package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.threed.jpct.*; import; import*; import*; import*; import*; public class Bot extends LocalPlayerObject { public final static int NO_NEW_TARGET=0; public final static int NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_BOMB=1; public final static int NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_COLLISION=2; public final static int NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_STUCK=3; private AIGridPosition target=null; private GridPosition[] path=null; private int pathIndex=0; private TargetFinder finder=new TargetFinder(); private int waitCounter=0; private int newTargetLimit=0; private int targetScheduled=NO_NEW_TARGET; private long bombTimer=0; private GridPosition lastTarget=null; private GridPosition globalTarget=null; private MapMask decisionMask=null; private int gridCnt=0; private GridPosition lastGrid=new GridPosition(-1,-1); public void setDead() { super.setDead(); target=null; path=null; pathIndex=0; targetScheduled=NO_NEW_TARGET; setSpeed(SimpleVector.ORIGIN); } public GridPosition getLastTarget() { return lastTarget; } /* private boolean shouldTryToEscapeFromBomb(LocalBombManager lbm, GridPosition next) { boolean should=lbm.getBombMask().isInBombRange(next.getX(), next.getZ(), 4); if (should) { if (Ticker.getTime()-bombTimer<LocalBombManager.LIFE_TIME) { return false; } } return should; } */ public void clearLastTarget() { lastTarget=null; } public long getBombTimer() { return bombTimer; } public boolean nextStep(BotClient client, World world, long ticks, Level level, ClientObjectManager com, LocalBombManager lbm, List<SimpleVector> playerPos, List<SimpleVector> playerPosTeam, PlayerDummy dummy) { List<SimpleVector> playerPos2=new ArrayList<SimpleVector>(playerPos); playerPos2.addAll(com.getPlayerPositions(true)); playerPos2.remove(getPosition()); // A bot should not block himself! List<SimpleVector> playerPosOtherTeams=new ArrayList<SimpleVector>(playerPosTeam); playerPosOtherTeams.addAll(com.getPlayerPositions(true, this.getView())); playerPosOtherTeams.remove(getPosition()); PlayerPowers pp=getPlayerPowers(); int sick=pp.isSick(); float mul=1; if (sick==PlayerPowers.SLOWER) { mul=0.7f; } if (sick==PlayerPowers.FASTER) { mul=1.3f; } MapMask mask=level.getMask(); MapMask bombs=lbm.getBombMask(); int width=mask.getWidth(); int height=mask.getHeight(); dummy.setObjectID(getObjectID()); // Make the dummy carry this bot's id for collision detection. int crashCnt=0; if (decisionMask==null || decisionMask.getWidth()!=width || decisionMask.getHeight()!=height) { decisionMask=new MapMask(width, height); } // Either the speed will be set correctly later...or not. If not, 0,0,0 is correct. because it // hasn't moved then... setSpeed(SimpleVector.ORIGIN); SimpleVector botPos=new SimpleVector(getPosition()); SimpleVector tmp=new SimpleVector(botPos); GridPosition pos=mask.getGrid(botPos.x, botPos.z); if (!isDead() && this.getAnimation()!=Animations.DIE && this.getAnimation()!