package; import net.minecraft.inventory.Container; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import slimeknights.mantle.client.gui.GuiElement; import slimeknights.mantle.client.gui.GuiElementScalable; import slimeknights.mantle.client.gui.GuiModule; import slimeknights.mantle.client.gui.GuiMultiModule; import slimeknights.mantle.client.gui.GuiWidgetSlider; import; /** * Uses its area to display an inventory. * Adds a slider to scroll if needed. * Columns and Rows displayed are calculated from the space it takes up */ public class GuiDynInventory extends GuiModule { // Graphic Resources protected static final GuiElementScalable slot = GuiGeneric.slot; protected static final GuiElementScalable slotEmpty = GuiGeneric.slotEmpty; protected static final GuiElement sliderNormal = GuiGeneric.sliderNormal; protected static final GuiElement sliderLow = GuiGeneric.sliderLow; protected static final GuiElement sliderHigh = GuiGeneric.sliderHigh; protected static final GuiElement sliderTop = GuiGeneric.sliderTop; protected static final GuiElement sliderBottom = GuiGeneric.sliderBottom; protected static final GuiElementScalable sliderBackground = GuiGeneric.sliderBackground; protected GuiWidgetSlider slider = new GuiWidgetSlider(sliderNormal, sliderHigh, sliderLow, sliderTop, sliderBottom, sliderBackground); // Logic protected int columns; // columns displayed protected int rows; // rows displayed protected int slotCount; protected boolean sliderActive; protected int firstSlotId; protected int lastSlotId; // Container containing the slots to display protected final Container container; public GuiDynInventory(GuiMultiModule parent, Container container) { super(parent, container, false, false); this.container = container; // default parameters. // These corresponds to a regular inventory xOffset = 7; yOffset = 17; xSize = 162; ySize = 54; slotCount = container.inventorySlots.size(); firstSlotId = 0; lastSlotId = slotCount; } @Override public void updatePosition(int parentX, int parentY, int parentSizeX, int parentSizeY) { this.guiLeft = parentX + xOffset; this.guiTop = parentY + yOffset; // calculate rows and columns from space columns = xSize / slot.w; rows = ySize / slot.h; sliderActive = slotCount > columns * rows; updateSlider(); // recalculate columns with slider if(sliderActive) { columns = (xSize - slider.width) / slot.w; updateSlider(); } updateSlots(); } protected void updateSlider() { int max = 0; if(sliderActive) {; max = slotCount / columns - rows + 1; // the assumption here is that for an active slider this always is >0 } else { slider.hide(); } slider.setPosition(guiLeft + xSize - slider.width, guiTop); slider.setSize(ySize); slider.setSliderParameters(0, max, 1); } public void update(int mouseX, int mouseY) { if(!sliderActive) { return; } slider.update(mouseX, mouseY, !isMouseOverFullSlot(mouseX, mouseY) && isMouseInModule(mouseX, mouseY)); updateSlots(); } @Override public boolean shouldDrawSlot(Slot slot) { // all visible if(!slider.isEnabled()) { return true; } int index = slot.getSlotIndex(); return (firstSlotId <= index && lastSlotId > index); // inside visible area //|| indexStart > index || indexEnd <= index; // or not our concern } // updates slot visibility public void updateSlots() { // calculate displayed slots firstSlotId = slider.getValue() * columns; lastSlotId = Math.min(slotCount, firstSlotId + rows * columns); for(Slot slot : container.inventorySlots) { if(shouldDrawSlot(slot)) { // calc position of the slot int offset = slot.getSlotIndex() - firstSlotId; int x = (offset % columns) * GuiDynInventory.slot.w; int y = (offset / columns) * GuiDynInventory.slot.h; slot.xPos = xOffset + x + 1; slot.yPos = yOffset + y + 1; } else { slot.xPos = 0; slot.yPos = 0; } } } @Override protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float partialTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY) {; if(!slider.isHidden()) { slider.draw(); updateSlots(); } // fully filled rows int fullRows = (lastSlotId - firstSlotId) / columns; int w = columns * slot.w; int y; for(y = 0; y < fullRows * slot.h && y < ySize; y += slot.h) { slot.drawScaledX(guiLeft, guiTop + y, w); } // draw partial row and unused slots int slotsLeft = (lastSlotId - firstSlotId) % columns; if(slotsLeft > 0) { slot.drawScaledX(guiLeft, guiTop + y, slotsLeft * slot.w); // empty slots that don't exist slotEmpty.drawScaledX(guiLeft + slotsLeft * slot.w, guiTop + y, w - slotsLeft * slot.w); } } }