package; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.FakePlayer; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.ModifierAspect; import; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.utils.TagUtil; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.utils.ToolHelper; /** * This trait provides long-term benefits for using the same tool. * Basically it makes your tool get better over time as you use it. * * Detailed explanation: The tool gets a "stat pool" to distribute over time. * Stats are added to the pool on repairing, mining and attacking. * Values are dimishing depending on overall stats of the tool. So the growth slows down depending on your overall tool stats. */ public class ToolGrowth extends TraitProgressiveStats { protected static float DURABILITY_COEFFICIENT = 0.04f; // % of amount repaired protected static float SPEED_INCREMENT = 0.05f; // flat protected static float ATTACK_INCREMENT = 0.03f; // flat // how much the value gets increased in one distribution step protected static int DURABILITY_STEP = 1; protected static float SPEED_STEP = 0.01f; protected static float ATTACK_STEP = 0.01f; public ToolGrowth() { super("toolgrowth", TextFormatting.WHITE); this.addAspects(new ModifierAspect.SingleAspect(this)); } @Override public boolean isHidden() { return true; } /* Actual logic */ // Distributing stats from the pool @Override public void onUpdate(ItemStack tool, World world, Entity entity, int itemSlot, boolean isSelected) { if(entity instanceof FakePlayer || world.isRemote) { return; } // we only distribute every minute or so if(random.nextFloat() > 0.0006f) { return; } // we don't update if the player is currently breaking a block because that'd reset it if(playerIsBreakingBlock(entity)) { return; } // get stat pool NBTTagCompound root = TagUtil.getTagSafe(tool); StatNBT pool = getPool(root); StatNBT bonus = getBonus(root); ToolNBT data = TagUtil.getToolStats(tool); // pick one int choice = random.nextInt(3); // durability if(choice == 0) { if(pool.durability >= DURABILITY_STEP) { pool.durability -= DURABILITY_STEP; bonus.durability += DURABILITY_STEP; data.durability += DURABILITY_STEP; } } // speed else if(choice == 1) { if(pool.speed >= SPEED_STEP) { pool.speed -= SPEED_STEP; bonus.speed += SPEED_STEP; data.speed += SPEED_STEP; } } // attack else if(choice == 2) { if(pool.attack >= ATTACK_STEP) { pool.attack -= ATTACK_STEP; bonus.attack += ATTACK_STEP; data.attack += ATTACK_STEP; } } // update stats on the tool TagUtil.setToolTag(tool, data.get()); // write pool and bonus back onto the tool setBonus(root, bonus); setPool(root, pool); } // Filling the pool with durability @Override public void onRepair(ItemStack tool, int amount) { // read data from tool NBTTagCompound root = TagUtil.getTagSafe(tool); StatNBT pool = getPool(root); int totalDurability = ToolHelper.getDurabilityStat(tool); float famount = amount; // cap the amount if it's more than what gets repaired if(famount > totalDurability - ToolHelper.getCurrentDurability(tool)) { famount = totalDurability - ToolHelper.getCurrentDurability(tool); } // add a bit of random famount *= 0.975f + random.nextFloat() * 0.05f; // calculate stats to add to pool. Baseline: 1000 durability int extra = (int) (calcDimishingReturns(totalDurability, 1000f) * famount * DURABILITY_COEFFICIENT); pool.durability += 1 + extra; // write data back onto the tool setPool(root, pool); } // Filling the pool with speed @Override public void afterBlockBreak(ItemStack tool, World world, IBlockState state, BlockPos pos, EntityLivingBase player, boolean wasEffective) { if(player instanceof FakePlayer || world.isRemote) { return; } // 10% chance to gain stats on effective blockbreak if(!wasEffective || random.nextFloat() > 0.1f) { return; } // read data from tool NBTTagCompound root = TagUtil.getTagSafe(tool); StatNBT pool = getPool(root); float totalSpeed = ToolHelper.getMiningSpeedStat(tool); // calculate stats to add to pool. Baseline: 5 float extra = calcDimishingReturns(totalSpeed, 5f) * SPEED_INCREMENT; pool.speed += extra + 0.005f; // write data back onto the tool setPool(root, pool); } // Filling the pool with damage @Override public void afterHit(ItemStack tool, EntityLivingBase player, EntityLivingBase target, float damageDealt, boolean wasCritical, boolean wasHit) { if(player instanceof FakePlayer || player.getEntityWorld().isRemote) { return; } // 10% chance on hit to gain stats if(random.nextFloat() > 0.1f) { return; } // read data from tool NBTTagCompound root = TagUtil.getTagSafe(tool); StatNBT pool = getPool(root); float totalSpeed = ToolHelper.getMiningSpeedStat(tool); // calculate stats to add to pool. Baseline: 10 (= 5 hearts) float extra = calcDimishingReturns(totalSpeed, 10f) * ATTACK_INCREMENT; pool.attack += extra + 0.005f; // write data back onto the tool setPool(root, pool); } // Filling the pool with dimishing returns! protected float calcDimishingReturns(float value, float baseline) { return 2f / (1f + (value / baseline) * (value / baseline)); } }