package slimeknights.tconstruct.library.utils; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntIntProcedure; import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString; import net.minecraft.util.text.translation.I18n; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import slimeknights.mantle.util.RecipeMatch; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerRegistry; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.Util; import; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.materials.Material; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.IModifier; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.TinkerGuiException; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.IRepairable; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.MaterialItem; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.PartMaterialType; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.TinkersItem; import; import; import; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.traits.AbstractTrait; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.traits.ITrait; import; public final class ToolBuilder { private static Logger log = Util.getLogger("ToolBuilder"); private ToolBuilder() { } public static ItemStack tryBuildTool(ItemStack[] stacks, String name) { return tryBuildTool(stacks, name, TinkerRegistry.getTools()); } /** * Takes an array of Itemstacks and tries to build a tool with it. Amount of itemstacks has to match exactly. * * @param stacks Input. * @return The built tool or null if none could be built. */ public static ItemStack tryBuildTool(ItemStack[] stacks, String name, Collection<ToolCore> possibleTools) { int length = -1; ItemStack[] input; // remove trailing nulls for(int i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++) { if(stacks[i] == null) { if(length < 0) { length = i; } } else if(length >= 0) { // incorrect input. gap with null in the stacks passed return null; } } if(length < 0) { return null; } input = Arrays.copyOf(stacks, length); for(Item item : possibleTools) { if(!(item instanceof ToolCore)) { continue; } ItemStack output = ((ToolCore) item).buildItemFromStacks(input); if(output != null) { // name the item if(name != null && !name.isEmpty()) { output.setStackDisplayName(name); } return output; } } return null; } /** * Adds the trait to the tag, taking max-count and already existing traits into account. * * @param rootCompound The root compound of the item * @param trait The trait to add. * @param color The color used on the tooltip. Will not be used if the trait already exists on the tool. */ public static void addTrait(NBTTagCompound rootCompound, ITrait trait, int color) { // only registered traits allowed if(TinkerRegistry.getTrait(trait.getIdentifier()) == null) { log.error("addTrait: Trying to apply unregistered Trait {}", trait.getIdentifier()); return; } IModifier modifier = TinkerRegistry.getModifier(trait.getIdentifier()); if(modifier == null || !(modifier instanceof AbstractTrait)) { log.error("addTrait: No matching modifier for the Trait {} present", trait.getIdentifier()); return; } AbstractTrait traitModifier = (AbstractTrait) modifier; NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); NBTTagList tagList = TagUtil.getModifiersTagList(rootCompound); int index = TinkerUtil.getIndexInList(tagList, traitModifier.getModifierIdentifier()); if(index < 0) { traitModifier.updateNBTforTrait(tag, color); tagList.appendTag(tag); TagUtil.setModifiersTagList(rootCompound, tagList); } else { tag = tagList.getCompoundTagAt(index); } traitModifier.applyEffect(rootCompound, tag); } public static ItemStack tryRepairTool(ItemStack[] stacks, ItemStack toolStack, boolean removeItems) { if(toolStack == null || !(toolStack.getItem() instanceof IRepairable)) { return null; } // obtain a working copy of the items if the originals shouldn't be modified if(!removeItems) { stacks = Util.copyItemStackArray(stacks); } return ((IRepairable) toolStack.getItem()).repair(toolStack, stacks); } /** * Takes a tool and an array of itemstacks and tries to modify the tool with those. * If removeItems is true, the items used in the process will be removed from the array. * * @param input Items to modify the tool with * @param toolStack The tool * @param removeItems If true the applied items will be removed from the array * @return The modified tool or null if something went wrong or no modifier applied. * @throws TinkerGuiException Thrown when not matching modifiers could be applied. Contains extra-information why the process failed. */ public static ItemStack