package; import; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import net.minecraft.util.text.translation.I18n; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.util.Point; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import slimeknights.mantle.client.gui.GuiElement; import slimeknights.mantle.client.gui.GuiElementScalable; import slimeknights.mantle.client.gui.GuiModule; import slimeknights.tconstruct.common.TinkerNetwork; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerRegistry; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerRegistryClient; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.Util; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.client.Icons; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.client.ToolBuildGuiInfo; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.IModifier; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.ModifierNBT; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.IModifyable; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.IToolStationDisplay; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.PartMaterialType; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.TinkersItem; import; import; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.utils.TagUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class GuiToolStation extends GuiTinkerStation { private static final ResourceLocation BACKGROUND = Util.getResource("textures/gui/toolstation.png"); private static final GuiElement TextFieldActive = new GuiElement(0, 210, 102, 12, 256, 256); private static final GuiElement ItemCover = new GuiElement(176, 18, 80, 64); private static final GuiElement SlotBackground = new GuiElement(176, 0, 18, 18); private static final GuiElement SlotBorder = new GuiElement(194, 0, 18, 18); private static final GuiElement SlotSpaceTop = new GuiElement(0, 174 + 2, 18, 2); private static final GuiElement SlotSpaceBottom = new GuiElement(0, 174, 18, 2); private static final GuiElement PanelSpaceL = new GuiElement(0, 174, 5, 4); private static final GuiElement PanelSpaceR = new GuiElement(9, 174, 9, 4); private static final GuiElement BeamLeft = new GuiElement(0, 180, 2, 7); private static final GuiElement BeamRight = new GuiElement(131, 180, 2, 7); private static final GuiElementScalable BeamCenter = new GuiElementScalable(2, 180, 129, 7); public static final int Column_Count = 5; private static final int Table_slot_count = 6; protected GuiElement buttonDecorationTop = SlotSpaceTop; protected GuiElement buttonDecorationBot = SlotSpaceBottom; protected GuiElement panelDecorationL = PanelSpaceL; protected GuiElement panelDecorationR = PanelSpaceR; protected GuiElement beamL = new GuiElement(0, 0, 0, 0); protected GuiElement beamR = new GuiElement(0, 0, 0, 0); protected GuiElementScalable beamC = new GuiElementScalable(0, 0, 0, 0); protected GuiButtonsToolStation buttons; protected int activeSlots; // how many of the available slots are active public GuiTextField textField; protected GuiInfoPanel toolInfo; protected GuiInfoPanel traitInfo; public ToolBuildGuiInfo currentInfo =; public GuiToolStation(InventoryPlayer playerInv, World world, BlockPos pos, TileToolStation tile) { super(world, pos, (ContainerTinkerStation) tile.createContainer(playerInv, world, pos)); buttons = new GuiButtonsToolStation(this, inventorySlots); this.addModule(buttons); toolInfo = new GuiInfoPanel(this, inventorySlots); this.addModule(toolInfo); traitInfo = new GuiInfoPanel(this, inventorySlots); this.addModule(traitInfo); toolInfo.yOffset = 5; traitInfo.yOffset = toolInfo.ySize + 9; this.ySize = 174; wood(); } @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(true); // workaround to line up the tabs on switching even though the GUI is a tad higher this.guiTop += 4; this.cornerY += 4; textField = new