package; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.modifiers.ModifierNBT; import; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.traits.AbstractTrait; import slimeknights.tconstruct.library.utils.TagUtil; /** * Base class for tools that progressively gain/award stats. * The modifier persists 2 different stat-data on the tool: * - A 'pool' of stats to award * - A 'bonus' of already awarded stats * * The modifier reapplies the 'bonus' stats on application. * The pool is not touched inheritly but only provided for the logic of the deriving trait. */ public abstract class TraitProgressiveStats extends AbstractTrait { protected final String pool_key; // Key to the tag that contains the free unassigned protected final String applied_key; // Key to the tag that contains the already applied bonus stats public TraitProgressiveStats(String identifier, TextFormatting color) { super(identifier, color); pool_key = identifier + "StatPool"; applied_key = identifier + "StatBonus"; } public TraitProgressiveStats(String identifier, int color) { super(identifier, color); pool_key = identifier + "StatPool"; applied_key = identifier + "StatBonus"; } /* Modifier management */ @Override public void applyEffect(NBTTagCompound rootCompound, NBTTagCompound modifierTag) { super.applyEffect(rootCompound, modifierTag); // called on tool loading only // we just apply the saved bonus stats ToolNBT data = TagUtil.getToolStats(rootCompound); StatNBT bonus = getBonus(rootCompound); data.durability += bonus.durability; data.speed += bonus.speed; data.attack += bonus.attack; TagUtil.setToolTag(rootCompound, data.get()); } protected boolean hasPool(NBTTagCompound root) { return TagUtil.getExtraTag(root).hasKey(pool_key); } protected StatNBT getPool(NBTTagCompound root) { return getStats(root, pool_key); } protected void setPool(NBTTagCompound root, StatNBT data) { setStats(root, data, pool_key); } protected StatNBT getBonus(NBTTagCompound root) { return getStats(root, applied_key); } protected void setBonus(NBTTagCompound root, StatNBT data) { setStats(root, data, applied_key); } protected static StatNBT getStats(NBTTagCompound root, String key) { return ModifierNBT.readTag(TagUtil.getTagSafe(TagUtil.getExtraTag(root), key), StatNBT.class); } protected static void setStats(NBTTagCompound root, StatNBT data, String key) { NBTTagCompound extra = TagUtil.getExtraTag(root); NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); data.write(tag); extra.setTag(key, tag); TagUtil.setExtraTag(root, extra); } protected boolean playerIsBreakingBlock(Entity entity) { return false; } public static class StatNBT extends ModifierNBT { // statpool public int durability; public float attack; public float speed; @Override public void read(NBTTagCompound tag) {; durability = tag.getInteger("durability"); attack = tag.getFloat("attack"); speed = tag.getFloat("speed"); } @Override public void write(NBTTagCompound tag) { super.write(tag); tag.setInteger("durability", durability); tag.setFloat("attack", attack); tag.setFloat("speed", speed); } } }