package slimeknights.tconstruct.smeltery.multiblock; import net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab; import net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import slimeknights.mantle.multiblock.MultiServantLogic; import slimeknights.tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery; import slimeknights.tconstruct.smeltery.tileentity.TileSearedFurnace; public class MultiblockSearedFurnace extends MultiblockTinker { public boolean hasTank; public MultiblockSearedFurnace(TileSearedFurnace furnace) { // perfect cubes only super(furnace, true, true, true); } // we need a tank bro @Override public MultiblockStructure detectMultiblock(World world, BlockPos center, int limit) { hasTank = false; MultiblockStructure ret = super.detectMultiblock(world, center, limit); if(!hasTank) { return null; } return ret; } @Override public boolean isValidBlock(World world, BlockPos pos) { // controller always is valid if(pos.equals(tile.getPos())) { return true; } // only seared blocks in the main structure return world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() == TinkerSmeltery.searedBlock && isValidSlave(world, pos); } @Override public boolean isCeilingBlock(World world, BlockPos pos) { // controller always is valid if(pos.equals(tile.getPos())) { return true; } if(!isValidSlave(world, pos)) { return false; } // allow stairs and slabs, but need to be the bottom side IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); if(state.getBlock() instanceof BlockSlab && state.getValue(BlockSlab.HALF) == BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf.TOP) { return false; } if(state.getBlock() instanceof BlockStairs && state.getValue(BlockStairs.HALF) == BlockStairs.EnumHalf.TOP) { return false; } return TinkerSmeltery.searedStairsSlabs.contains(state.getBlock()); } @Override public boolean isFrameBlock(World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFrameType type) { // controller always is valid if(pos.equals(tile.getPos())) { return true; } if(!isValidSlave(world, pos)) { return false; } // we need a tank, but they are only valid in the frame IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos); if(state.getBlock() == TinkerSmeltery.searedTank) { hasTank = true; return true; } // anything is allowed on the ceiling and floor of the frame, just the walls matter if(type != EnumFrameType.WALL) { return true; } // the above also allows slabs and stairs on the ceiling, so no need to add it here return state.getBlock() == TinkerSmeltery.searedBlock; } }