package; import com.threed.jpct.*; /** * A simple manager class for managing decals. Decals are easy to handle because they exist on the client only. * Not used in this game ATM!!! */ public class DecalManager { private int maxDecals=100; private Decal[] decals=null; /** * Create a new decal manager with a default number of decals. * @param world the world */ public DecalManager(World world) { this(world, 1); // Set to one, because it's unused ATM } /** * Create a new decal manager with a maximum number of decals. * @param level the world. * @param maxDecals the max. number of decals */ public DecalManager(World level, int maxDecals) { this.maxDecals=maxDecals; decals=new Decal[maxDecals]; for (int i=0; i<maxDecals; i++) { decals[i]=new Decal(); level.addObject(decals[i]); } } /** * Sets all decals to invisible. */ public void reset() { for (int i=0; i<maxDecals; i++) { decals[i].setVisibility(Object3D.OBJ_INVISIBLE); } } public void createDecal(Object3D bullet, Object3D target, CollisionEvent e, float scale) { if (target.getVisibility()) { target.disableCollisionListeners(); bullet.disableCollisionListeners(); SimpleVector za = bullet.getZAxis(); SimpleVector tc = bullet.getTransformedCenter(); tc = tc.calcSub(za); // a small offset... float d = target.calcMinDistance(tc, za, 50); SimpleVector zas = new SimpleVector(za); zas.scalarMul( -0.15f); if (d != Object3D.COLLISION_NONE) { za.scalarMul(d); za.add(zas); tc.add(za); int[] ids = e.getPolygonIDs(); if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) { int id = ids[0]; SimpleVector n = e.getObject().getPolygonManager().getTransformedNormal(id); Decal decal=createDecal(tc, n, scale); if (target instanceof CrateView) { if (decal!=null) { decal.setParent(target); } } } } target.enableCollisionListeners(); bullet.enableCollisionListeners(); } } /** * Creates a new decal at the given position with the given orientation. * @param pos the position * @param normal the orientation. The decal will be placed perpendicular to the normal */ public Decal createDecal(SimpleVector pos, SimpleVector normal) { return createDecal(pos, normal, 1f); } public Decal createDecal(SimpleVector pos, SimpleVector normal, float scale) { Decal decal=getFreeDecal(); if (decal!=null) {; decal.setScale(1f); decal.setRotationMatrix(normal.getRotationMatrix()); decal.setScale(scale); } return decal; } public void parentRemoved(Object3D parent) { for (int i=0; i<maxDecals; i++) { Decal decal=decals[i]; if (decal.getParent()==parent) { decal.setParent(null); decal.setVisibility(false); } } } /** * Gets a decal from the managers internal decal array * @return Decal the decal */ private Decal getFreeDecal() { long min=Long.MAX_VALUE; Decal decal=null; for (int i=0; i<maxDecals; i++) { if (!decals[i].getVisibility()) { decals[i].setParent(null); return decals[i]; } if (decals[i].getDecalID()<min) { min=decals[i].getDecalID(); decal=decals[i]; } } decal.setParent(null); return decal; } }