=Animations.DEAD) { if (pos.equals(lastGrid)) { gridCnt++; } else { lastGrid.set(pos.getX(), pos.getZ()); gridCnt=0; } if (gridCnt>120) { targetScheduled=NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_STUCK; path=null; gridCnt=0; } if (Math.random()<0.002) { // Randomly drop a bomb...very seldom, but it happens client.placeBomb(this); path=null; } if (path==null || pathIndex==path.length || targetScheduled>NO_NEW_TARGET) { // Determine a new target... // Build a mask to base the decision on: decisionMask.clear(); for (int x=0; x<width; x++) { for (int y=0; y<height; y++) { int b=bombs.getMaskAt(x, y); int l=mask.getMaskAt(x, y); int c=decisionMask.getMaskAt(x, y); if (l==MapMask.UNKNOWN && c==0) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y, -99); } if (l==MapMask.CRATE && c==0) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y, 0); } if (l==MapMask.FLOOR && c==0) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y, 10); } if (MapMask.isItem(l) && c==0) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y, 15); } if (b==MapMask.BOMB) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y, -2); boolean left=true; boolean right=true; boolean up=true; boolean down=true; for (int p=0; p<5; p++) { if (p!=0) { int tr=mask.getMaskAt(x+p, y); int tl=mask.getMaskAt(x-p, y); int tu=mask.getMaskAt(x, y-p); int td=mask.getMaskAt(x, y+p); if (tr==MapMask.UNKNOWN) { right=false; } if (tl==MapMask.UNKNOWN) { left=false; } if (tu==MapMask.UNKNOWN) { up=false; } if (td==MapMask.UNKNOWN) { down=false; } if (right) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x+p, y, -1); } if (left) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x-p, y, -1); } if (up) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y-p, -1); } if (down) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y+p, -1); } if (!right) { if (tr==MapMask.FLOOR && decisionMask.getMaskAt(x+p, y)>=0) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x+p, y, 5); } } if (!left) { if (tl==MapMask.FLOOR && decisionMask.getMaskAt(x-p, y)>=0) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x-p, y, 5); } } if (!up) { if (tu==MapMask.FLOOR && decisionMask.getMaskAt(x, y-p)>=0) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y-p, 5); } } if (!down) { if (td==MapMask.FLOOR && decisionMask.getMaskAt(x, y+p)>=0) { decisionMask.setMaskAt(x, y+p, 5); } } } } } } } //System.out.println(decisionMask.toString()); AStar as=new AStar(mask, false); GridPosition newTarget=finder.findTarget(this, new AStar(mask, true), decisionMask, level, lbm, playerPosOtherTeams, targetScheduled); if (newTarget!=null) { globalTarget=newTarget; as.clear(); as.setDecisionMask(decisionMask); target=as.getPathToTarget(pos, newTarget); } if (target!=null) { path=as.getPath(target); pathIndex=0; targetScheduled=NO_NEW_TARGET; newTargetLimit=2; /* for (int i=0; i<path.length; i++) { System.out.println("--> "+path[i]+"/"+target); } */ } else { path=null; newTargetLimit=10; } } if (target!=null) { // Normal run... SimpleVector next3D=path[pathIndex].convertTo3D(); next3D.y=tmp.y; /* if (pos.equals(path[pathIndex])) { pathIndex++; } */ if (next3D.calcSub(tmp).length()<0.5f) { pathIndex++; } if (pathIndex<path.length) { GridPosition next=path[pathIndex]; /* if (bombs.getMaskAt(pos)!=MapMask.BOMB && newTargetLimit<=0) { // Avoid a bomb's blow... for (int i=1; i<3; i++) { if (bombs.getMaskAt(next.getX()+i,next.getZ())==MapMask.BOMB || bombs.getMaskAt(next.getX()-i,next.getZ())==MapMask.BOMB || bombs.getMaskAt(next.getX(),next.getZ()+i)==MapMask.BOMB || bombs.getMaskAt(next.getX(),next.getZ()-i)==MapMask.BOMB) { setSpeed(SimpleVector.ORIGIN); newTargetLimit=20; } } } */ boolean corner=false; // Checks if the bot move diagonally and places a bomb if needed in that case. if (pos.getDistanceTo(next)>1) { GridPosition gp1=new GridPosition(pos.getX(), next.getZ()); GridPosition gp2=new GridPosition(next.getX(), pos.getZ()); corner=level.getCrateManager().hasCrateAt(gp1, mask)|level.getCrateManager().hasCrateAt(gp2, mask); } if ((corner || level.getCrateManager().hasCrateAt(next, mask)) && bombs.getMaskAt(pos)!