GuiTextField(0, fontRendererObj, cornerX + 70, cornerY + 7, 92, 12); //textField.setFocused(true); //textField.setCanLoseFocus(false); textField.setEnableBackgroundDrawing(false); textField.setMaxStringLength(40); buttons.xOffset = -2; buttons.yOffset = beamC.h + buttonDecorationTop.h; toolInfo.xOffset = 2; toolInfo.yOffset = beamC.h + panelDecorationL.h; traitInfo.xOffset = toolInfo.xOffset; traitInfo.yOffset = toolInfo.yOffset + toolInfo.ySize + 4; for(GuiModule module : modules) { module.guiTop += 4; } updateGUI(); } @Override public void onGuiClosed() { super.onGuiClosed(); Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(false); } public Set<ToolCore> getBuildableItems() { return TinkerRegistry.getToolStationCrafting(); } public void onToolSelection(ToolBuildGuiInfo info) { activeSlots = Math.min(info.positions.size(), Table_slot_count); currentInfo = info; ToolCore tool = null; if(info.tool != null && info.tool.getItem() instanceof ToolCore) { tool = (ToolCore) info.tool.getItem(); } ((ContainerToolStation) inventorySlots).setToolSelection(tool, activeSlots); // update the server (and others) TinkerNetwork.sendToServer(new ToolStationSelectionPacket(tool, activeSlots)); updateGUI(); } public void onToolSelectionPacket(ToolStationSelectionPacket packet) { ToolBuildGuiInfo info = TinkerRegistryClient.getToolBuildInfoForTool(packet.tool); if(info == null) { info =; } activeSlots = packet.activeSlots; currentInfo = info; buttons.setSelectedButtonByTool(currentInfo.tool); updateGUI(); } public void updateGUI() { int i; for(i = 0; i < activeSlots; i++) { Point point = currentInfo.positions.get(i); Slot slot = inventorySlots.getSlot(i); slot.xPos = point.getX(); slot.yPos = point.getY(); } // remaining slots int stillFilled = 0; for(; i < Table_slot_count; i++) { Slot slot = inventorySlots.getSlot(i); if(slot.getHasStack()) { slot.xPos = 87 + 20 * stillFilled; slot.yPos = 62; stillFilled++; } else { // todo: slot.disable slot.xPos = 0; slot.yPos = 0; } } updateDisplay(); } @Override public void updateDisplay() { // tool info of existing or tool to build ContainerToolStation container = (ContainerToolStation) inventorySlots; ItemStack toolStack = container.getResult(); if(toolStack == null) { toolStack = inventorySlots.getSlot(0).getStack(); } // current tool to build or repair/modify if(toolStack != null && toolStack.getItem() instanceof IModifyable) { if(toolStack.getItem() instanceof IToolStationDisplay) { IToolStationDisplay tool = (IToolStationDisplay) toolStack.getItem(); toolInfo.setCaption(tool.getLocalizedToolName()); toolInfo.setText(tool.getInformation(toolStack)); } else { toolInfo.setCaption(toolStack.getDisplayName()); toolInfo.setText(); } traitInfo.setCaption(I18n.translateToLocal("gui.toolstation.traits")); List<String> mods = Lists.newLinkedList(); List<String> tips = Lists.newLinkedList(); NBTTagList tagList = TagUtil.getModifiersTagList(toolStack); for(int i = 0; i < tagList.tagCount(); i++) { NBTTagCompound tag = tagList.getCompoundTagAt(i); ModifierNBT data = ModifierNBT.readTag(tag); // get matching modifier IModifier modifier = TinkerRegistry.getModifier(data.identifier); if(modifier == null || modifier.isHidden()) { continue; } mods.add(data.getColorString() + modifier.getTooltip(tag, true)); tips.add(data.getColorString() + modifier.getLocalizedDesc()); } if(mods.isEmpty()) { mods.add(I18n.translateToLocal("gui.toolstation.noTraits")); } traitInfo.setText(mods, tips); } // repair info else if(currentInfo.tool == null) { toolInfo.setCaption(I18n.translateToLocal("")); toolInfo.setText(); traitInfo.setCaption(null); String c = TextFormatting.DARK_GRAY.toString(); String[] art = new String[]{ c + "", c + "", c + " .", c + " /( _________", c + " | >:=========`", c + " )( ", c + " \"\"" }; traitInfo.setText(art); } // tool build info else { ToolCore tool = (ToolCore) currentInfo.tool.getItem(); toolInfo.setCaption(tool.getLocalizedToolName()); toolInfo.setText(tool.getLocalizedDescription()); // Components List<String> text = Lists.newLinkedList(); List<PartMaterialType> pms = tool.getRequiredComponents(); for(int i = 0; i < pms.size(); i++) { PartMaterialType pmt = pms.get(i); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ItemStack slotStack = container.getSlot(i).getStack(); if(!pmt.isValid(slotStack)) { sb.append(TextFormatting.RED); // is an item in the slot? if(slotStack != null && slotStack.getItem() instanceof IToolPart) { if(pmt.isValidItem((IToolPart) slotStack.getItem())) { // the item has an invalid material warning(Util.translate("gui.error.wrong_material_part")); } } } sb.append(" * "); for(IToolPart part : pmt.getPossibleParts()) { if(part instanceof Item) { sb.append(((Item) part).getItemStackDisplayName(new ItemStack((Item) part))); sb.append("/"); } } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); // removes last '/' text.add(sb.toString()); } traitInfo.setCaption(I18n.translateToLocal("gui.toolstation.components")); traitInfo.setText(text.toArray(new String[text.size()])); } } @Override protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseButton) throws IOException { super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButton); textField.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButton); } @Override protected void keyTyped(char typedChar, int keyCode) throws IOException { if(!textField.isFocused()) { super.keyTyped(typedChar, keyCode); } else { if(keyCode == 1) {; } textField.textboxKeyTyped(typedChar, keyCode); TinkerNetwork.sendToServer(new ToolStationTextPacket(textField.getText())); ((ContainerToolStation) container).setToolName(textField.getText()); } } @Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); textField.updateCursorCounter(); } @Override public void drawSlot(Slot slotIn) { // don't draw dormant slots with no item if(slotIn instanceof SlotToolStationIn && ((SlotToolStationIn) slotIn).isDormant() && !slotIn.getHasStack()) { return; } super.drawSlot(slotIn); } @Override protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float partialTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY) { drawBackground(BACKGROUND); if(textField.isFocused()) { TextFieldActive.draw(cornerX + 68, cornerY + 6); } // draw textfield textField.drawTextBox(); //int xOff = 3; //int yOff = 6; int x = 0; int y = 0; // draw the item background final float scale = 3.7f; final float xOff = 10f; final float yOff = 22f; GlStateManager.translate(xOff, yOff, 0); GlStateManager.scale(scale, scale, 1.0f); { int logoX = (int) (this.cornerX / scale); int logoY = (int) (this.cornerY / scale); if(currentInfo != null) { if(currentInfo.tool != null) { itemRender.renderItemIntoGUI(currentInfo.tool, logoX, logoY); } else if(currentInfo == {; Icons.ICON_Anvil.draw(logoX, logoY); } } } GlStateManager.scale(1f / scale, 1f / scale, 1.0f); GlStateManager.translate(-xOff, -yOff, 0); // rebind gui texture since itemstack drawing sets it to something else; // reset state after item drawing GlStateManager.enableBlend(); GlStateManager.enableAlpha(); RenderHelper.disableStandardItemLighting(); GlStateManager.disableDepth(); // draw the halftransparent "cover" over the item GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.82f); ItemCover.draw(this.cornerX + 7, this.cornerY + 18); // the slot backgrounds GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.28f); for(int i = 0; i < activeSlots; i++) { Slot slot = inventorySlots.getSlot(i); SlotBackground.draw(x + this.cornerX + slot.xPos - 1, y + this.cornerY + slot.yPos - 1); } // full opaque. Draw the borders of the slots GlStateManager.color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); for(int i = 0; i < Table_slot_count; i++) { Slot slot = inventorySlots.getSlot(i); if(slot instanceof SlotToolStationIn && (!