package robombs.clientserver; import*; import java.util.*; import*; /** * DataContainers are the basic transfer containers for data in this little client/server-world. Each transfer from or to * a server or a client will most likely contain at least one DataContainer dropped into an array of DataContainers which itself will be wrapped into an array of bytes.<br> * A transfer can contain multiple DataContainers of different types. What's stored into these containers is up to the implementation. * <br>One can easily extend the DataContainer to wrap complex data in a convenient way. */ public class DataContainer implements Cloneable { public final static byte TYPE_INT = 0; public final static byte TYPE_FLOAT = 1; public final static byte TYPE_STRING = 2; public final static byte TYPE_BYTE = 3; private final static Byte I_TYPE_INT = Byte.valueOf(TYPE_INT); private final static Byte I_TYPE_FLOAT = Byte.valueOf(TYPE_FLOAT); private final static Byte I_TYPE_STRING = Byte.valueOf(TYPE_STRING); private final static Byte I_TYPE_BYTE = Byte.valueOf(TYPE_BYTE); protected List<Object> objs = new ArrayList<Object>(200); protected List<Byte> types = new ArrayList<Byte>(200); protected int pos = 0; protected ClientInfo ci = null; protected int msgType = MessageTypes.OBJ_TRANSFER; private byte[] bytes = null; private int inLen = 0; private boolean zip = false; private boolean extracted = false; private static Map<Object, byte[]> cache=Collections.synchronizedMap(new ByteArrayCache<Object, byte[]>()); private static volatile long hits=0; private static volatile long misses=0; /** * Creates a new, empty DataContainer. */ public DataContainer() { } /** * Creates a new DataContainer and populates it with the data wrapped in the given byte arrays. * @param bytes the data for this container */ public DataContainer(byte[] bytes) { this(bytes, false); } /** * Creates a new DataContainer and fills it with the date from the given container. * @param dc */ public DataContainer(DataContainer dc) { objs=dc.objs; types=dc.types; pos=dc.pos;; msgType=dc.msgType; bytes=dc.bytes; inLen=dc.inLen;; extracted=dc.extracted; } /** * Creates a new DataContainer and populates it with the data wrapped in the given byte arrays. * @param bytes the data for this container * @param zip is the data in this array zipped? */ public DataContainer(byte[] bytes, boolean zip) { inLen = bytes.length; if (inLen > 1) { = zip; this.bytes = bytes; msgType = ((bytes[2] & 0xff) << 8) + (bytes[3] & 0xff); } else { NetLogger.log("Invalid package size: " + inLen); } } /** * Returns the length of the byte array from which this container has been created. If it hasn't, it's 0. * @return int the length or 0 */ public int getLength() { return inLen; } /** * Returns the number of entries in this container * @return int the number of entries */ public int getBufferLength() { extract(); return objs.size(); } public int getCurrentSize() { return objs.size(); } public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } /** * Returns the raw data (after unzipping) if this DataContainer has been created from a byte array. If it hasn't, this method * returns null. This method is useful for extending DataContainer so that the extended instance can be created from an instance of * DataContainer simply by feeding the raw data back into super(...); * @return byte[] the raw data. Another DataContainer can be created from this one. */ public byte[] getRawData() { extract(); return bytes; } /** * Sets the ClientInfo, the info about the client from which this container came. This information isn't transfered, it's * set by the server itself when creating the containers from the stream. * @param c the client info */ public void setClientInfo(ClientInfo c) { ci = c; } /** * Returns the ClientInfo, the info about the client from which this container came. This information isn't transfered, it's * set by the server itself when creating the containers from the stream. * @return ClientInfo the client info */ public ClientInfo getClientInfo() { return ci; } /** * Gets the message type of this container as defined by MessageTypes. * @return int the type */ public int getMessageType() { return msgType; } /** * Sets the message type of this container as defined by MessageTypes. * @param type the message type */ public void setMessageType(int type) { msgType = type; } /** * Adds a new float to the container. * @param flt a float */ public void add(float flt) { objs.add(Float.valueOf(flt)); types.add(I_TYPE_FLOAT); } /** * Adds a new int to the container. * @param in a int */ public void add(int in) { objs.add(Integer.valueOf(in)); types.add(I_TYPE_INT); } /** * Adds a new byte to the container. * @param byt a byte */ public void add(byte byt) { objs.add(Byte.valueOf(byt)); types.add(I_TYPE_BYTE); } /** * Adds a new String to the container. * @param str a String */ public void add(String str) { objs.add(str); types.add(I_TYPE_STRING); } /** * Clears the container. It's empty afterwards. */ public void reset() { pos = 0; } /** * Checks, if the container contains more data to read. * @return boolean does it? */ public boolean hasData() { extract(); return objs.size() > pos; } /** * Skips an entry in the container. * @return DataContainer the same container as return value for convenience reasons. */ public DataContainer skip() { extract(); if (hasData()) { pos++; } else { throw new RuntimeException("No such element!"); } return this; } /** * Returns the type of the next entry in the container. * @return byte the type */ public byte getType() { extract(); return ((Byte) types.get(pos)).byteValue(); } /** * Reads the next float from the container. If it's not a float, this will cause an