tryModifyTool(ItemStack[] input, ItemStack toolStack, boolean removeItems) throws TinkerGuiException { ItemStack copy = toolStack.copy(); // obtain a working copy of the items if the originals shouldn't be modified ItemStack[] stacks = Util.copyItemStackArray(input); ItemStack[] usedStacks = Util.copyItemStackArray(input); Set<IModifier> appliedModifiers = Sets.newHashSet(); for(IModifier modifier : TinkerRegistry.getAllModifiers()) { RecipeMatch.Match match; do { match = modifier.matches(stacks); ItemStack backup = copy.copy(); // found a modifier that is applicable. Try to apply the match if(match != null) { // we need to apply the whole match while(match.amount > 0) { TinkerGuiException caughtException = null; boolean canApply = false; try { canApply = modifier.canApply(copy, toolStack); } catch(TinkerGuiException e) { caughtException = e; } // but can it be applied? if(canApply) { modifier.apply(copy); appliedModifiers.add(modifier); match.amount--; } else { // materials would allow another application, but modifier doesn't // if we have already applied another modifier we cancel the whole thing to prevent situations where // only a part of the modifiers gets applied. either all or none. // if we have a reason, rather tell the player that if(caughtException != null && !appliedModifiers.contains(modifier)) { throw caughtException; } copy = backup; RecipeMatch.removeMatch(stacks, match); break; } } if(match.amount == 0) { RecipeMatch.removeMatch(stacks, match); RecipeMatch.removeMatch(usedStacks, match); } } } while(match != null); } // check if all itemstacks were touched - otherwise there's an invalid item in the input for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if(input[i] != null && ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(input[i], stacks[i])) { if(!appliedModifiers.isEmpty()) { String error = I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("gui.error.no_modifier_for_item", input[i].getDisplayName()); throw new TinkerGuiException(error); } return null; } } // update output itemstacks if(removeItems) { for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if(input[i] == null) { continue; } // stacks might be null because stacksize got 0 during processing, we have to reflect that in the input // so the caller can identify that if(usedStacks[i] == null) { input[i].stackSize = 0; } else { input[i].stackSize = usedStacks[i].stackSize; } } } if(!appliedModifiers.isEmpty()) { // always rebuild tinkers items to ensure consistency and find problems earlier if(copy.getItem() instanceof TinkersItem) { NBTTagCompound root = TagUtil.getTagSafe(copy); rebuildTool(root, (TinkersItem) copy.getItem()); copy.setTagCompound(root); } return copy; } return null; } /** * Takes a tool and toolparts and replaces the parts inside the tool with the given ones. * Toolparts have to be applicable to the tool. Toolparts must not be duplicates of currently used parts. * * @param toolStack The tool to replace the parts in * @param toolPartsIn The toolparts. * @param removeItems If true the applied items will be removed from the array * @return The tool with the replaced parts or null if the conditions have not been met. */ public static ItemStack tryReplaceToolParts(ItemStack toolStack, final ItemStack[] toolPartsIn, final boolean removeItems) throws TinkerGuiException { if(toolStack == null || !(toolStack.getItem() instanceof TinkersItem)) { return null; } // we never modify the original. Caller can remove all of them if we return a result List<ItemStack> inputItems = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(Util.copyItemStackArray(toolPartsIn))); if(!TinkerEvent.OnToolPartReplacement.fireEvent(inputItems, toolStack)) { // event cancelled return null; } final ItemStack[] toolParts = inputItems.toArray(new ItemStack[inputItems.size()]); TIntIntMap assigned = new TIntIntHashMap(); TinkersItem tool = (TinkersItem) toolStack.getItem(); // materiallist has to be copied because it affects the actual NBT on the tool if it's changed final NBTTagList materialList = TagUtil.getBaseMaterialsTagList(toolStack).copy(); // assing each toolpart to a slot in the tool for(int i = 0; i < toolParts.length; i++) { ItemStack part = toolParts[i]; if(part == null) { continue; } if(!