package; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Cancelable; import; import; public abstract class TinkerToolEvent extends TinkerEvent { public final ItemStack itemStack; public final ToolCore tool; public TinkerToolEvent(ItemStack itemStack) { this.itemStack = itemStack; this.tool = (ToolCore) itemStack.getItem(); } @Cancelable public static class ExtraBlockBreak extends TinkerToolEvent { public final EntityPlayer player; public final IBlockState state; public int width; public int height; public int depth; public int distance; public ExtraBlockBreak(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, IBlockState state) { super(itemStack); this.player = player; this.state = state; } public static ExtraBlockBreak fireEvent(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, IBlockState state, int width, int height, int depth, int distance) { ExtraBlockBreak event = new ExtraBlockBreak(itemStack, player, state); event.width = width; event.height = height; event.depth = depth; event.distance = distance;; return event; } } public static class OnRepair extends TinkerToolEvent { public final int amount; public OnRepair(ItemStack itemStack, int amount) { super(itemStack); this.amount = amount; } public static boolean fireEvent(ItemStack itemStack, int amount) { OnRepair event = new OnRepair(itemStack, amount); return !; } } public static class OnMattockHoe extends TinkerToolEvent { public final BlockPos pos; public final World world; public final EntityPlayer player; public OnMattockHoe(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos) { super(itemStack); this.player = player; this.pos = pos; = world; } public static void fireEvent(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos) { OnMattockHoe(itemStack, player, world, pos)); } } public static class OnShovelMakePath extends TinkerToolEvent { public final BlockPos pos; public final EntityPlayer player; public final World world; public OnShovelMakePath(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos) { super(itemStack); this.pos = pos; this.player = player; = world; } public static void fireEvent(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos) { OnShovelMakePath(itemStack, player, world, pos)); } } /** * Cancel event to indicate that the block is not harvestable. * Leave the Result on DEFAUT to tell the Scythe to harvest the block, if it's harvestable * Set the Result to ALLOW to tell the Scythe that the block is harvestable, even if the check says it's not * Set the Result to DENY to let the Scythe know you handled the stuff (= harvest was successful, but not handled by the scythe) */ @HasResult @Cancelable public static class OnScytheHarvest extends TinkerToolEvent { public final BlockPos pos; public final EntityPlayer player; public final IBlockState blockState; public final World world; public final boolean harvestable; public OnScytheHarvest(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState blockState, boolean harvestable) { super(itemStack); this.pos = pos; this.player = player; = world; this.blockState = blockState; this.harvestable = harvestable; } public static OnScytheHarvest fireEvent(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState blockState, boolean harvestable) { OnScytheHarvest event = new OnScytheHarvest(itemStack, player, world, pos, blockState, harvestable);; return event; } } public static class OnBowShoot extends TinkerToolEvent { public final EntityPlayer entityPlayer; public final BowCore bowCore; public final ItemStack ammo; public final int useTime; private float baseInaccuracy; public int projectileCount = 1; public boolean consumeAmmoPerProjectile = true; public boolean consumeDurabilityPerProjectile = true; public float bonusInaccuracy = 0; public OnBowShoot(ItemStack bow, ItemStack ammo, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int useTime, float baseInaccuracy) { super(bow); this.bowCore = (BowCore) bow.getItem(); this.ammo = ammo; this.entityPlayer = entityPlayer; this.useTime = useTime; this.baseInaccuracy = baseInaccuracy; } public static OnBowShoot fireEvent(ItemStack bow, ItemStack ammo, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int useTime, float baseInaccuracy) { OnBowShoot event = new OnBowShoot(bow, ammo, entityPlayer, useTime, baseInaccuracy);; return event; } public void setProjectileCount(int projectileCount) { this.projectileCount = projectileCount; } public void setConsumeAmmoPerProjectile(boolean consumeAmmoPerProjectile) { this.consumeAmmoPerProjectile = consumeAmmoPerProjectile; } public void setConsumeDurabilityPerProjectile(boolean consumeDurabilityPerProjectile) { this.consumeDurabilityPerProjectile = consumeDurabilityPerProjectile; } public void setBonusInaccuracy(float bonusInaccuracy) { this.bonusInaccuracy = bonusInaccuracy; } public float getBaseInaccuracy() { return baseInaccuracy; } public void setBaseInaccuracy(float baseInaccuracy) { this.baseInaccuracy = baseInaccuracy; } } }