package; import; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.IWorldGenerator; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.util.Random; import slimeknights.tconstruct.common.config.Config; import slimeknights.tconstruct.shared.TinkerCommons; import slimeknights.tconstruct.shared.TinkerFluids; import slimeknights.tconstruct.shared.block.BlockSlime; import; import; import; import; public class SlimeIslandGenerator implements IWorldGenerator { public static SlimeIslandGenerator INSTANCE = new SlimeIslandGenerator(); // defines the jaggedness of the surface/bottom protected int randomness = 1; // 2% chance to have an abnormality in the surface protected SlimeLakeGenerator lakeGenGreen; protected SlimeLakeGenerator lakeGenBlue; protected SlimeLakeGenerator lakeGenPurple; protected SlimePlantGenerator plantGenBlue; protected SlimePlantGenerator plantGenPurple; protected SlimeTreeGenerator treeGenBlue; protected SlimeTreeGenerator treeGenPurple; protected IBlockState air; protected TIntObjectHashMap<SlimeIslandData> islandData = new TIntObjectHashMap<SlimeIslandData>(); public SlimeIslandGenerator() { air = Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); IBlockState slimeGreen = TinkerCommons.blockSlimeCongealed.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockSlime.TYPE, BlockSlime.SlimeType.GREEN); IBlockState slimeBlue = TinkerCommons.blockSlimeCongealed.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockSlime.TYPE, BlockSlime.SlimeType.BLUE); IBlockState slimePurple = TinkerCommons.blockSlimeCongealed.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockSlime.TYPE, BlockSlime.SlimeType.PURPLE); IBlockState leaves = TinkerWorld.slimeLeaves.getDefaultState(); IBlockState slimeFLuidBlue = Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(); IBlockState slimeFLuidPurple = Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState(); if(TinkerFluids.blueslime != null) { slimeFLuidBlue = TinkerFluids.blueslime.getBlock().getDefaultState(); slimeFLuidPurple = slimeFLuidBlue; // just in case, will never be used with how the mod is set up } if(TinkerFluids.purpleSlime != null) { slimeFLuidPurple = TinkerFluids.purpleSlime.getBlock().getDefaultState(); } lakeGenGreen = new SlimeLakeGenerator(slimeFLuidBlue, slimeGreen, slimeGreen, slimeBlue); lakeGenBlue = new SlimeLakeGenerator(slimeFLuidBlue, slimeBlue, slimeGreen, slimeBlue); lakeGenPurple = new SlimeLakeGenerator(slimeFLuidPurple, slimePurple, slimePurple); treeGenBlue = new SlimeTreeGenerator(5, 4, slimeGreen, leaves.withProperty(BlockSlimeGrass.FOLIAGE, BlockSlimeGrass.FoliageType.BLUE), TinkerWorld.slimeVineBlue3.getDefaultState()); treeGenPurple = new SlimeTreeGenerator(5, 4, slimeGreen, leaves.withProperty(BlockSlimeGrass.FOLIAGE, BlockSlimeGrass.FoliageType.PURPLE), TinkerWorld.slimeVinePurple3.getDefaultState()); plantGenBlue = new SlimePlantGenerator(BlockSlimeGrass.FoliageType.BLUE, false); plantGenPurple = new SlimePlantGenerator(BlockSlimeGrass.FoliageType.PURPLE, false); } public boolean isSlimeIslandAt(World world, BlockPos pos) { for(StructureBoundingBox data : getIslandData(world).islands) { if(data.isVecInside(pos)) { return true; } } return false; } protected String getDataName() { return "SlimeIslands"; } protected SlimeIslandData getIslandData(World world) { int dimensionId = world.provider.getDimension(); if(!islandData.containsKey(dimensionId)) { SlimeIslandData data = (SlimeIslandData) world.getPerWorldStorage().getOrLoadData(SlimeIslandData.class, getDataName()); if(data == null) { data = new