(part.getItem() instanceof IToolPart)) { // invalid item for toolpart replacement return null; } int candidate = -1; // find an applicable slot in the tool structure corresponding to the toolparts position List<PartMaterialType> pms = tool.getRequiredComponents(); for(int j = 0; j < pms.size(); j++) { PartMaterialType pmt = pms.get(j); String partMat = ((IToolPart) part.getItem()).getMaterial(part).getIdentifier(); String currentMat = materialList.getStringTagAt(j); // is valid and not the same material? if(pmt.isValid(part) && !partMat.equals(currentMat)) { // part not taken up by previous part already? if(!assigned.valueCollection().contains(j)) { candidate = j; // if a tool has multiple of the same parts we may want to replace another one as the currently selected // for that purpose we only allow to overwrite the current selection if the input slot is a later one than the current one if(i <= j) { break; } } } } // no assignment found for a part. Invalid input. if(candidate < 0) { return null; } assigned.put(i, candidate); } // did we assign nothing? if(assigned.isEmpty()) { return null; } // We now know which parts to replace with which inputs. Yay. Now we only have to do so. // to do so we simply switch out the materials used and rebuild the tool assigned.forEachEntry((i, j) -> { String mat = ((IToolPart) toolParts[i].getItem()).getMaterial(toolParts[i]).getIdentifier(); materialList.set(j, new NBTTagString(mat)); if(removeItems) { if(i < toolPartsIn.length && toolPartsIn[i] != null) { toolPartsIn[i].stackSize--; } } return true; }); // check that each material is still compatible with each modifier TinkersItem tinkersItem = (TinkersItem) toolStack.getItem(); ItemStack copyToCheck = tinkersItem.buildItem(TinkerUtil.getMaterialsFromTagList(materialList)); // this includes traits NBTTagList modifiers = TagUtil.getBaseModifiersTagList(toolStack); for(int i = 0; i < modifiers.tagCount(); i++) { String id = modifiers.getStringTagAt(i); IModifier mod = TinkerRegistry.getModifier(id); // will throw an exception if it can't apply if(mod != null && !mod.canApply(copyToCheck, copyToCheck)) { throw new TinkerGuiException(); } } ItemStack output = toolStack.copy(); TagUtil.setBaseMaterialsTagList(output, materialList); NBTTagCompound tag = TagUtil.getTagSafe(output); rebuildTool(tag, (TinkersItem) output.getItem()); output.setTagCompound(tag); // check if the output has enough durability. we only allow it if the result would not be broken if(output.getItemDamage() > output.getMaxDamage()) { String error = I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("gui.error.not_enough_durability", output.getItemDamage() - output.getMaxDamage()); throw new TinkerGuiException(error); } return output; } /** * Takes a pattern and itemstacks and crafts the materialitem of the pattern out of it. * The output consists of an ItemStack[2] array that contains the part in the first slot and eventual leftover output in the 2nd one. * The itemstacks have to match at least 1 material. * If multiple materials match, matches with multiple items are preferred. * Otherwise the first match will be taken. * * @param pattern Input-pattern. Has to be a Pattern. * @param materialItems The Itemstacks to craft the item out of * @param removeItems If true the match will be removed from the passed items * @return ItemStack[2] Array containing the built item in the first slot and eventual secondary output in the second one. Null if no item could be built. */ public static ItemStack[] tryBuildToolPart(ItemStack pattern, ItemStack[] materialItems, boolean removeItems) throws TinkerGuiException { Item itemPart = Pattern.getPartFromTag(pattern); if(itemPart == null || !(itemPart instanceof MaterialItem) || !(itemPart instanceof IToolPart)) { String error = I18n.translateToLocalFormatted("gui.error.invalid_pattern"); throw new TinkerGuiException(error); } IToolPart part = (IToolPart) itemPart; if(!removeItems) { materialItems = Util.copyItemStackArray(materialItems); } // find the material from the input RecipeMatch.Match match = null; Material foundMaterial = null; for(Material material : TinkerRegistry.getAllMaterials()) { // craftable? if(!material.isCraftable()) { continue; } RecipeMatch.Match newMatch = material.matches(materialItems, part.getCost()); if(newMatch == null) { continue; } // we found a match, yay if(match == null) { match = newMatch; foundMaterial = material; // is it more complex than the old one? } } // nope, no material if(match == null) { return null; } ItemStack output = ((MaterialItem) itemPart).getItemstackWithMaterial(foundMaterial); if(output == null) { return null; } if(output.getItem() instanceof IToolPart && !