ClassCastException. * @return float the next float */ public float getNextFloat() { extract(); return ((Float) objs.get(pos++)).floatValue(); } /** * Reads the next int from the container. If it's not an int, this will cause an ClassCastException. * @return int the next int */ public int getNextInt() { extract(); return ((Integer) objs.get(pos++)).intValue(); } /** * Reads the next byte from the container. If it's not a byte, this will cause an ClassCastException. * @return byte the next byte */ public byte getNextByte() { extract(); return ((Byte) objs.get(pos++)).byteValue(); } /** * Reads the next string from the container. If it's not a string, this will cause an ClassCastException. * @return String the next string */ public String getNextString() { extract(); return (String) objs.get(pos++); } /** * Wraps the container's data into a byte array. * @param zip boolean * @return byte[] */ byte[] toByteArray(boolean zip) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(500); try { for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) { // Type schreiben... byte type = ((Byte) types.get(i)).byteValue(); bos.write(new byte[] {type}); if (type == TYPE_STRING) { // String String txt=(String) objs.get(i); byte[] content=(byte[]) cache.get(txt); int ii = txt.length(); int hi = (byte) (ii >> 8); int low = (byte) (ii - (hi << 8)); bos.write(new byte[] {(byte) hi, (byte) low}); // Length if (content==null) { content=((String) objs.get(i)).getBytes("UTF-8"); cache.put(txt, content); misses++; } else { hits++; } bos.write(content); } if (type == TYPE_INT) { Integer in=(Integer) objs.get(i); byte[] content=(byte[]) cache.get(in); if (content==null) { int ii = in.intValue(); content=new byte[] {(byte) (ii >> 24), (byte) ((ii >> 16) & 0xFF), (byte) ((ii >> 8) & 0xFF), (byte) (ii & 0xFF)}; cache.put(in, content); misses++; } else { hits++; } bos.write(content); } if (type == TYPE_FLOAT) { Float flo=(Float) objs.get(i); byte[] content=(byte[]) cache.get(flo); if (content==null) { int ii = Float.floatToIntBits(flo.floatValue()); content=new byte[] {(byte) (ii >> 24), (byte) ((ii >> 16) & 0xFF), (byte) ((ii >> 8) & 0xFF), (byte) (ii & 0xFF)}; cache.put(flo, content); misses++; } else { hits++; } bos.write(content); } if (type == TYPE_BYTE) { bos.write(((Byte) objs.get(i)).byteValue()); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } byte[] bs = bos.toByteArray(); byte[] bts = new byte[bs.length + 4]; System.arraycopy(bs, 0, bts, 4, bs.length); int ii = msgType; bts[2] = (byte) (ii >> 8); bts[3] = (byte) (ii & 0xff); if (zip) { bts = zip(bts); } ii = bts.length; bts[0] = (byte) (ii >> 8); bts[1] = (byte) (ii & 0xff); /* if (misses!=0) { System.out.println(hits*100/(misses+hits)+"/"+cache.size()); } */ return bts; } /** * Sets zip mode for this container * @param zip zipped? */ void setZip(boolean zip) { = zip; } /** * Gets the zip mode of this container * @return boolean zipped? */ boolean getZip() { return zip; } /** * Reads the wrapped data from an byte array and fills the DataContainer with it. */ private void extract() { if (!extracted) { int len = ((bytes[0] & 0xff) << 8) + (bytes[1] & 0xff); if (zip) { bytes = unzip(bytes, len); len = bytes.length; bytes[0] = (byte) (len >> 8); bytes[1] = (byte) (len - ((len >> 8) << 8)); } if (bytes.length > 3) { try { for (int i = 4; i < len; ) { byte type = bytes[i]; switch (type) { case (TYPE_INT): { types.add(I_TYPE_INT); objs.add(Integer.valueOf(((bytes[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 24) + ((bytes[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((bytes[i + 3] & 0xFF) << 8) + (bytes[i + 4] & 0xFF))); i += 5; break; } case (TYPE_BYTE): { types.add(I_TYPE_BYTE); objs.add(Byte.valueOf(bytes[i + 1])); i += 2; break; } case (TYPE_FLOAT): { types.add(I_TYPE_FLOAT); float fl = Float.intBitsToFloat(((bytes[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 24) + ((bytes[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((bytes[i + 3] & 0xFF) << 8) + (bytes[i + 4] & 0xFF)); objs.add(Float.valueOf(fl)); i += 5; break; } case (TYPE_STRING): { types.add(I_TYPE_STRING); int leny = (bytes[i + 1] << 8) + bytes[i + 2]; objs.add(new String(bytes, i + 3, leny, "UTF-8")); i += 3 + leny; break; } default: { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to detect data type (" + type + ")!"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } pos = 0; extracted = true; } } /** * Zips the data in the array and returns a zipped version. * @param data byte[] * @return byte[] */ private byte[] zip(byte[] data) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length); bos.write(data, 0, 4); try { GZIPOutputStream zos = new GZIPOutputStream(bos); zos.write(data, 4, data.length - 4); zos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return bos.toByteArray(); } /** * Unzip the data in an array * @param data byte[] * @param len int * @return byte[] */ private byte[] unzip(byte[] data, int len) { ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data, 4, len - 4); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length<<1); bos.write(data, 0, 4); try { GZIPInputStream zis = new GZIPInputStream(bis); byte[] buffer = new byte[len]; int cnt = 0; do { cnt =; if (cnt != -1) { bos.write(buffer, 0, cnt); } } while (cnt >= 0); zis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return bos.toByteArray(); } private static class ByteArrayCache<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<Object, byte[]> { protected final static long serialVersionUID=1; private final static int SIZE=200; public ByteArrayCache() { super(SIZE, 0.75f, true); } protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Object, byte[]> eldest) { return size() > SIZE; } } }