package slimeknights.tconstruct.gadgets.item;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.inventory.EntityEquipmentSlot;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.EnumHelper;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import slimeknights.mantle.item.ItemArmorTooltip;
import slimeknights.mantle.util.LocUtils;
import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.SlimeBounceHandler;
import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.TinkerRegistry;
import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.Util;
import slimeknights.tconstruct.shared.block.BlockSlime.SlimeType;
public class ItemSlimeBoots extends ItemArmorTooltip {
// todo: determine if this needs toughness
public static ArmorMaterial SLIME_MATERIAL = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("SLIME", Util.resource("slime"), 0, new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, SoundEvents.BLOCK_SLIME_PLACE, 0);
public ItemSlimeBoots() {
super(SLIME_MATERIAL, 0, EntityEquipmentSlot.FEET);
this.hasSubtypes = true;
public boolean isValidArmor(ItemStack stack, EntityEquipmentSlot armorType, Entity entity) {
// can be worn as boots
return armorType == EntityEquipmentSlot.FEET;
// equipping with rightclick
public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player) {
ItemStack itemstack = player.getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.FEET);
if(itemstack == null) {
player.setItemStackToSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.FEET, stack.copy());
return stack;
* Return whether the specified armor ItemStack has a color.
public boolean hasColor(ItemStack stack) {
return true;
* Return the color for the specified armor ItemStack.
public int getColor(ItemStack stack) {
SlimeType type = SlimeType.fromMeta(stack.getMetadata());
return type.getBallColor();
* Determines if this armor will be rendered with the secondary 'overlay'
* texture. If this is true, the first texture will be rendered using a tint
* of the color specified by getColor(ItemStack)
* @param stack
* The stack
* @return true/false
public boolean hasOverlay(ItemStack stack) {
// use an overlay so we get a tint
return true;
public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack stack) {
int meta = stack.getMetadata(); // should call getMetadata below
if(meta < SlimeType.values().length) {
return super.getUnlocalizedName(stack) + "." + LocUtils.makeLocString(SlimeType.values()[meta].name());
else {
return super.getUnlocalizedName(stack);
* returns a list of items with the same ID, but different meta (eg: dye
* returns 16 items)
public void getSubItems(Item itemIn, CreativeTabs tab, List<ItemStack> subItems) {
for(SlimeType type : SlimeType.values()) {
subItems.add(new ItemStack(this, 1, type.getMeta()));
public void onFall(LivingFallEvent event) {
EntityLivingBase entity = event.getEntityLiving();
if(entity == null) {
ItemStack feet = entity.getItemStackFromSlot(EntityEquipmentSlot.FEET);
if(feet == null || feet.getItem() != this) {
// thing is wearing slime boots. let's get bouncyyyyy
if(!entity.isSneaking() && event.getDistance() > 2) {
if(entity.getEntityWorld().isRemote) {
entity.motionY *= -0.9;
//entity.motionY = event.distance / 15;
//entity.motionX = entity.posX - entity.lastTickPosX;
//entity.motionZ = entity.posZ - entity.lastTickPosZ;
//event.entityLiving.motionY *= -1.2;
//event.entityLiving.motionY += 0.8;
event.getEntityLiving().isAirBorne = true;
event.getEntityLiving().onGround = false;
double f = 0.91d + 0.04d;
//System.out.println((entityLiving.worldObj.isRemote ? "client: " : "server: ") + entityLiving.motionX);
// only slow down half as much when bouncing
entity.motionX /= f;
entity.motionZ /= f;
else {
event.setCanceled(true); // we don't care about previous cancels, since we just bounceeeee
entity.playSound(SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_SQUISH, 1f, 1f);
SlimeBounceHandler.addBounceHandler(entity, entity.motionY);
else if(!entity.getEntityWorld().isRemote && entity.isSneaking()) {