package net.minecraft.util;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.UUID;
public class MathHelper
public static final float field_180189_a = sqrt_float(2.0F);
private static final int SIN_BITS = 12;
private static final int SIN_MASK = 4095;
private static final int SIN_COUNT = 4096;
public static final float PI = (float)Math.PI;
public static final float PI2 = ((float)Math.PI * 2F);
public static final float PId2 = ((float)Math.PI / 2F);
private static final float radFull = ((float)Math.PI * 2F);
private static final float degFull = 360.0F;
private static final float radToIndex = 651.8986F;
private static final float degToIndex = 11.377778F;
public static final float deg2Rad = 0.017453292F;
private static final float[] SIN_TABLE_FAST = new float[4096];
public static boolean fastMath = false;
* A table of sin values computed from 0 (inclusive) to 2*pi (exclusive), with steps of 2*PI / 65536.
private static final float[] SIN_TABLE = new float[65536];
* Though it looks like an array, this is really more like a mapping. Key (index of this array) is the upper 5 bits
* of the result of multiplying a 32-bit unsigned integer by the B(2, 5) De Bruijn sequence 0x077CB531. Value
* (value stored in the array) is the unique index (from the right) of the leftmost one-bit in a 32-bit unsigned
* integer that can cause the upper 5 bits to get that value. Used for highly optimized "find the log-base-2 of
* this number" calculations.
private static final int[] multiplyDeBruijnBitPosition;
private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001496";
* sin looked up in a table
public static float sin(float p_76126_0_)
return fastMath ? SIN_TABLE_FAST[(int)(p_76126_0_ * 651.8986F) & 4095] : SIN_TABLE[(int)(p_76126_0_ * 10430.378F) & 65535];
* cos looked up in the sin table with the appropriate offset
public static float cos(float p_76134_0_)
return fastMath ? SIN_TABLE_FAST[(int)((p_76134_0_ + ((float)Math.PI / 2F)) * 651.8986F) & 4095] : SIN_TABLE[(int)(p_76134_0_ * 10430.378F + 16384.0F) & 65535];
public static float sqrt_float(float p_76129_0_)
return (float)Math.sqrt((double)p_76129_0_);
public static float sqrt_double(double p_76133_0_)
return (float)Math.sqrt(p_76133_0_);
* Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the float argument
public static int floor_float(float p_76141_0_)
int var1 = (int)p_76141_0_;
return p_76141_0_ < (float)var1 ? var1 - 1 : var1;
* returns par0 cast as an int, and no greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE-1024
public static int truncateDoubleToInt(double p_76140_0_)
return (int)(p_76140_0_ + 1024.0D) - 1024;
* Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the double argument
public static int floor_double(double p_76128_0_)
int var2 = (int)p_76128_0_;
return p_76128_0_ < (double)var2 ? var2 - 1 : var2;
* Long version of floor_double
public static long floor_double_long(double p_76124_0_)
long var2 = (long)p_76124_0_;
return p_76124_0_ < (double)var2 ? var2 - 1L : var2;
public static int func_154353_e(double p_154353_0_)
return (int)(p_154353_0_ >= 0.0D ? p_154353_0_ : -p_154353_0_ + 1.0D);
public static float abs(float p_76135_0_)
return p_76135_0_ >= 0.0F ? p_76135_0_ : -p_76135_0_;
* Returns the unsigned value of an int.
public static int abs_int(int p_76130_0_)
return p_76130_0_ >= 0 ? p_76130_0_ : -p_76130_0_;
public static int ceiling_float_int(float p_76123_0_)
int var1 = (int)p_76123_0_;
return p_76123_0_ > (float)var1 ? var1 + 1 : var1;
public static int ceiling_double_int(double p_76143_0_)
int var2 = (int)p_76143_0_;
return p_76143_0_ > (double)var2 ? var2 + 1 : var2;
* Returns the value of the first parameter, clamped to be within the lower and upper limits given by the second and
* third parameters.