=MapMask.BOMB /*&& newTargetLimit<=0*/) { targetScheduled=NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_BOMB; // Then force a new target! client.placeBomb(this); bombTimer=Ticker.getTime(); lastTarget=globalTarget; } if (bombs.getMaskAt(next)==MapMask.BOMB && pathIndex>2) { // Don't walk into the bomb... targetScheduled=NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_BOMB; newTargetLimit=20; } SimpleVector newPos=next.convertTo3D(); newPos.y=tmp.y; if (newTargetLimit!=0) { newTargetLimit-=ticks; } float mind=10000000; for (SimpleVector p:playerPosOtherTeams) { float d=getPosition().calcSub(p).length(); if (d<mind) { mind=d; } } if (mind<30 && Math.random()>0.3f) { // Enemy in range? client.placeBomb(this); } if (waitCounter<=0 && isBlockedByPlayer(newPos, com, playerPos2)) { // Blocked by a player? Then wait some time. Maybe the situation // is resolved then... waitCounter=(int)(15f*Math.random()); } else { if (waitCounter>0) { // Still waiting? waitCounter-=ticks; if (waitCounter<=0) { // Finished waiting? if (isBlockedByPlayer(newPos, com, playerPos2)) { // ...but still blocked? Choose another target! targetScheduled=NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_COLLISION; newTargetLimit=10; } else { if (Math.random()<0.2f) { // Not blocked, no enemy in range? Drop a bomb with 20% prob. targetScheduled=NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_BOMB; // Then force a new target! client.placeBomb(this); newTargetLimit=20; } } waitCounter=0; } } else { if (newTargetLimit<=0) { newPos=newPos.calcSub(botPos); Matrix m=newPos.getRotationMatrix(); m.interpolate(getRotation(), m, 0.75f); setRotation(m); dummy.setBackRotationMatrix(m); // Store it in the dummy...collision detection needs it SimpleVector ellipsoid=getEllipsoid(); if (botPos != null && botPos.y>Globals.skyLimit) { botPos.y=-10.01f; botPos.add(new SimpleVector(0, ellipsoid.y, 0)); SimpleVector netSpeed=new SimpleVector(); newPos=newPos.normalize(); newPos.scalarMul(mul*moveSpeed*(float) ticks); dummy.getTranslationMatrix().setIdentity(); dummy.translate(botPos); SimpleVector nP=new SimpleVector(newPos); // Disable self and some of its own bombs... getView().setVisibility(false); lbm.setVisibilityOfBombs(getObjectID(), Globals.botsCanPassOwnBombsForMS, false); newPos = dummy.checkForCollisionEllipsoid(newPos, ellipsoid, 5); // Enable self and some of its own bombs... getView().setVisibility(true); lbm.setVisibilityOfBombs(getObjectID(), Globals.botsCanPassOwnBombsForMS, true); if (!newPos.equals(nP)) { crashCnt++; if (crashCnt>10 || (!level.wasCollisionParticipant() && Math.random()>0.9f)) { targetScheduled=NEW_TARGET_CAUSE_COLLISION; newTargetLimit=10; setSpeed(SimpleVector.ORIGIN); newPos=SimpleVector.ORIGIN; } } else { crashCnt=0; } botPos.add(newPos); //netSpeed.scalarMul(1f/(float)ticks); netSpeed.add(newPos); netSpeed.y=0; // Ensure one level... setSpeed(netSpeed); botPos.add(new SimpleVector(0, -ellipsoid.y, 0)); botPos.y=-10.01f; setPosition(botPos); } } } } } } } return !tmp.equals(getPosition()); } private boolean isBlockedByPlayer(SimpleVector pos, ClientObjectManager com, List<SimpleVector> playerPos) { return isBlockedGeneric(pos, playerPos); } private boolean isBlockedGeneric(SimpleVector pos, List<SimpleVector> poss) { for (SimpleVector pos2:poss) { float delta=pos.calcSub(pos2).length(); if (delta<10f) { return true; } } return false; } }