package; import; import; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.Util; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.ModifierAspect; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.ModifierNBT; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.TinkerGuiException; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.tinkering.Category; import; import; import; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.utils.TagUtil; public class ModHaste extends ToolModifier { private final int max; public ModHaste(int max) { super("haste", 0x910000); this.max = max; addAspects(new ModifierAspect.MultiAspect(this, 5, max, 1)); } @Override public void applyEffect(NBTTagCompound rootCompound, NBTTagCompound modifierTag) { ModifierNBT.IntegerNBT modData = ModifierNBT.readInteger(modifierTag); Set<Category> categories = ImmutableSet.copyOf(TagUtil.getCategories(rootCompound)); boolean harvest = categories.contains(Category.HARVEST); boolean weapon = categories.contains(Category.WEAPON); boolean launcher = categories.contains(Category.LAUNCHER); ToolNBT data = TagUtil.getToolStats(rootCompound); int level = modData.current / max; // only boost mining speed if we have a harvest tool if(harvest) { applyHarvestBoost(modData, data, level); } // attack speed: each total level adds 0.2 to the modifier, though individual redstone piece above the level add 0.004 each // so in short: 0.004 per redstone if(weapon) { data.attackSpeedMultiplier += getSpeedBonus(modData); } TagUtil.setToolTag(rootCompound, data.get()); // bow speed: if(launcher) { ProjectileLauncherNBT launcherData = new ProjectileLauncherNBT(TagUtil.getToolTag(rootCompound)); launcherData.drawSpeed += launcherData.drawSpeed * getDrawspeedBonus(modData); TagUtil.setToolTag(rootCompound, launcherData.get()); } } protected void applyHarvestBoost(ModifierNBT.IntegerNBT modData, ToolNBT data, int level) { float speed = data.speed; final float step1 = 15f; final float step2 = 25f; for(int count = modData.current; count > 0; count--) { if(speed <= step1) { speed += 0.15f - 0.05f * speed / step1; } else if(speed <= step2) { speed += 0.1f - 0.05 * (speed-step1) / (step2-step1); } else { speed += 0.05; } } // each full level gives a flat 0.5 bonus, not influenced by dimishing returns speed += level * 0.5f; // save it to the tool data.speed = speed; } protected float getSpeedBonus(ModifierNBT.IntegerNBT modData) { return 0.2f * modData.current / max; } protected float getDrawspeedBonus(ModifierNBT.IntegerNBT modData) { return 0.1f * modData.current / max; } // don't allow on projectiles @Override protected boolean canApplyCustom(ItemStack stack) throws TinkerGuiException { return !((ToolCore) stack.getItem()).hasCategory(Category.NO_MELEE); } @Override public String getTooltip(NBTTagCompound modifierTag, boolean detailed) { return getLeveledTooltip(modifierTag, detailed); } @Override public List<String> getExtraInfo(ItemStack tool, NBTTagCompound modifierTag) { String loc = String.format(LOC_Extra, getIdentifier()); Set<Category> categories = ImmutableSet.copyOf(TagUtil.getCategories(TagUtil.getTagSafe(tool))); boolean weapon = categories.contains(Category.WEAPON); boolean launcher = categories.contains(Category.LAUNCHER); ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); if(weapon) { float bonus = getSpeedBonus(ModifierNBT.readInteger(modifierTag)); builder.add(Util.translateFormatted(loc, Util.dfPercent.format(bonus))); } if(launcher) { float bonus = getDrawspeedBonus(ModifierNBT.readInteger(modifierTag)); builder.add(Util.translateFormatted(loc, Util.dfPercent.format(bonus))); } return; } }