package slimeknights.tconstruct.library.fluid; import net.minecraft.item.EnumRarity; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.Util; public class FluidMolten extends FluidColored { public static ResourceLocation ICON_MetalStill = Util.getResource("blocks/fluids/molten_metal"); public static ResourceLocation ICON_MetalFlowing = Util.getResource("blocks/fluids/molten_metal_flow"); public FluidMolten(String fluidName, int color) { this(fluidName, color, ICON_MetalStill, ICON_MetalFlowing); } public FluidMolten(String fluidName, int color, ResourceLocation still, ResourceLocation flow) { super(fluidName, color, still, flow); this.setDensity(2000); // thicker than a bowl of oatmeal this.setViscosity(10000); // sloooow moving this.setTemperature(1000); // not exactly lava, but still hot. Should depend on the material this.setLuminosity(10); // glowy by default! // rare by default setRarity(EnumRarity.UNCOMMON); } }