package; import*; import java.awt.*; import com.threed.jpct.*; import com.threed.jpct.util.*; /** * A simple label component for displaying text in the GUI. */ public class Label extends GUIComponent { private String label = ""; private int xp = 0; private int yp = 0; private GLFont font=null; private Color col=null; /** * Creates a new label at the given position (top left corner). * @param xpos the x-position * @param ypos the y-position */ public Label(int xpos, int ypos) { this.xp = xpos; this.yp = ypos; } /** * Sets the text of the label. * @param text the text */ public void setText(String text) { this.label = text; } public void setColor(Color col) { this.col=col; } public void setFont(GLFont font) { this.font=font; } public boolean evaluateInput(MouseMapper mouse, KeyMapper keyMapper) { return super.evaluateInput(mouse, keyMapper); } public void draw(FrameBuffer buffer) { if (visible) { if (font==null) { TextBlitter.blitText(buffer, label, getParentX() + xp, getParentY() + yp); } else { TextBlitter.blitText(font, buffer, label, getParentX() + xp, getParentY() + yp, col); } super.draw(buffer); } } }