package net.minecraft.village; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import; import; import; public class VillageCollection extends WorldSavedData { private World worldObj; /** * This is a black hole. You can add data to this list through a public interface, but you can't query that * information in any way and it's not used internally either. */ private final List villagerPositionsList = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List newDoors = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List villageList = Lists.newArrayList(); private int tickCounter; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001635"; public VillageCollection(String p_i1677_1_) { super(p_i1677_1_); } public VillageCollection(World worldIn) { super(func_176062_a(worldIn.provider)); this.worldObj = worldIn; this.markDirty(); } public void func_82566_a(World worldIn) { this.worldObj = worldIn; Iterator var2 = this.villageList.iterator(); while (var2.hasNext()) { Village var3 = (Village); var3.func_82691_a(worldIn); } } public void func_176060_a(BlockPos p_176060_1_) { if (this.villagerPositionsList.size() <= 64) { if (!this.func_176057_e(p_176060_1_)) { this.villagerPositionsList.add(p_176060_1_); } } } /** * Runs a single tick for the village collection */ public void tick() { ++this.tickCounter; Iterator var1 = this.villageList.iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { Village var2 = (Village); var2.tick(this.tickCounter); } this.removeAnnihilatedVillages(); this.dropOldestVillagerPosition(); this.addNewDoorsToVillageOrCreateVillage(); if (this.tickCounter % 400 == 0) { this.markDirty(); } } private void removeAnnihilatedVillages() { Iterator var1 = this.villageList.iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { Village var2 = (Village); if (var2.isAnnihilated()) { var1.remove(); this.markDirty(); } } } /** * Get a list of villages. */ public List getVillageList() { return this.villageList; } public Village func_176056_a(BlockPos p_176056_1_, int p_176056_2_) { Village var3 = null; double var4 = 3.4028234663852886E38D; Iterator var6 = this.villageList.iterator(); while (var6.hasNext()) { Village var7 = (Village); double var8 = var7.func_180608_a().distanceSq(p_176056_1_); if (var8 < var4) { float var10 = (float)(p_176056_2_ + var7.getVillageRadius()); if (var8 <= (double)(var10 * var10)) { var3 = var7; var4 = var8; } } } return var3; } private void dropOldestVillagerPosition() { if (!this.villagerPositionsList.isEmpty()) { this.func_180609_b((BlockPos)this.villagerPositionsList.remove(0)); } } private void addNewDoorsToVillageOrCreateVillage() { for (int var1 = 0; var1 < this.newDoors.size(); ++var1) { VillageDoorInfo var2 = (VillageDoorInfo)this.newDoors.get(var1); Village var3 = this.func_176056_a(var2.func_179852_d(), 32); if (var3 == null) { var3 = new Village(this.worldObj); this.villageList.add(var3); this.markDirty(); } var3.addVillageDoorInfo(var2); } this.newDoors.clear(); } private void func_180609_b(BlockPos p_180609_1_) { byte var2 = 16; byte var3 = 4; byte var4 = 16; for (int var5 = -var2; var5 < var2; ++var5) { for (int var6 = -var3; var6 < var3; ++var6) { for (int var7 = -var4; var7 < var4; ++var7) { BlockPos var8 = p_180609_1_.add(var5, var6, var7); if (this.func_176058_f(var8)) { VillageDoorInfo var9 = this.func_176055_c(var8); if (var9 == null) { this.func_176059_d(var8); } else { var9.func_179849_a(this.tickCounter); } } } } } } private VillageDoorInfo func_176055_c(BlockPos p_176055_1_) { Iterator var2 = this.newDoors.iterator(); VillageDoorInfo var3; do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { var2 = this.villageList.iterator(); VillageDoorInfo var4; do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { return null; } Village var5 = (Village); var4 = var5.func_179864_e(p_176055_1_); } while (var4 == null); return var4; } var3 = (VillageDoorInfo); } while (var3.func_179852_d().getX() != p_176055_1_.getX() || var3.func_179852_d().getZ() != p_176055_1_.getZ() || Math.abs(var3.func_179852_d().getY() - p_176055_1_.getY()) > 1); return var3; } private void func_176059_d(BlockPos p_176059_1_) { EnumFacing var2 = BlockDoor.func_176517_h(this.worldObj, p_176059_1_); EnumFacing var3 = var2.getOpposite(); int var4 = this.func_176061_a(p_176059_1_, var2, 5); int var5 = this.func_176061_a(p_176059_1_, var3, var4 + 1); if (var4 != var5) { this.newDoors.add(new VillageDoorInfo(p_176059_1_, var4 < var5 ? var2 : var3, this.tickCounter)); } } private int func_176061_a(BlockPos p_176061_1_, EnumFacing p_176061_2_, int p_176061_3_) { int var4 = 0; for (int var5 = 1; var5 <= 5; ++var5) { if (this.worldObj.isAgainstSky(p_176061_1_.offset(p_176061_2_, var5))) { ++var4; if (var4 >= p_176061_3_) { return var4; } } } return var4; } private boolean func_176057_e(BlockPos p_176057_1_) { Iterator var2 = this.villagerPositionsList.iterator(); BlockPos var3; do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { return false; } var3 = (BlockPos); } while (!var3.equals(p_176057_1_)); return true; } private boolean func_176058_f(BlockPos p_176058_1_) { Block var2 = this.worldObj.getBlockState(p_176058_1_).getBlock(); return var2 instanceof BlockDoor ? var2.getMaterial() == Material.wood : false; } /** * reads in data from the NBTTagCompound into this MapDataBase */ public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { this.tickCounter = nbt.getInteger("Tick"); NBTTagList var2 = nbt.getTagList("Villages", 10); for (int var3 = 0; var3 < var2.tagCount(); ++var3) { NBTTagCompound var4 = var2.getCompoundTagAt(var3); Village var5 = new Village(); var5.readVillageDataFromNBT(var4); this.villageList.add(var5); } } /** * write data to NBTTagCompound from this MapDataBase, similar to Entities and TileEntities */ public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { nbt.setInteger("Tick", this.tickCounter); NBTTagList var2 = new NBTTagList(); Iterator var3 = this.villageList.iterator(); while (var3.hasNext()) { Village var4 = (Village); NBTTagCompound var5 = new NBTTagCompound(); var4.writeVillageDataToNBT(var5); var2.appendTag(var5); } nbt.setTag("Villages", var2); } public static String func_176062_a(WorldProvider p_176062_0_) { return "villages" + p_176062_0_.getInternalNameSuffix(); } }