package slimeknights.tconstruct.library.materials; import; import; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import net.minecraft.util.text.translation.I18n; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import slimeknights.mantle.util.RecipeMatch; import slimeknights.mantle.util.RecipeMatchRegistry; import slimeknights.tconstruct.common.config.Config; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerRegistry; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.Util; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.client.CustomFontColor; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.client.MaterialRenderInfo; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.traits.ITrait; public class Material extends RecipeMatchRegistry { public static final Material UNKNOWN = new Material("unknown", TextFormatting.WHITE); public static final String LOC_Name = ""; public static final String LOC_Prefix = "material.%s.prefix"; // How much the different items are "worth" // the values are used for both liquid conversion as well as part crafting public static final int VALUE_Ingot = 144; public static final int VALUE_Nugget = VALUE_Ingot / 9; public static final int VALUE_Fragment = VALUE_Ingot / 4; public static final int VALUE_Shard = VALUE_Ingot / 2; public static final int VALUE_Gem = 666; // divisible by 3! public static final int VALUE_Block = VALUE_Ingot * 9; public static final int VALUE_SearedBlock = VALUE_Ingot * 2; public static final int VALUE_SearedMaterial = VALUE_Ingot / 2; public static final int VALUE_Glass = 1000; public static final int VALUE_BrickBlock = VALUE_Ingot * 4; public static final int VALUE_SlimeBall = 250; public static int VALUE_Ore() { return (int) (VALUE_Ingot * Config.oreToIngotRatio); } static { UNKNOWN.addStats(new HeadMaterialStats(1, 1, 1, 0)); UNKNOWN.addStats(new HandleMaterialStats(1f, 0)); UNKNOWN.addStats(new ExtraMaterialStats(0)); UNKNOWN.addStats(new BowMaterialStats(1f, 1f, 0f)); UNKNOWN.addStats(new BowStringMaterialStats(1f)); UNKNOWN.addStats(new ArrowShaftMaterialStats(1f, 0)); UNKNOWN.addStats(new FletchingMaterialStats(1f, 1f)); UNKNOWN.addStats(new ProjectileMaterialStats()); } /** * This String uniquely identifies a material. */ public final String identifier; /** The fluid associated with this material, can be null */ protected Fluid fluid; /** Material can be crafted into parts in the PartBuilder */ protected boolean craftable; /** Material can be cast into parts using the Smeltery and a Cast. Fluid must be NON NULL */ protected boolean castable; /** * Client-Information * How the material will be rendered on tinker tools etc. */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public MaterialRenderInfo renderInfo;// = new MaterialRenderInfo.Default(0xffffff); public int materialTextColor = 0xffffff; // used in tooltips and other text. Saved in NBT. /** * This item, if it is not null, represents the material for rendering. * In general if you want to give a person this material, you can give them this item. */ private ItemStack representativeItem; /** * This item will be used instead of the generic shard item when returning leftovers. */ private ItemStack shardItem; // we use a specific map for 2 reasons: // * A Map so we can obtain the stats we want quickly // * the linked map to ensure the order when iterating protected final Map<String, IMaterialStats> stats = new LinkedHashMap<String, IMaterialStats>(); /** Stat-ID -> Traits */ protected final Map<String, List<ITrait>> traits = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<ITrait>>(); public Material(String identifier, TextFormatting textColor) { this(identifier, Util.enumChatFormattingToColor(textColor)); } public Material(String identifier, int color) { this.identifier = Util.sanitizeLocalizationString(identifier); // lowercases and removes whitespaces // if invisible, make it fully opaque. if(((color >> 24) & 0xFF) == 0) { color |= 0xFF << 24; } this.materialTextColor = color; if(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide().isClient()) { setRenderInfo(color); } } /*** If false the material will not be displayed to the user anywhere. Used for special or internal materials. */ public boolean isHidden() { return false; } /** Associates this fluid with the material. Used for melting/casting items. */ public Material setFluid(Fluid fluid) { if(fluid != null && !FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered(fluid)) { TinkerRegistry.log.warn("Materials cannot have an unregistered fluid associated with them!"); } this.fluid = fluid; return this; } /** Setting this to true allows to craft parts in the PartBuilder */ public Material setCraftable(boolean craftable) { this.craftable = craftable; return this; } public boolean isCraftable() { return this.craftable || (Config.craftCastableMaterials && castable); } /** Setting this to true allows to cast parts of this material. NEEDS TO HAVE A FLUID SET BEFOREHAND! */ public Material setCastable(boolean castable) { this.castable = castable; return this; } public boolean isCastable() { return hasFluid() && this.castable; } /** * The display information for the Material. You should totally set this if you want your material to be visible. * * @param renderInfo How the textures for the material are generated */ @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void setRenderInfo(MaterialRenderInfo renderInfo) { this.renderInfo = renderInfo; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public MaterialRenderInfo setRenderInfo(int color) { setRenderInfo(new MaterialRenderInfo.Default(color)); return renderInfo; } /* Stats */ /** * Do not use this function directly stats. Use TinkerRegistry.addMaterialStats instead. */ public Material addStats(IMaterialStats materialStats) { this.stats.put(materialStats.getIdentifier(), materialStats); return this; } /** * Returns the given type of stats if the material has them. Returns null Otherwise. */ private IMaterialStats getStatsSafe(String identifier) { if(identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) { return null; } for(IMaterialStats stat : stats.values()) { if(identifier.equals(stat.getIdentifier())) { return stat; } } return null; } /** * Returns the material stats of the given type of this material. * * @param identifier Identifier of the material. * @param <T> Type of the Stats are determined by return value. Use the correct * @return The stats found or null if none present. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends IMaterialStats> T getStats(String identifier) { return (T) getStatsSafe(identifier); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends IMaterialStats> T getStatsOrUnknown(String identifier) { T stats = (T) getStatsSafe(identifier); if(stats == null && this != UNKNOWN) { return UNKNOWN.getStats(identifier); } return stats; } public Collection<IMaterialStats> getAllStats() { return stats.values(); } public boolean hasStats(String identifier) { return getStats(identifier) != null; } /* Traits */ /** * Adds the trait as the default trait, will be used if no more specific one is present time. */ public Material addTrait(ITrait materialTrait) { return addTrait(materialTrait, null); } /** * Adds the trait to be added if the specified stats are used. */ public Material addTrait(ITrait materialTrait, String dependency) { // register unregistered traits if(TinkerRegistry.checkMaterialTrait(this, materialTrait, dependency)) { getStatTraits(dependency).add(materialTrait); } return this; } /** Obtains the list of traits for the given stat, creates it if it doesn't exist yet. */ protected List<ITrait> getStatTraits(String id) { if(!this.traits.containsKey(id)) { this.traits.put(id, new LinkedList<ITrait>()); } return this.traits.get(id); } /** * Returns whether the material has a trait with that identifier. */ public boolean hasTrait(String identifier, String stats) { if(identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) { return false; } for(ITrait trait : getStatTraits(stats)) { if(trait.getIdentifier().equals(identifier)) { return true; } } return false; } public List<ITrait> getDefaultTraits() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(getStatTraits(null)); } public List<ITrait> getAllTraitsForStats(String stats) { if(this.traits.containsKey(stats)) { return ImmutableList.copyOf(this.traits.get(stats)); } else if(this.traits.containsKey(null)) { return ImmutableList.copyOf(this.traits.get(null)); } return ImmutableList.of(); } public Collection<ITrait> getAllTraits() { ImmutableSet.Builder<ITrait> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for(List<ITrait> traitlist : traits.values()) { builder.addAll(traitlist); } return; } /* Data about the material itself */ public boolean hasFluid() { return fluid != null; } public Fluid getFluid() { return fluid; } public void addItemIngot(String oredict) { this.addItem(oredict, 1, Material.VALUE_Ingot); } public void addCommonItems(String oredictSuffix) { this.addItem("ingot" + oredictSuffix, 1, Material.VALUE_Ingot); this.addItem("nugget" + oredictSuffix, 1, Material.VALUE_Nugget); this.addItem("block" + oredictSuffix, 1, Material.VALUE_Block); } public void setRepresentativeItem(Item representativeItem) { setRepresentativeItem(new ItemStack(representativeItem)); } public void setRepresentativeItem(Block representativeBlock) { setRepresentativeItem(new ItemStack(representativeBlock)); } public void setRepresentativeItem(ItemStack representativeItem) { if(representativeItem == null) { this.representativeItem = null; } else if(matches(representativeItem) != null) { this.representativeItem = representativeItem; } else { TinkerRegistry.log.warn("Itemstack {} cannot represent material {} since it is not associated with the material!", representativeItem.toString(), identifier); } } public ItemStack getRepresentativeItem() { return representativeItem; } public void setShard(Item item) { setShard(new ItemStack(item)); } public void setShard(ItemStack stack) { if(stack == null) { this.shardItem = null; } else { RecipeMatch.Match match = matches(stack); if(match != null) { if(match.amount == VALUE_Shard) { this.shardItem = stack; } else { TinkerRegistry.log.warn("Itemstack {} cannot be shard of material {} since it does not have the correct value! (is {}, has to be {})", representativeItem.toString(), identifier, match.amount, VALUE_Shard); } } else { TinkerRegistry.log.warn("Itemstack {} cannot be shard of material {} since it is not associated with the material!", stack.toString(), identifier); } } } public ItemStack getShard() { if(shardItem != null) { return shardItem.copy(); } return null; } public boolean hasItems() { return !items.isEmpty(); } public String getLocalizedName() { return Util.translate(LOC_Name, getIdentifier()); } /** Takes a string and turns it into a named variant for this material. E.g. pickaxe -> wooden pickaxe */ public String getLocalizedItemName(String itemName) { if(this == UNKNOWN) { return itemName; } if(I18n.canTranslate(String.format(LOC_Prefix, getIdentifier()))) { return I18n.translateToLocalFormatted(String.format(LOC_Prefix, Util .sanitizeLocalizationString(identifier)), itemName); } return getLocalizedName() + " " + itemName; } public String getLocalizedNameColored() { return getTextColor() + getLocalizedName(); } public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } public String getTextColor() { return CustomFontColor.encodeColor(materialTextColor); } public static String getCombinedItemName(String itemName, Collection<Material> materials) { // no material if(materials.isEmpty() || { return itemName; } // only one material - prefix if(materials.size() == 1) { return materials.iterator().next().getLocalizedItemName(itemName); } // multiple materials. we'll have to combine StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<Material> iter = materials.iterator(); Material material =; sb.append(material.getLocalizedName()); while(iter.hasNext()) { material =; sb.append("-"); sb.append(material.getLocalizedName()); } sb.append(" "); sb.append(itemName); return sb.toString(); } }