((IToolPart) output.getItem()).canUseMaterial(foundMaterial)) { return null; } RecipeMatch.removeMatch(materialItems, match); // check if we have secondary output ItemStack secondary = null; int leftover = (match.amount - part.getCost()) / Material.VALUE_Shard; if(leftover > 0) { secondary = TinkerRegistry.getShard(foundMaterial); secondary.stackSize = leftover; } // build an item with this return new ItemStack[]{output, secondary}; } /** * Rebuilds a tool from its raw data, material info and applied modifiers * * @param rootNBT The root NBT tag compound of the tool to to rebuild. The NBT will be modified, overwriting old * data. */ public static void rebuildTool(NBTTagCompound rootNBT, TinkersItem tinkersItem) throws TinkerGuiException { boolean broken = TagUtil.getToolTag(rootNBT).getBoolean(Tags.BROKEN); // Recalculate tool base stats from material stats NBTTagList materialTag = TagUtil.getBaseMaterialsTagList(rootNBT); List<Material> materials = TinkerUtil.getMaterialsFromTagList(materialTag); List<PartMaterialType> pms = tinkersItem.getRequiredComponents(); // ensure all needed Stats are present while(materials.size() < pms.size()) { materials.add(Material.UNKNOWN); } for(int i = 0; i < pms.size(); i++) { if(!pms.get(i).isValidMaterial(materials.get(i))) { materials.set(i, Material.UNKNOWN); } } // the base stats of the tool NBTTagCompound toolTag = tinkersItem.buildTag(materials); TagUtil.setToolTag(rootNBT, toolTag); // and its copy for reference rootNBT.setTag(Tags.TOOL_DATA_ORIG, toolTag.copy()); // save the old modifiers list and clean up all tags that get set by modifiers/traits NBTTagList modifiersTagOld = TagUtil.getModifiersTagList(rootNBT); rootNBT.removeTag(Tags.TOOL_MODIFIERS); // the active-modifiers tag rootNBT.setTag(Tags.TOOL_MODIFIERS, new NBTTagList()); rootNBT.removeTag("ench"); // and the enchantments tag rootNBT.removeTag(Tags.ENCHANT_EFFECT); // enchant effect too, will be readded by a trait either way // clean up traits rootNBT.removeTag(Tags.TOOL_TRAITS); tinkersItem.addMaterialTraits(rootNBT, materials); // fire event TinkerEvent.OnItemBuilding.fireEvent(rootNBT, ImmutableList.copyOf(materials), tinkersItem); // reapply modifiers NBTTagList modifiers = TagUtil.getBaseModifiersTagList(rootNBT); NBTTagList modifiersTag = TagUtil.getModifiersTagList(rootNBT); // copy over and reapply all relevant modifiers for(int i = 0; i < modifiers.tagCount(); i++) { String identifier = modifiers.getStringTagAt(i); IModifier modifier = TinkerRegistry.getModifier(identifier); if(modifier == null) { log.debug("Missing modifier: {}", identifier); continue; } NBTTagCompound tag; int index = TinkerUtil.getIndexInList(modifiersTagOld, modifier.getIdentifier()); if(index >= 0) { tag = modifiersTagOld.getCompoundTagAt(index); } else { tag = new NBTTagCompound(); } modifier.applyEffect(rootNBT, tag); if(!tag.hasNoTags()) { int indexNew = TinkerUtil.getIndexInList(modifiersTag, modifier.getIdentifier()); if(indexNew >= 0) { modifiersTag.set(indexNew, tag); } else { modifiersTag.appendTag(tag); } } } // remaining info, get updated toolTag toolTag = TagUtil.getToolTag(rootNBT); // adjust free modifiers int freeModifiers = toolTag.getInteger(Tags.FREE_MODIFIERS); freeModifiers -= TagUtil.getBaseModifiersUsed(rootNBT); toolTag.setInteger(Tags.FREE_MODIFIERS, Math.max(0, freeModifiers)); // broken? if(broken) { toolTag.setBoolean(Tags.BROKEN, true); } TagUtil.setToolTag(rootNBT, toolTag); if(freeModifiers < 0) { throw new TinkerGuiException(Util.translateFormatted("gui.error.not_enough_modifiers", -freeModifiers)); } } public static short getEnchantmentLevel(NBTTagCompound rootTag, Enchantment enchantment) { NBTTagList enchantments = rootTag.getTagList("ench", 10); if(enchantments == null) { enchantments = new NBTTagList(); } int id = Enchantment.getEnchantmentID(enchantment); for(int i = 0; i < enchantments.tagCount(); i++) { if(enchantments.getCompoundTagAt(i).getShort("id") == id) { return enchantments.getCompoundTagAt(i).getShort("lvl"); } } return 0; } public static void addEnchantment(NBTTagCompound rootTag, Enchantment enchantment) { NBTTagList enchantments = rootTag.getTagList("ench", 10); if(enchantments == null) { enchantments = new NBTTagList(); } NBTTagCompound enchTag = new NBTTagCompound(); int enchId = Enchantment.getEnchantmentID(enchantment); int id = -1; for(int i = 0; i < enchantments.tagCount(); i++) { if(enchantments.getCompoundTagAt(i).getShort("id") == enchId) { enchTag = enchantments.getCompoundTagAt(i); id = i; break; } } int level = enchTag.getShort("lvl") + 1; level = Math.min(level, enchantment.getMaxLevel()); enchTag.setShort("id", (short) enchId); enchTag.setShort("lvl", (short) level); if(id < 0) { enchantments.appendTag(enchTag); } else { enchantments.set(id, enchTag); } rootTag.setTag("ench", enchantments); } }