((SlotToolStationIn) slot).isDormant() || slot.getHasStack())) { SlotBorder.draw( x + this.cornerX + slot.xPos - 1, y + this.cornerY + slot.yPos - 1); } }; // slot logos if(currentInfo == { drawRepairSlotIcons(); } else if(currentInfo.tool != null && currentInfo.tool.getItem() instanceof TinkersItem) { for(int i = 0; i < activeSlots; i++) { Slot slot = inventorySlots.getSlot(i); if(!(slot instanceof SlotToolStationIn)) { continue; } ItemStack stack = ((SlotToolStationIn) slot).icon; if(stack == null) { continue; } itemRender.renderItemIntoGUI(stack, x + this.cornerX + slot.xPos, y + this.cornerY + slot.yPos); } }; x = buttons.guiLeft - beamL.w; y = cornerY; // draw the beams at the top x += beamL.draw(x, y); x += beamC.drawScaledX(x, y, buttons.xSize); beamR.draw(x, y); x = toolInfo.guiLeft - beamL.w; x += beamL.draw(x, y); x += beamC.drawScaledX(x, y, toolInfo.xSize); beamR.draw(x, y); // draw the decoration for the buttons for(Object o : buttons.buttonList) { GuiButton button = (GuiButton) o; buttonDecorationTop.draw(button.xPosition, button.yPosition - buttonDecorationTop.h); // don't draw the bottom for the buttons in the last row if( < buttons.buttonList.size() - Column_Count) { buttonDecorationBot.draw(button.xPosition, button.yPosition + button.height); } } // draw the decorations for the panels panelDecorationL.draw(toolInfo.guiLeft + 5, toolInfo.guiTop - panelDecorationL.h); panelDecorationR.draw(toolInfo.guiRight() - 5 - panelDecorationR.w, toolInfo.guiTop - panelDecorationR.h); panelDecorationL.draw(traitInfo.guiLeft + 5, traitInfo.guiTop - panelDecorationL.h); panelDecorationR.draw(traitInfo.guiRight() - 5 - panelDecorationR.w, traitInfo.guiTop - panelDecorationR.h); GlStateManager.enableDepth(); // continue as usual and hope that the drawing state is not completely wrecked super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(partialTicks, mouseX, mouseY); } protected void drawRepairSlotIcons() { for(int i = 0; i < activeSlots; i++) { drawRepairSlotIcon(i); } } protected void drawRepairSlotIcon(int i) { GuiElement icon = null; Slot slot = inventorySlots.getSlot(i); // only empty solts get the logo since something else than the displayed thing might be in there. // which would look weird. if(slot.getHasStack()) { return; } if(i == 0) { icon = Icons.ICON_Pickaxe; } else if(i == 1) { icon = Icons.ICON_Dust; } else if(i == 2) { icon = Icons.ICON_Lapis; } else if(i == 3) { icon = Icons.ICON_Ingot; } else if(i == 4) { icon = Icons.ICON_Gem; } else if(i == 5) { icon = Icons.ICON_Quartz; } if(icon != null) { drawIconEmpty(slot, icon); } } protected void wood() { toolInfo.wood(); traitInfo.wood(); buttonDecorationTop = SlotSpaceTop.shift(SlotSpaceTop.w, 0); buttonDecorationBot = SlotSpaceBottom.shift(SlotSpaceBottom.w, 0); panelDecorationL = PanelSpaceL.shift(18, 0); panelDecorationR = PanelSpaceR.shift(18, 0); buttons.wood(); beamL = BeamLeft; beamR = BeamRight; beamC = BeamCenter; } protected void metal() { toolInfo.metal(); traitInfo.metal(); buttonDecorationTop = SlotSpaceTop.shift(SlotSpaceTop.w * 2, 0); buttonDecorationBot = SlotSpaceBottom.shift(SlotSpaceBottom.w * 2, 0); panelDecorationL = PanelSpaceL.shift(18 * 2, 0); panelDecorationR = PanelSpaceR.shift(18 * 2, 0); buttons.metal(); beamL = BeamLeft.shift(0, BeamLeft.h); beamR = BeamRight.shift(0, BeamRight.h); beamC = BeamCenter.shift(0, BeamCenter.h); } @Override public void error(String message) { toolInfo.setCaption(I18n.translateToLocal("gui.error")); toolInfo.setText(message); traitInfo.setCaption(null); traitInfo.setText(); } @Override public void warning(String message) { toolInfo.setCaption(I18n.translateToLocal("gui.warning")); toolInfo.setText(message); traitInfo.setCaption(null); traitInfo.setText(); } }