public static int clamp_int(int p_76125_0_, int p_76125_1_, int p_76125_2_)
return p_76125_0_ < p_76125_1_ ? p_76125_1_ : (p_76125_0_ > p_76125_2_ ? p_76125_2_ : p_76125_0_);
* Returns the value of the first parameter, clamped to be within the lower and upper limits given by the second and
* third parameters
public static float clamp_float(float p_76131_0_, float p_76131_1_, float p_76131_2_)
return p_76131_0_ < p_76131_1_ ? p_76131_1_ : (p_76131_0_ > p_76131_2_ ? p_76131_2_ : p_76131_0_);
public static double clamp_double(double p_151237_0_, double p_151237_2_, double p_151237_4_)
return p_151237_0_ < p_151237_2_ ? p_151237_2_ : (p_151237_0_ > p_151237_4_ ? p_151237_4_ : p_151237_0_);
public static double denormalizeClamp(double p_151238_0_, double p_151238_2_, double p_151238_4_)
return p_151238_4_ < 0.0D ? p_151238_0_ : (p_151238_4_ > 1.0D ? p_151238_2_ : p_151238_0_ + (p_151238_2_ - p_151238_0_) * p_151238_4_);
* Maximum of the absolute value of two numbers.
public static double abs_max(double p_76132_0_, double p_76132_2_)
if (p_76132_0_ < 0.0D)
p_76132_0_ = -p_76132_0_;
if (p_76132_2_ < 0.0D)
p_76132_2_ = -p_76132_2_;
return p_76132_0_ > p_76132_2_ ? p_76132_0_ : p_76132_2_;
* Buckets an integer with specifed bucket sizes. Args: i, bucketSize
public static int bucketInt(int p_76137_0_, int p_76137_1_)
return p_76137_0_ < 0 ? -((-p_76137_0_ - 1) / p_76137_1_) - 1 : p_76137_0_ / p_76137_1_;
public static int getRandomIntegerInRange(Random p_76136_0_, int p_76136_1_, int p_76136_2_)
return p_76136_1_ >= p_76136_2_ ? p_76136_1_ : p_76136_0_.nextInt(p_76136_2_ - p_76136_1_ + 1) + p_76136_1_;
public static float randomFloatClamp(Random p_151240_0_, float p_151240_1_, float p_151240_2_)
return p_151240_1_ >= p_151240_2_ ? p_151240_1_ : p_151240_0_.nextFloat() * (p_151240_2_ - p_151240_1_) + p_151240_1_;
public static double getRandomDoubleInRange(Random p_82716_0_, double p_82716_1_, double p_82716_3_)
return p_82716_1_ >= p_82716_3_ ? p_82716_1_ : p_82716_0_.nextDouble() * (p_82716_3_ - p_82716_1_) + p_82716_1_;
public static double average(long[] p_76127_0_)
long var1 = 0L;
long[] var3 = p_76127_0_;
int var4 = p_76127_0_.length;
for (int var5 = 0; var5 < var4; ++var5)
long var6 = var3[var5];
var1 += var6;
return (double)var1 / (double)p_76127_0_.length;
public static boolean func_180185_a(float p_180185_0_, float p_180185_1_)
return abs(p_180185_1_ - p_180185_0_) < 1.0E-5F;
public static int func_180184_b(int p_180184_0_, int p_180184_1_)
return (p_180184_0_ % p_180184_1_ + p_180184_1_) % p_180184_1_;
* the angle is reduced to an angle between -180 and +180 by mod, and a 360 check
public static float wrapAngleTo180_float(float p_76142_0_)
p_76142_0_ %= 360.0F;
if (p_76142_0_ >= 180.0F)
p_76142_0_ -= 360.0F;
if (p_76142_0_ < -180.0F)
p_76142_0_ += 360.0F;
return p_76142_0_;
* the angle is reduced to an angle between -180 and +180 by mod, and a 360 check
public static double wrapAngleTo180_double(double p_76138_0_)
p_76138_0_ %= 360.0D;
if (p_76138_0_ >= 180.0D)
p_76138_0_ -= 360.0D;
if (p_76138_0_ < -180.0D)
p_76138_0_ += 360.0D;
return p_76138_0_;
* parses the string as integer or returns the second parameter if it fails
public static int parseIntWithDefault(String p_82715_0_, int p_82715_1_)
return Integer.parseInt(p_82715_0_);
catch (Throwable var3)
return p_82715_1_;
* parses the string as integer or returns the second parameter if it fails. this value is capped to par2
public static int parseIntWithDefaultAndMax(String p_82714_0_, int p_82714_1_, int p_82714_2_)
return Math.max(p_82714_2_, parseIntWithDefault(p_82714_0_, p_82714_1_));
* parses the string as double or returns the second parameter if it fails.
public static double parseDoubleWithDefault(String p_82712_0_, double p_82712_1_)
return Double.parseDouble(p_82712_0_);
catch (Throwable var4)
return p_82712_1_;
public static double parseDoubleWithDefaultAndMax(String p_82713_0_, double p_82713_1_, double p_82713_3_)
return Math.max(p_82713_3_, parseDoubleWithDefault(p_82713_0_, p_82713_1_));
* Returns the input value rounded up to the next highest power of two.
