORNER_DOUBLE; } else { if (cx || cz) { return CORNER_SINGLE; } } } return CORNER_NONE; } // Festes Hinternis? public boolean isObstacle(int x, int y) { int tile = getMaskAt(x, y); return tile == MapMask.UNKNOWN; } // Tempor�res Hindernis? public boolean isBlocked(int x, int y) { int tile = getMaskAt(x, y); return tile==MapMask.CRATE || isItem(tile); } public boolean isSemiBlocked(int x, int y) { int tile = getMaskAt(x, y); return tile==MapMask.CRATE; } // Checks if a position is in a bomb's range. public boolean isInBombRange(int x, int y, int minDist) { for (int i=-minDist; i<=minDist; i++) { //if (i!=0) { if (getMaskAt(x+i,y)==MapMask.BOMB) { return true; } if (getMaskAt(x,y+i)==MapMask.BOMB) { return true; } //} } return false; } public int[] getMask() { return mask; } public synchronized void setMaskAt(int x, int y, int value) { if (y>=0 && y<height && x>=0 && x<width) { mask[y * width + x] = value; } } public void setMaskAt(GridPosition gp, int value) { setMaskAt(gp.getX(), gp.getZ(), value); } public int getMaskAt(GridPosition gp) { return getMaskAt(gp.getX(), gp.getZ()); } public synchronized int getMaskAt(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || y>=height || x>=width) { return UNKNOWN; } return mask[y * width + x]; } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public boolean isNearBy(int item, GridPosition gp) { for (int x=-1; x<2; x++) { for (int y=-1; y<2; y++) { if (this.getMaskAt(gp.getX()+x, gp.getZ()+y)==item) { return true; } } } return false; } public String toString() { String r = ""; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(width); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int pos = x + y * width; int m = mask[pos]; if (m != UNKNOWN) { if (m != DEBUG) { if (m==BOMB) { sb.append('B'); } else { sb.append(Character.toString((char)(m+47))); } } else { sb.append('.'); } } else { sb.append('*'); } } r += sb.append("\n").toString(); } return r; } }