package; import; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.FakePlayer; import java.util.List; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.materials.HeadMaterialStats; import; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.utils.TagUtil; /** * Gives the tool bonus stats on crafting. * The bonus stats are distributed over time and are more or less random. * The stats that will be rewarded are already designated on the first time the tool is crafted */ public class TraitAlien extends TraitProgressiveStats { protected static int TICK_PER_STAT = 72; protected static int DURABILITY_STEP = 1; protected static float SPEED_STEP = 0.007f; protected static float ATTACK_STEP = 0.005f; public TraitAlien() { super("alien", TextFormatting.YELLOW); } @Override public void applyEffect(NBTTagCompound rootCompound, NBTTagCompound modifierTag) { // check if we have stats already distributed, and if not add them if(!hasPool(rootCompound)) { // ok, we need new stats. Let the fun begin! ToolGrowth.StatNBT data = new ToolGrowth.StatNBT(); int statPoints = 800; // we distribute a whopping X points worth of stats! for(; statPoints > 0; statPoints--) { switch(random.nextInt(3)) { // durability case 0: data.durability += DURABILITY_STEP; break; // speed case 1: data.speed += SPEED_STEP; break; // attack case 2: data.attack += ATTACK_STEP; break; } } setPool(rootCompound, data); } super.applyEffect(rootCompound, modifierTag); } @Override public void onUpdate(ItemStack tool, World world, Entity entity, int itemSlot, boolean isSelected) { if(entity instanceof FakePlayer || entity.getEntityWorld().isRemote) { return; } // every 3.6 seconds we distribute one stat. This means 1h = 1000 applications if(entity.ticksExisted % TICK_PER_STAT > 0) { return; } // we don't update if the player is currently breaking a block because that'd reset it if(playerIsBreakingBlock(entity) || (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase && ((EntityLivingBase) entity).getActiveItemStack() == tool)) { return; } NBTTagCompound root = TagUtil.getTagSafe(tool); StatNBT pool = getPool(root); StatNBT distributed = getBonus(root); ToolNBT data = TagUtil.getToolStats(tool); // attack if(entity.ticksExisted % (TICK_PER_STAT * 3) == 0) { if(distributed.attack < pool.attack) { data.attack += ATTACK_STEP; distributed.attack += ATTACK_STEP; } } // speed else if(entity.ticksExisted % (TICK_PER_STAT * 2) == 0) { if(distributed.speed < pool.speed) { data.speed += SPEED_STEP; distributed.speed += SPEED_STEP; } } // durability else { if(distributed.durability < pool.durability) { data.durability += DURABILITY_STEP; distributed.durability += DURABILITY_STEP; } } // update tool stats TagUtil.setToolTag(root, data.get()); // update statistics on distributed stats setBonus(root, distributed); } @Override public List<String> getExtraInfo(ItemStack tool, NBTTagCompound modifierTag) { StatNBT pool = getBonus(TagUtil.getTagSafe(tool)); return ImmutableList.of(HeadMaterialStats.formatDurability(pool.durability), HeadMaterialStats.formatMiningSpeed(pool.speed), HeadMaterialStats.formatAttack(pool.attack)); } }