package slimeknights.tconstruct.smeltery.multiblock; import; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import java.util.List; public abstract class MultiblockCuboid extends MultiblockDetection { // if the multiblock requires a floor/ceiling public final boolean hasCeiling; public final boolean hasFloor; public final boolean hasFrame; // whether the frame needs to be present public MultiblockCuboid(boolean hasFloor, boolean hasFrame, boolean hasCeiling) { this.hasCeiling = hasCeiling; this.hasFloor = hasFloor; this.hasFrame = hasFrame; } /** * Detects a cuboid multiblock * * @param world The world. * @param center A position inside the multiblock at the height of the master block * @param limit Maximum INNER size of the multiblock. * @return Info about the multiblock or null if none was found */ @Override public MultiblockStructure detectMultiblock(World world, BlockPos center, int limit) { // list of blocks that are part of the multiblock List<BlockPos> subBlocks = Lists.newArrayList(); // move as low as possible int masterY = center.getY(); center = getOuterPos(world, center, EnumFacing.DOWN, limit + 1).up(); // distances to the edges including the outer blocks int edges[] = new int[4]; // order: south/west/north/east for(EnumFacing direction : EnumFacing.HORIZONTALS) { // move to wall BlockPos pos = getOuterPos(world, center, direction, limit); edges[direction.getHorizontalIndex()] = (pos.getX() - center.getX()) + (pos.getZ() - center.getZ()); } // walls too far away? int xd = (edges[EnumFacing.SOUTH.getHorizontalIndex()] - edges[EnumFacing.NORTH.getHorizontalIndex()]) - 1; int zd = (edges[EnumFacing.EAST.getHorizontalIndex()] - edges[EnumFacing.WEST.getHorizontalIndex()]) - 1; if(xd > limit || zd > limit) { return null; } // check the floor (frame check done inside) if(hasFloor) { if(!detectFloor(world, center.down(), edges, subBlocks)) { return null; } } // go up layer for layer (again, frame check done inside) int height = 0; for(; height + center.getY() < world.getHeight(); height++) { if(!detectLayer(world, center.up(height), height, edges, subBlocks)) { break; } } // no walls? if(height < 1 + masterY - center.getY()) { return null; } // detect ceiling (yup. frame check done inside.) if(hasCeiling) { // move as high as possible // basically "height" failed above meaning thats the number we are left with // and assuming its a valid structure, it failed because its a ceiling (if another reason, the ceiling check will fail) if(!detectCeiling(world, center.up(height), edges, subBlocks)) { return null; } } return new MultiblockStructure(xd, height, zd, subBlocks); } /* Valid Blocks */ public boolean isFloorBlock(World world, BlockPos pos) { return isValidBlock(world, pos); } public boolean isCeilingBlock(World world, BlockPos pos) { return isValidBlock(world, pos); } public boolean isFrameBlock(World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFrameType type) { return isValidBlock(world, pos); } public boolean isWallBlock(World world, BlockPos pos) { return isValidBlock(world, pos); } /* Detecting the outer shapes */ protected boolean detectFloor(World world, BlockPos center, int[] edges, List<BlockPos> subBlocks) { return detectPlaneXZ(world, center, edges, false, subBlocks); } private boolean detectCeiling(World world, BlockPos center, int[] edges, List<BlockPos> subBlocks) { return detectPlaneXZ(world, center, edges, true, subBlocks); } protected boolean detectPlaneXZ(World world, BlockPos center, int[] edges, boolean ceiling, List<BlockPos> subBlocks) { BlockPos from = center.add(edges[1], 0, edges[2]); BlockPos to = center.add(edges[3], 0, edges[0]); List<BlockPos> candidates = Lists.newArrayList(); // validate frame first if(hasFrame) { // calculate blocks List<BlockPos> frame = Lists.newArrayList(); // x direction for(int x = 0; x <= to.getX() - from.getX(); x++) { frame.add(from.add(x, 0, 0)); frame.add(to.add(-x, 0, 0)); } // z direction. don't doublecheck corners for(int z = 1; z < to.getZ() - from.getZ(); z++) { frame.add(from.add(0, 0, z)); frame.add(to.add(0, 0, -z)); } // check the blocks for(BlockPos pos : frame) { if(!isFrameBlock(world, pos, ceiling ? EnumFrameType.CEILING : EnumFrameType.FLOOR)) { return false; } candidates.add(pos); } } // validate inside of the floor from = from.add(1, 0, 1); to = to.add(-1, 0, -1); for(BlockPos z = from; z.getZ() <= to.getZ(); z = z.add(0, 0, 1)) { for(BlockPos x = z; x.getX() <= to.getX(); x = x.add(1, 0, 0)) { if(ceiling && !isCeilingBlock(world, x)) { return false; } else if(!ceiling && !isFloorBlock(world, x)) { return false; } candidates.add(x); } } subBlocks.addAll(candidates); return true; } protected boolean detectLayer(World world, BlockPos center, int layer, int[] edges, List<BlockPos> subBlocks) { BlockPos from = center.add(edges[1], 0, edges[2]); BlockPos to = center.add(edges[3], 0, edges[0]); List<BlockPos> candidates = Lists.newArrayList(); // validate frame first if(hasFrame) { // calculate blocks List<BlockPos> frame = Lists.newArrayList(); // we only have 4 corner blocks to check frame.add(from); frame.add(to); frame.add(new BlockPos(to.getX(), from.getY(), from.getZ())); frame.add(new BlockPos(from.getX(), from.getY(), to.getZ())); // check the blocks for(BlockPos pos : frame) { if(!isFrameBlock(world, pos, EnumFrameType.WALL)) { return false; } candidates.add(pos); } } // validate the inside List<BlockPos> blocks = Lists.newArrayList(); for(int x = edges[1] + 1; x < edges[3]; x++) { for(int z = edges[2] + 1; z < edges[0]; z++) { blocks.add(center.add(x, 0, z)); } } for(BlockPos pos : blocks) { if(!isInnerBlock(world, pos)) { return false; } if(!world.isAirBlock(pos)) { candidates.add(pos); } } // validate the 4 sides blocks.clear(); for(int x = edges[1] + 1; x < edges[3]; x++) { blocks.add(center.add(x, 0, edges[2])); blocks.add(center.add(x, 0, edges[0])); } for(int z = edges[2] + 1; z < edges[0]; z++) { blocks.add(center.add(edges[1], 0, z)); blocks.add(center.add(edges[3], 0, z)); } for(BlockPos pos : blocks) { if(!isWallBlock(world, pos)) { return false; } candidates.add(pos); } subBlocks.addAll(candidates); return true; } public static enum EnumFrameType { FLOOR, CEILING, WALL; } }