public static int roundUpToPowerOfTwo(int p_151236_0_)
int var1 = p_151236_0_ - 1;
var1 |= var1 >> 1;
var1 |= var1 >> 2;
var1 |= var1 >> 4;
var1 |= var1 >> 8;
var1 |= var1 >> 16;
return var1 + 1;
* Is the given value a power of two? (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...)
private static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int p_151235_0_)
return p_151235_0_ != 0 && (p_151235_0_ & p_151235_0_ - 1) == 0;
* Uses a B(2, 5) De Bruijn sequence and a lookup table to efficiently calculate the log-base-two of the given
* value. Optimized for cases where the input value is a power-of-two. If the input value is not a power-of-two,
* then subtract 1 from the return value.
private static int calculateLogBaseTwoDeBruijn(int p_151241_0_)
p_151241_0_ = isPowerOfTwo(p_151241_0_) ? p_151241_0_ : roundUpToPowerOfTwo(p_151241_0_);
return multiplyDeBruijnBitPosition[(int)((long)p_151241_0_ * 125613361L >> 27) & 31];
* Efficiently calculates the floor of the base-2 log of an integer value. This is effectively the index of the
* highest bit that is set. For example, if the number in binary is 0...100101, this will return 5.
public static int calculateLogBaseTwo(int p_151239_0_)
return calculateLogBaseTwoDeBruijn(p_151239_0_) - (isPowerOfTwo(p_151239_0_) ? 0 : 1);
public static int func_154354_b(int p_154354_0_, int p_154354_1_)
if (p_154354_1_ == 0)
return 0;
else if (p_154354_0_ == 0)
return p_154354_1_;
if (p_154354_0_ < 0)
p_154354_1_ *= -1;
int var2 = p_154354_0_ % p_154354_1_;
return var2 == 0 ? p_154354_0_ : p_154354_0_ + p_154354_1_ - var2;
public static int func_180183_b(float p_180183_0_, float p_180183_1_, float p_180183_2_)
return func_180181_b(floor_float(p_180183_0_ * 255.0F), floor_float(p_180183_1_ * 255.0F), floor_float(p_180183_2_ * 255.0F));
public static int func_180181_b(int p_180181_0_, int p_180181_1_, int p_180181_2_)
int var3 = (p_180181_0_ << 8) + p_180181_1_;
var3 = (var3 << 8) + p_180181_2_;
return var3;
public static int func_180188_d(int p_180188_0_, int p_180188_1_)
int var2 = (p_180188_0_ & 16711680) >> 16;
int var3 = (p_180188_1_ & 16711680) >> 16;
int var4 = (p_180188_0_ & 65280) >> 8;
int var5 = (p_180188_1_ & 65280) >> 8;
int var6 = (p_180188_0_ & 255) >> 0;
int var7 = (p_180188_1_ & 255) >> 0;
int var8 = (int)((float)var2 * (float)var3 / 255.0F);
int var9 = (int)((float)var4 * (float)var5 / 255.0F);
int var10 = (int)((float)var6 * (float)var7 / 255.0F);
return p_180188_0_ & -16777216 | var8 << 16 | var9 << 8 | var10;
public static long func_180186_a(Vec3i pos)
return func_180187_c(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
public static long func_180187_c(int x, int y, int z)
long var3 = (long)(x * 3129871) ^ (long)z * 116129781L ^ (long)y;
var3 = var3 * var3 * 42317861L + var3 * 11L;
return var3;
public static UUID func_180182_a(Random p_180182_0_)
long var1 = p_180182_0_.nextLong() & -61441L | 16384L;
long var3 = p_180182_0_.nextLong() & 4611686018427387903L | Long.MIN_VALUE;
return new UUID(var1, var3);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 65536; ++i)
SIN_TABLE[i] = (float)Math.sin((double)i * Math.PI * 2.0D / 65536.0D);
multiplyDeBruijnBitPosition = new int[] {0, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30, 22, 20, 15, 25, 17, 4, 8, 31, 27, 13, 23, 21, 19, 16, 7, 26, 12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9};
for (i = 0; i < 4096; ++i)
SIN_TABLE_FAST[i] = (float)Math.sin((double)(((float)i + 0.5F) / 4096.0F * ((float)Math.PI * 2F)));
for (i = 0; i < 360; i += 90)
SIN_TABLE_FAST[(int)((float)i * 11.377778F) & 4095] = (float)Math.sin((double)((float)i * 0.017453292F));