SlimeIslandData(getDataName()); world.getPerWorldStorage().setData(getDataName(), data); } islandData.put(dimensionId, data); } return islandData.get(dimensionId); } protected boolean shouldGenerateInDimension(int id) { for(int dim : Config.slimeIslandBlacklist) { if(dim == id) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { if(!Config.genSlimeIslands) { return; } // do we generate in superflat? if(world.getWorldType() == WorldType.FLAT && !Config.genIslandsInSuperflat) { return; } if(!Config.slimeIslandsOnlyGenerateInSurfaceWorlds && !world.provider.isSurfaceWorld()) { return; } // should generate in this dimension? if(!shouldGenerateInDimension(world.provider.getDimension())) { return; } // do we generate in this chunk? if(random.nextInt(Config.slimeIslandsRate) > 0) { return; } // We do. determine parameters of the slime island! // default is a blue island BlockSlimeGrass.FoliageType grass = BlockSlimeGrass.FoliageType.BLUE; BlockSlimeDirt.DirtType dirt = BlockSlimeDirt.DirtType.BLUE; SlimeLakeGenerator lakeGen = lakeGenBlue; SlimePlantGenerator plantGen = plantGenPurple; SlimeTreeGenerator treeGen = treeGenPurple; // purple trees on blue/green islands IBlockState vine = TinkerWorld.slimeVineBlue1.getDefaultState(); int rnr = random.nextInt(10); // purple island.. rare! if(rnr <= 1) { grass = BlockSlimeGrass.FoliageType.PURPLE; dirt = BlockSlimeDirt.DirtType.PURPLE; lakeGen = lakeGenPurple; treeGen = treeGenBlue; // blue trees on purple grass. yay plantGen = plantGenBlue; vine = TinkerWorld.slimeVinePurple1.getDefaultState(); } // green island.. not so rare else if(rnr < 6) { dirt = BlockSlimeDirt.DirtType.GREEN; lakeGen = lakeGenGreen; } IBlockState dirtState = TinkerWorld.slimeDirt.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockSlimeDirt.TYPE, dirt); IBlockState grassState = TinkerWorld.slimeGrass.getStateFromDirt(dirtState).withProperty(BlockSlimeGrass.FOLIAGE, grass); int x = chunkX * 16 + 7 + random.nextInt(6) - 3; int z = chunkZ * 16 + 7 + random.nextInt(6) - 3; int y = world.getHeight(new BlockPos(x, 0, z)).getY() + 50 + random.nextInt(50) + 11; generateIsland(random, world, x, z, y, dirtState, grassState, vine, lakeGen, treeGen, plantGen); } public void generateIsland(Random random, World world, int xPos, int zPos, int ySurfacePos, IBlockState dirt, IBlockState grass, IBlockState vine, SlimeLakeGenerator lakeGenerator, SlimeTreeGenerator treeGenerator, SlimePlantGenerator plantGen) { int xRange = 20 + random.nextInt(13); int zRange = 20 + random.nextInt(13); int yRange = 11 + random.nextInt(3); int height = yRange; //int top = height; int yBottom = ySurfacePos - yRange; BlockPos center = new BlockPos(xPos, yBottom + height, zPos); BlockPos start = new BlockPos(xPos - xRange / 2, yBottom, zPos - zRange / 2); // the elliptic shape Ellipse2D.Double ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, xRange, zRange); // Basic shape for(int x = 0; x <= xRange; x++) { for(int z = 0; z <= zRange; z++) { for(int y = 0; y <= yRange; y++) { if(ellipse.contains(x, z)) { world.setBlockState(start.add(x, y, z), dirt, 2); } } } } // now we have a cylindric-elliptic shape floating 50+ blocks above the ground. yaaaaay // Erode bottom int erode_height = 8; for(int x = 0; x <= xRange; x++) { for(int z = 0; z <= zRange; z++) { for(int y = 0; y <= erode_height; y++) { // we go top down BlockPos pos1 = start.add(x, erode_height - y, z); BlockPos pos2 = start.add(xRange - x, erode_height - y, zRange - z); for(BlockPos pos : new BlockPos[]{pos1, pos2}) { if(world.getBlockState(pos) == dirt) { if(world.getBlockState(pos.add(-1, +1, 0)) != dirt || world.getBlockState(pos.add(+1, +1, 0)) != dirt || world.getBlockState(pos.add(0, +1, -1)) != dirt || world.getBlockState(pos.add(-1, +1, +1)) != dirt || random.nextInt(100) <= randomness) { world.setBlockState(pos, air, 2); } } } } } } // Erode top erode_height = 2; for(int x = 0; x <= xRange; x++) { for(int z = 0; z <= zRange; z++) { for(int y = 0; y <= erode_height; y++) { // bottom up, starting with top - erosion layers BlockPos pos1 = start.add(x, y + height - erode_height + 2, z); BlockPos pos2 = start.add(xRange - x, y + height - erode_height + 2, zRange - z); for(BlockPos pos : new BlockPos[]{pos1, pos2}) { BlockPos below = pos.down(); if(world.getBlockState(below.north()) != dirt || world.getBlockState(below.east()) != dirt || world.getBlockState(below.south()) != dirt || world.getBlockState(below.west()) != dirt) { world.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), 2); } } } } } // make surface grass for(int x = 0; x <= xRange; x++) { for(int z = 0; z <= zRange; z++) { BlockPos top = start.add(x, height, z); for(int y = 0; y <= height; y++) { BlockPos pos = top.down(y); if(world.getBlockState(pos) == dirt && world.isAirBlock(pos.up())) { world.setBlockState(pos, grass, 2); break; } } } } // lake if(lakeGenerator != null) { //System.out.println(center.toString()); lakeGenerator.generateLake(random, world, center); } // plants if(plantGen != null) { plantGen.generatePlants(random, world, start.up(height + 1), start.add(xRange, height - 3, zRange), 128); } if(treeGenerator != null) { // trees for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { BlockPos pos = start.add(random.nextInt(xRange), height, random.nextInt(zRange)); treeGenerator.generateTree(random, world, pos); } } if(vine != null) { for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { BlockPos pos = start.add(-1 + random.nextInt(xRange + 2), 0, -1 + random.nextInt(zRange + 2)); tryPlacingVine(random, world, pos, height, vine); } } // save it SlimeIslandData data = getIslandData(world); data.islands.add(new StructureBoundingBox(start.getX(), start.getY(), start.getZ(), start.getX() + xRange, start.getY() + yRange, start.getZ() + zRange)); data.markDirty(); } // takse the position and goes up until it finds a block. if it doesn't find a block directly above it'll check if it has side blocks on the way up to attach to. public void tryPlacingVine(Random random, World world, BlockPos below, int limit, IBlockState vine) { BlockPos pos = below; BlockPos candidate = null; // check straight up first for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { // check around for a possible block if(vine.getBlock().canPlaceBlockOnSide(world, pos, EnumFacing.NORTH) || vine.getBlock().canPlaceBlockOnSide(world, pos, EnumFacing.EAST) || vine.getBlock().canPlaceBlockOnSide(world, pos, EnumFacing.SOUTH) || vine.getBlock().canPlaceBlockOnSide(world, pos, EnumFacing.WEST)) { if(candidate == null || random.nextInt(10) == 0) { candidate = pos; } } pos = pos.up(); } if(candidate != null) { // place the vine world.setBlockState(candidate, vine.getBlock().getStateForPlacement(world, candidate, EnumFacing.UP, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null), 2); // and let it grow, let it grow, let it groooooow! pos = candidate; for(int size = random.nextInt(8); size >= 0; size++) { if(!(world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() instanceof BlockSlimeVine)) { break; } ((BlockSlimeVine) world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock()).grow(world, random, pos, world.getBlockState(pos)); pos = pos.down(); } } } }